Ages 20-26: Would you rather be single or in a relationship?

20 y/o checking in. I enjoy being in a relationship cuz of the closure I had with one girl. Not being in one is cool and all being able to talk to so many girl but I guess I'm just a relationship type guy
Originally Posted by ricky409

this is the age where you go to the buffet line and try different foods...

once you find out what food you really like, you leave the buffet and find a restaurant that serves that food to the max..

same w/ the breezys.

you try out different cultures, races, and ideologies...

once you find what fits you the most...

you focus on finding that type of woman.


This man knows.
23 and been in a relationship for 2 years give or take. but i would rather (and probably soon will) be single. at this stage in my life i dont want to worry about anyone but myself.
Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

I'm 22. I'd like to find my soul-mate now, so I can marry her at 35+ years of age.

there isn't a chick alive whom'll wait that long for you to make a commitment (simply being in a relationship isn't commitment). They don't want to be 35+ just starting to have kids either. 
You're probably not going to take my word on that but w/e. NTers with their whimsical fantasies. 
Then that chick isn't on the same page as me and I will keep it moving. 
I want to be financially stable and be able to take care of myself first, before taking care of another life-form.

I'm not tryna worry about movin' in wit' a girl, and splitting the bills, rent or mortgage with someone.

Once I am more than financially stable and mature enough, then that is when we can get married and have children.

again, there isnt a woman alive that will wait 13+ years for marriage. Nobody is saying that you shouldn't wait till your financially stable. I applaud you on that because that is a good way to do it. But to find your soul mate and they say "Great! Now just stand by my side for 13+ years and THEN we'll get married and start a family" is absurd and inconsiderate to her and on the flipside, what if she's ready and your not? should she wait around 13+ years for you? In either senairo, you are wasting her time.  

If your gonna wait till around 35 to settle down, then why not start looking WHEN YOU'RE READY????
Originally Posted by ninjahood

I was in a 4 year relationship...when it was good it was great,

But yea...that joint burned down In flames, don't smash ur ex either...unless

U cool wit da non committedness of it all...

My ur late 20s I say find someone, once ur 30 and up its lonely out there...

And da pickings is slim cuz all these %%*+#$ have kids...

Word, late 20s if they ain't got kids, they've settled for something they don't really want, or are crazy as @!@#.
Originally Posted by DreSlay

Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

there isn't a chick alive whom'll wait that long for you to make a commitment (simply being in a relationship isn't commitment). They don't want to be 35+ just starting to have kids either. 
You're probably not going to take my word on that but w/e. NTers with their whimsical fantasies. 
Then that chick isn't on the same page as me and I will keep it moving. 
I want to be financially stable and be able to take care of myself first, before taking care of another life-form.

I'm not tryna worry about movin' in wit' a girl, and splitting the bills, rent or mortgage with someone.

Once I am more than financially stable and mature enough, then that is when we can get married and have children.

again, there isnt a woman alive that will wait 13+ years for marriage. Nobody is saying that you shouldn't wait till your financially stable. I applaud you on that because that is a good way to do it. But to find your soul mate and they say "Great! Now just stand by my side for 13+ years and THEN we'll get married and start a family" is absurd and inconsiderate to her and on the flipside, what if she's ready and your not? should she wait around 13+ years for you? In either senairo, you are wasting her time.  

If your gonna wait till around 35 to settle down, then why not start looking WHEN YOU'RE READY????
Yeah but my whole thing is "Till' death do us part".
I want to know my future wife for 6-7 years before we tie the knot.

I never want to go through a divorce, there is no sense in breaking up.
Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

Originally Posted by DreSlay

Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

Then that chick isn't on the same page as me and I will keep it moving. 
I want to be financially stable and be able to take care of myself first, before taking care of another life-form.

I'm not tryna worry about movin' in wit' a girl, and splitting the bills, rent or mortgage with someone.

Once I am more than financially stable and mature enough, then that is when we can get married and have children.

again, there isnt a woman alive that will wait 13+ years for marriage. Nobody is saying that you shouldn't wait till your financially stable. I applaud you on that because that is a good way to do it. But to find your soul mate and they say "Great! Now just stand by my side for 13+ years and THEN we'll get married and start a family" is absurd and inconsiderate to her and on the flipside, what if she's ready and your not? should she wait around 13+ years for you? In either senairo, you are wasting her time.  

If your gonna wait till around 35 to settle down, then why not start looking WHEN YOU'RE READY????
Yeah but my whole thing is "Till' death do us part".
I want to know my future wife for 6-7 years before we tie the knot.

I never want to go through a divorce, there is no sense in breaking up.

 G'luck bruh. 6-7 years huh? No kids, no engagement, no marriage for 6-7 years huh? And a girl is going to go for that? Not exactly most womens' idea of falling in love and starting their life with the man they love. Nah, they gotta wait 6-7 years to make sure you're secure enough about the relationship. 

It depends. If your boys are single, and wanna just party and bull @@+#, stay single. But I your boys are wifed up, never go out, or when they do their girl is always there, ehhhhh
I have peeps that invite me out all the time, but it isn't the same as to when I party and bull @@+# with my boys.
But to each their own.
Single. u can chill with all the women you want without the fear of getting caught but some ppl just prefer relationships so just try being single my man for a lil then get back in a relationship wheneva u ready
i'm 26 right now and i'm glad i've been single for these last 2 years. I get to do whatever the $%%* I want to do, although I do miss the sense of a companion but $%%* that @%!% I like my freedom and I haven't run across anyone worth my time. I haven't really been looking but I figure I got enough time for this crap later. Too much headaches dealing with the opposite sex sometimes...they front when they first meet you then they show their true colors.

I'm not asking a lot from a woman, just that she does everything I say.
went out with a girl for 5 years, ever since i was 17. Broke up with her couple months ago and Im starting to enjoy life the way it should be. being in a relationship for that long at a prime time like this didnt allow me to express my youth(sounds corny but true). At the begining of the break up it felt like i had forgotten how to be single, but once you get a hold of yourself and start talking to different people, it feels like nothings holding you back.
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

Originally Posted by DreSlay

again, there isnt a woman alive that will wait 13+ years for marriage. Nobody is saying that you shouldn't wait till your financially stable. I applaud you on that because that is a good way to do it. But to find your soul mate and they say "Great! Now just stand by my side for 13+ years and THEN we'll get married and start a family" is absurd and inconsiderate to her and on the flipside, what if she's ready and your not? should she wait around 13+ years for you? In either senairo, you are wasting her time.  

If your gonna wait till around 35 to settle down, then why not start looking WHEN YOU'RE READY????
Yeah but my whole thing is "Till' death do us part".
I want to know my future wife for 6-7 years before we tie the knot.

I never want to go through a divorce, there is no sense in breaking up.

 G'luck bruh. 6-7 years huh? No kids, no engagement, no marriage for 6-7 years huh? And a girl is going to go for that? Not exactly most womens' idea of falling in love and starting their life with the man they love. Nah, they gotta wait 6-7 years to make sure you're secure enough about the relationship. 

Son, for real, I love how you dont want to go through a divorce. Its pointless. And you really want to get to know someone before you marry them is a necessary thing. You're a smart guy. 
So Dipset. You're an adult. It shouldnt take an adult who knows what they want, no more than 2 years of dating to get to know somebody that they are interested in. If you are gonna take 6-7 years to get to know someone, it should have started in middle school. 
Seriously, think of it this way: 

"Once you've been through all the seasons once with somebody, you should know them by now." 

The extra year would just be to see if it was a fluke or if its worth ironing out any wrinkles; either, to which, prep you for marriage. 

Going off your method, hypothetically speaking, what if takes you 3 tries to Find your soul mate. Would wanna wait 18-21YEARS, putting you in your 40s, to find her??? (3tries using the method i suggested would be 3-6) Meanwhile all your friends already have found theirs, established their marriage, and kids are about to graduate high school while your working on child number 1.

I say just wait until your set up (like you want), go for miss Right and take the 1-2 years to see if she is right for you 
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