Ah helll...just heard that the Rihanna tape hit...

Originally Posted by Run DLC

june 22nd:
Originally Posted by Im Not You

A source tells us that the "Umbrella" warbler attended the game at the behest of Magic forward Rashard Lewis, whom she's currently crushing on. Says a pal of the singer, "Rihanna is trying to get to know Rashard. She's digging on him, and she hopes the feeling is mutual." Although reports claim that Rihanna was at the game to see her rumored lover − Lakers center Andrew Bynum − our insider denies that's the case. "Ri and Andrew are just friends, and they have been for a while. It's Rashard who she wants. She thinks he's hotter than hot." New York Daily News
This broad gets around

On MTO they got a pic of her giving her # to Leonardo Dicaprio (spelling)
[clipse]I had her, then he had her, then she had her, and we all had her...[/clipse]

everybody getting a bit of that and drake seem like the only one trying to cuff
blushing and stuff in that interview in england
...ol simp
doesn't seem to be her...but I'll watch the video when it comes out just to make sure...

tig ol bitties swangin in the footage I saw...I don't know if Ri Ri packing like that...

*thinking it's Lavish*
Don't think it's her. This artist sounds just like her though. Not a bad song none the less
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