Air Jordan 11 Retro "Concord" - December 8, 2018 release - $220 #45

I'll take you one step further, I won't even wear these outdoors. I only take them to Vegas to wear them on the carpet, and I never leave the casino. If I do, I have to go back to the room to change into a different pair of J's haha
Like I said recently ... I bought four pairs and STILL can't bring myself to wear the first pair outside of the house :rofl:
But I do pretty much wear them almost every day lately. My go-to house shoes LOL
These just came in for retail , love me some lows
A question I get a lot from people that see what I have is, "Why dont you wear them all?". The best way I can answer is, I wanted these soooo bad as a kid, I finally have them, so just having them now is more than enough. Wearing them was not what fills the void, having them does.
The Concords and Space Jams are both very hard to want to wear consistently, because they just look like a work of art when the sole is icy!! And with any white shoes, the laces get dirty easy.

I’m planning on getting another pair eventually so I can wear my first pair. :rofl:

I'm probably in the minority, but I think it's time we demand the higher patent cut, on 11 lows.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
You aren't in the minority. I wanted Concord lows for almost 20 years before they finally released. Black/red lows, too. We saw Mike with them enough times, I was beside myself we couldn't have them, and what I am in the minority in is the fact I love lows in general. Probably part of why the alleged black/red OG IE retro has me so jacked.

Back in 2014/15 when these things dropped, I entered a couple raffles for them but of course got the Ls. Ended up buying both on eBay for probably like $260-ish each, which was mentally even worse than paying resale now, at least to me. Now it's almost a given; five/six years ago, yes and no.

Anyway, as soon as I got them, I was "meh" about them. That shape, that "comfort," that patent cut ... these things were absolute GARBAGE. They didn't even look good, in hand or on foot. I wore the Concords a few times around the house. Same with black/reds, which I also wore two or three times outside. I finally sold both about a year/year-and-a-half ago after getting the recent, solid retros of the mids. What really sent me over the edge was putting them next to my navy snake 11 lows. Even though the navys were/are also a long sight from the original release in terms of shape, cut and even the snake material, they **** all over the Concord and black/red lows in terms of shape and look. And fit and comfort. I got rid of both and have never missed them. But a PROPER retro of them, I'd be all in on.
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Women do care about your shoes... not what model they are or how true they are to the OG, etc, etc... only that they are clean, for the most part, and not the bottom of the shoes because they know we can't float.
Some of the comments in here are absurd...

“I have 3 pairs and I’m afraid to wear one of them” :rofl:
Thats why I ended up getting 3 pairs of these. Actually 4 as I saw them on the shelf at footlocker times Square a month after release in a restock. First pair is long gone, wore them almost daily and before they became true beater status, cleaned them up and threw them on the bay to pocket around 130. Pair 2 will be coming out of the box in the spring. That being said, I can't find a shoe that looks better DS than the concords. While I think if you have multiple pairs its foolish not to wear 1 since they are so amazing on feet and they are sneakers, I can rationalize the hesitation.
That's unfortunate, I get compliments all the time.
Interesting. Then again for the past 10+ years before covid I wasn’t wearing any Js or anything. Before that when I wore Js at work I didn’t work around any women directly. Random strangers in public not once a woman has complimented me on em. Dudes plenty though.
It's funny because I was just talking to q girl about this last night... she said the first 2 things she used to look at were the shoes and teeth because it usually tells how they take care of themselves, and how it's harder to do the second part now with masks. She was actually wearing shadow 1s the day I met her, which is what had me talking to her in the first place. She also has game Royals and bred toes.

I'm probably in the minority, but I think it's time we demand the higher patent cut, on 11 lows.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Absolutely you're not, count me in that camp too! The 2001 lows had a patent cut pretty similar to the mids of that era and looked great. Since the lows have started being retried again almost 8 years ago with the white and red pair if memory serves me correctly, the cut has been all over the place. None have been comparable to the 2001 lows. In addition, the cut has varied from pair to pair like it did on the mids from the 08 cup pair to the 72-10s. I had gotten certain pairs that were solid and others that struggled to be see by the dip on the front outside of the midsole. I thought both snakes last year were probably the best lows since 2001, but still not anywhere near that level. The white black and red pair from this year had an atrocious cut, one of the all time worst imo, though topping or should I say out bottoming the black and red low is tough to do. Some others that were solid were the Carolinas and the cool greys.
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