Air Jordan 11 Retro "Concord" - December 8, 2018 release - $220 #45

Y’all must not kids, or something. $40-60$ on a shoe isn’t a waste when you’re buying them probably twice a year. Also, I get them big enough for them to grow in to. I find it funny when the people without kids always chiming in what’s a waste and not.

I think the trap is people w/ that first kid. They buy them all the new sneakers, and buy so many that the child never got full wear out of them because their foot grew too fast. I worked at the Nike Employee Store, so that half-off, no sales tax discount was in full effect. It was until I realized when I opened an old box and found sneakers from her C-sized days. They were brand spanking new. Hadn't even worn some more than a few times. The next child didn't get that same treatment lol.

$40-$60 twice a year is PERFECT. New parents waste too much money for their kids to "look good" lol. I understand the want for it, but there really isn't a need. Save that money for yourselves, even if it is $25 for some deeply-discounted numbered series Jordan's at the outlet.
So why does FTA or FL post up sizes and you cant add them to the cart? This has been going on for a week now. Anyone else have the same problem?
Yall need to chill. If a parent wants to get their kids a cool pair of kicks then thats pretty awesome. Dont be telling other parents how to spend their money. Aint no reason for us to be spending 220+ tax on each pair of jays for our own selves but buyin somethin special for your own child is a waste? I for one think it’s pretty dang cool when parents do this.
Yall need to chill. If a parent wants to get their kids a cool pair of kicks then thats pretty awesome. Dont be telling other parents how to spend their money. Aint no reason for us to be spending 220+ tax on each pair of jays for ourselves but buyin somethin special for your own child is a waste? Yall are ridiculous. I for one think it’s pretty dang cool when parents do this.

this lol.
Y’all must not kids, or something. $40-60$ on a shoe isn’t a waste when you’re buying them probably twice a year. Also, I get them big enough for them to grow in to. I find it funny when the people without kids always chiming in what’s a waste and not.

Especially when those are the same people spending hundreds per year of their own money on their own shoes they don't actually "need," either :rofl:
Yeah, I always love the NT financial advisors. We have people on here who apparently have such low credit limits and bank balances that they get bent when a purchase doesn't go through and the store/credit card in question "has my funds tied up for seven days," that sort of thing, etc. Let's get real. The hypocrisy of the average NT'er telling another one that they are wasting their money on anything to do with shoes is ... off the effing chart. It's like the guys who buy four pairs of concords and find it perfectly reasonable but tell the guy who bought six that HE'S out of control LOL

EDIT: And for the record, I have four (well I will when I get around to buying one more pair soon) pairs of concords. But I don't tell the guy with 10 that he's an idiot.
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Especially when those are the same people spending hundreds per year of their own money on their own shoes they don't actually "need," either :rofl:
Yeah, I always love the NT financial advisors. We have people on here who apparently have such low credit limits and bank balances that they get bent when a purchase doesn't go through and the store/credit card in question "has my funds tied up for seven days," that sort of thing, etc. Let's get real. The hypocrisy of the average NT'er telling another one that they are wasting their money on anything to do with shoes is ... off the effing chart. It's like the guys who buy four pairs of concords and find it perfectly reasonable but tell the guy who bought six that HE'S out of control LOL

EDIT: And for the record, I have four pairs of concords. But I don't tell the guy with 10 that he's an idiot.
Hilarious and truthful lol


^My reaction every time to “funds tied up”
Truer words have never been spoken! I don't understand why people spend so much on these shoe cleaners like rejuvenator or jason mark. I've been using dish
soap, warm water, toothbrush, and towel for the past 30 years to clean my sneakers.

simple green, toothbrush, towels, done!
I do agree with that concept-if you can afford it, then by all means buy your kids all the sneakers you want- i would too. I'm just speaking in practical terms and assuming most people (myself included) don't have the funds to get a family size run of Js on every hot release.

On a semi-similar note (relative to my sneaker habit)- my friends (some of whom aren't into sneakers and will stretch out one ratty pair over 5+ years) will get on me for 'spending $200 on sneakers- you're crazy!'---yet they are the same ones out at bars several times a week spending a pair of kicks (at least) on drinking tabs. Again, to each his own if that's what they prefer to spend their money on. But in my opinion, a pair of sneakers is at least tangible and i'll have it for years- versus spending that much away on expensive dinners out and booze (not that i don't treat myself in those areas as well from time to time).
that's admirable b.....but why you shake your head when "people have little infant Js on their kids or toddlers"? you know them.
If Santa has the 11s on that woulda been super funny lol

i was thinking the same thing, hehe.

Especially when those are the same people spending hundreds per year of their own money on their own shoes they don't actually "need," either :rofl:
Yeah, I always love the NT financial advisors. We have people on here who apparently have such low credit limits and bank balances that they get bent when a purchase doesn't go through and the store/credit card in question "has my funds tied up for seven days," that sort of thing, etc. Let's get real. The hypocrisy of the average NT'er telling another one that they are wasting their money on anything to do with shoes is ... off the effing chart. It's like the guys who buy four pairs of concords and find it perfectly reasonable but tell the guy who bought six that HE'S out of control LOL

EDIT: And for the record, I have four pairs of concords. But I don't tell the guy with 10 that he's an idiot.

no one should ever be called an idiot for copping concords, ever! hehe.
each his own....waste of your money, sure. not a waste of mine.

seeing him happy opening his jays, getting complimented by strangers, looking fresh in his kid pics that he'll have the rest of his life.....worth it to me.

Yeah man, don’t get me wrong that’s definitely cool too. I get it and even have done it with my kids. If it’s worth it to you that’s all that matters. I never judge what other people do with their money, was just giving my opinion.
Oh and I did get a pair for my daughter for Christmas but she’s almost 18 I’m pretty sure her feet have stopped growing :lol:
Been holding off from wearing mine thinking that when i go out to the movies or mall that all the youngins wolud have them on but i haven't seen many being worn yet...then it hit me that most of them will receive these as Christmas gifts so i better get one good wear in before the much or less have you guys seen these being worn since RD??
Been holding off from wearing mine thinking that when i go out to the movies or mall that all the youngins wolud have them on but i haven't seen many being worn yet...then it hit me that most of them will receive these as Christmas gifts so i better get one good wear in before the much or less have you guys seen these being worn since RD??

I haven't seen one person wearing them yet, but I've been busy at work and not hanging out at malls etc. But regardless, a good thing about being a grown up, for me, is that even if I see 10 other people wearing the same shoes as me in a single day (never happened), I couldn't care less. I don't rock or like shoes because I want to be the only one in sight with them on.

That said, it's interesting ... for the supposed million or so pairs of Space Jams two years ago, here in L.A. I think I might have seen them on someone's feet maybe five or six times since they dropped. And three of those were probably within the first month after they released. Haven't see a single pair on anyone in forever. I wonder where they all went. Probably into people's closets who are also all worried about seeing too many other people with them on LOL
that's admirable b.....but why you shake your head when "people have little infant Js on their kids or toddlers"? you know them.

I just meant it seems unpractical because an infant doesn't even realize what they are wearing (to appreciate the shoes) and they just grow out of them quickly. It just doesn't seem like a wise use of money since children are expensive to begin with and I'd assume (for anyone) the money could be better spent elsewhere. I think its cool to treat them to some nice Js once they are a bit older and the sneakers go a longer way. But you're right, i don't know them and, for all i know, they could be passing the infant J's onto other family members, or friends, or sell them. Not judging, just a practical money manager/spender (or at least try to be haha)
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