Air Jordan 11 Space Jam-December 10, 2016-$220

To give a sliver of hope to the people striking out on them raffles: I just called one of my local Champs and FTLs to ask how they were gonna handle unclaimed pairs. Both said they are still making calls to raffle winners. When I got tickets at both spots they said they were gonna start making calls Wednesday night. Must be making a ton of calls if they couldn't get through them in 44 hours...
I mean in their defense, they're not there 24 hours a day
This release is not patterned after the shoe he wore in the movie. It's patterned after the PE he wore in the playoffs. The shoe that released in 2000 is what he wore in the movie.

This release is all about marketing.
Explain this one then? All my points still stand. Not the same. 
Song is trash
Worst part is that I've had that song in my head for a few days...
@javylsu  get a better song stuck in your head

well yeah maybe for just Queens, but in general you want the largest volume of the entire city or range you can pick up from. Staten Island Mall has the largest volume of any stores in Staten Island, but I put all pick up locations in Manhattan.. the biggest stock ones too

Biggest stocks in Manhattan are all FCFS though. So, I don't understand your strategy. Please specify.
:smh: even a Super GR that surpasses 72-10, and TB3's numbers still isn't enough. Man o man.

I'm going to wait it out and see what happens after 6pm.
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The one thing that irks me about these app countdown reservations is waiting around for 6pm EST to hit.  I feel like I'm waiting for an eBay auction to end.
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