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Originally Posted by ballerchild

Registered with NTLA 55seconds after the post and finally got my confirmation dm. Took an hour and 23 mins. I was @$@*!%@% bricks the whole time!

Wow, so I guess there's still some hope then. 
gonna try Santa Monica as well, 2 pairs 
I was at 47 seconds for Santa Monica. Let's see...
Doesn't seem like NTLA worked out for's been like an hour and a half...

Originally Posted by dchilla8

obviously there is no real order cuz i msged them within 5-10 seconds. ppl who DM'd 2 minutes after already got confirmations. total bs. i'm mad now.

same thing happen to me...this is b.s

Nikestore obviously just randomly pick and choose who gets the pair....this is going to be horrible for the other releases smh
Originally Posted by JBug88

I was at 47 seconds for Santa Monica. Let's see...
Doesn't seem like NTLA worked out for's been like an hour and a half...


Same here, sent out about 30-40 seconds for SM as well.  *crosses fingers*
Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

Originally Posted by ballerchild

Registered with NTLA 55seconds after the post and finally got my confirmation dm. Took an hour and 23 mins. I was @$@*!%@% bricks the whole time!

Wow, so I guess there's still some hope then. 
Just got my confirmation from NTLA...1 hr 40 min after DM
NT Santa Monica is live! Just tried for my 2nd pair! If I get this one, then I'm done with this shoe and can sit back till Saturday morning and go pick them up.
You dudes at other Niketowns are lucky Niketown NY put that !%$# up at 8am, like come on im at school
. Just woke up from a nap and this thread blew up up 14 pages
How long did it take for you to get your confirmation DM? Im from SF.

I submitted my tag, size, and digits 3 minutes after they released the tweet...Realized I did it in a different order (Not sure if that matters) and redid it correctly 45 seconds later...

You guys think I got a pair?
Well I DIDNT get my RSVP from @NIKEDALLAS. Obviously you have to put the size, last four of what ID your using, and #playoff12 in the same DM. I F***ED up and did them right after each other (size and id in one and #playoff12 in another) That was the problem! IM PISSED!
Originally Posted by ILLustRAYt

Originally Posted by SoCalKid

So everyone that got a confirmation did the order matter? Is that why some people haven't gotten a confirmation?

Nope. NTSF wanted "Size, ID, #tag"

I DMed them #tag, ID, Size (as the Official Nike Store Launch procedure stated), and I got my confirmation though ~90 mins later.

Maybe if you follow the specific directions by the Nike Store you'll be DMing, you'll receive confirmation sooner?
How long did you do it after they released their tweet?
Originally Posted by Luong1209

How long did it take for you to get your confirmation DM? Im from SF.

I submitted my tag, size, and digits 3 minutes after they released the tweet...Realized I did it in a different order (Not sure if that matters) and redid it correctly 45 seconds later...

You guys think I got a pair?

~90 minutes for me. I DMed "#tag, ID, size"
I think I was late for SM, but this will be a good gauge for how long you can take. It already said 1m when i dm'd.
sent the dm 2m after the tweet, ntsf just tweeted the confirmations have all been sent out and i didn't get one =/ wonder how strict they were on the dm content, i wrote sz 11 instead of just 11
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