Air Jordan 13 Retro Ray Allen PE (boston home)

Yea so u guys want to get rid of camping and do what? Have 300 ppl running to a door? That's more ******ed
i debated calling in some favors on these, but karma already hooked me up with the Banneds so i'm good. i miss the days when it was about building your collection, not trying to make a quick buck.

if you copped with the intent to immediately resell, you're trash.
Whenever there are releases like this, the only thing posts like this brings out are salty people and those who gloat
. I wanted these as much as the next person, but looking at how limited these were, I said forget it right off the bat. It's crazy to hear the lengths people have gone through for a pair of shoes. Flying to another city? Really? IMO it's not that serious b. I wanted these when he had them on in that game, so much so, I am in the process of dying my white/carolina 13's ( a project which I started about a week after I saw him with them on).  I just think it's ridiculous that people go that far or get that upset because they want a shoe. Maybe I'm getting older, but things like this just seem nonsensical to me. I still like shoes as much as the next person, but I refuse to lose my mind over a damn pair of shoes. Part of me wonders what satisfaction JB gets out of this, besides the money. Do they laugh at those scrambling for the shoes? I don't know, but I doubt they even care. Whatever. That's my rant or whatever you want to call it...
Originally Posted by beh235

I just think it's ridiculous that people go that far or get that upset because they want a shoe. Maybe I'm getting older, but things like this just seem nonsensical to me. I still like shoes as much as the next person, but I refuse to lose my mind over a damn pair of shoes.
This goes to show that society is becoming way too materialistic these days. I definitely don't wanna be camping out/lining up at the crack of dawn just to get a CHANCE at buying a pair of sneakers.
Zaggin goin IN on these
.... I honestly thought before the release based on website prices at $400-500 I would have no problem trading my DS size 11 YOTR 7s for these
.... now I'm faced with that trade AND several hundred dollars in addition
.... thats an absolution that will never come....

there WILL be more pairs, two-thousand five-hundred and change aint went nowhere not even as I type.... and as my illustrious colleague WR3 and the rest of the OG NTOC know, there WILL also be b-grades.... NTOC has proved time and time again everything gets B's just gotta be Johnny-On-The-Spot or be heavily assimilated into the Matrix to score.. hell I tracced the Grand Purple Metallic 1s to a Factory Store in Ohio for $79.99 and you read correctly the INTERNATIONAL-only release right here in the good old U S of A and disco'd at a Nike Factory Store for that matter..

Everybody that put in the work, whether they re-sell or not, gets a nod from me.... it 8nt easy bein greasy baby some are slicc others just slip, feel it??

I wont beat the dead-horse about hype and what have you, its all in my sig.... what I will lament is it would behoove the majority to make a decision and sticc to your guns.... we all coulda paid $400-500 and been sittin pretty STILL with the chance to double-up had we all pre-ordered this week....

My Grandfather (R.I.P) use to say, "Son, you gotta plan your work, then work your plan." Nothing like good-ol fashioned Irish work ethic....
Originally Posted by AIRRON

Originally Posted by casper90403

^^yes you AIRRON, the guy who said the Quai V's were fire, but then found out people like me paid $275 and said they were ugly as hell, and now you're back in love and trying how to cop those. Make up your mind guy. Thats being a hater.

Carry on.

I said they were fire and i wanted them for 150... for 275 never in my life... your just mad you paid 275. It funny every thread i see you in you just there starting stuff with other people... To bad you dont have anything else to do
you're so full of it. Exact words by you: "These are ugly because its over retail."  Why do the looks of a shoe change when someone pays over retail? Are these 13's ugly at $400? Dudes would be lining up right now for a chance.

Maybe you would be mad at paying $275? Thats slightly over a half days work for me. I already said i'm the guy who pays retail for easy releases but more on tough releases. I'd rather pay an extra $75-$100 for some shoes than stand in line for over 3 hours. 3 is my limit. I just can't do it. I'll leave that up to you. 

I was thrown through a glass wall at the House of Hoops mall Chicago when the Black/Red XX3 Premiers came out. It was insane. There was no order and tons of people literally stormed the store as soon as security let people enter mall grounds. I lucked out and scored one of the few pairs they had; but believe me, it was pure luck that I got a pair.
Casper - I like the Jesus Shuttlesworth shirt "the freshnes" made for these better.

Cashm0ney - Yea, that really went down. If I remember correctly, that happened in the ATL, but I might be wrong tho.
^just saw the shirt. the one with Coney Islands Finest with 20 in the center? I think the Ray caricature is corny as hell. I remember wearing those back in junior high (esiason, marino, barkley, dickerson, magic).
All this is just SICK. SICK. SICK.

and with the FNL drop.... its funny. Seems like MORE of you NTers were able to cop a pair then a regular hyped GR.

or at least you guys think you have a pair. Im sure a whole lot of cancelled orders are going to go down.

and the post topic on SNEAKERFILES is the TRUTH. Nice read.
Shoutout to the real dudes in boston, the rest of the dudes out there are SLIMEBALLS from DM to store managers to customers...

I got my Size 11, but my boy got stuck getting a 8.5 when he needs a 10.5, 11. smh
Originally Posted by DiPlOmAt TDOt

^ What happened? glad you got your pair.
I camped at Champs in Downtown Crossings from Tuesday night until FRIDAY MORN, before the store opens on friday the store manager comes out and says hes being forced to transfer the shoes to Champs in Burlington Mall bcuz Champs didnt want to pay for a police detail for the Midnight release which sounded like BS to me but what was I gonna do about it...
From there I went to Eblens in Dorchester, got there about 1pm, sat in the 97 degree weather till 5pm when they gave out wristbands.
After I got my wristband from Eblens, I went to the Burlington Mall Champs to see if there was a way I would be able to get a 2nd pair there, the store manager Christopher tells me that he has 35 pairs and that I should be fine in the morning so I make the line with the other ppl out there and am #26, dude comes out in the morning and only sells 24 pairs...
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