Air Jordan 14 "Ferrari"

Ok so my thinking is yea the only reason Chicago received the shoes early is because of the festival, and as far as changing stuff for the second release hmmmmmmm no i don't think so because if that was the case we probably would have see leaked pictures of the september release, now as far as them being limited you have to think, would nike release a good quality suede to the "whole"public, naaaaaaaaaah this will probably be a TLO and nike town release and only HoH(maybe).
Im hearin complaints that the quality & suede were pure disapointments..shrugs* idk
I dont wanna be disrespectful but everyone just stop with the burgundy bs. Thy all the same color. If that was the case they wouldnt even GR them at all theyd only release in chi.
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Yeah i just seen a pic on instagram of these and you can see all the blemishes and ashy looking spots in the suede
They not gna change the colr lol that makes abs no sense. Ya nike just spends more money to make a new color JUST to make the first releases a special thing. Lol no
yea people dont get that they wouldve had to put them in prduction a while ago and tbh nike probably has all there shipments in right now and they are just waiting and sorting them out to send to the stores for the 2nd release.
Lol. I know the number man. **** busy. I won a raffle there and they called us this morning saying they still had not got their shipment. Said they would be in by this afternoon or Monday. Just trying to make sure the shipment didn't go out the back door.
That's when you go in asking questions while recording the conversation
Heard the pairs released today were produced in a 50 day span, right now this is looking mighty "Infrared 23 6" ish 
Windycitysole on instagram said he was able to grab 100+ pairs today, and i see other peopel posting multiple pairs im talking 10 and more.....chicago definitely was flooded with these
It would be crazy for nike to make so many pairs of these available in Chicago just to make them limited on the 6th.
I think there will be more than enough pairs available for the wide release not to mention the lack of interest in 14s seems to be at an all time high.
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