Air Jordan 2009 S23 Official Pics

I saw these today. Black box black shoe nothing spectacular. Comes with the wooden shoe tree. It is suppose to be an HOH release from what I was told. Somemore vague news is that it will be limited. Not 23 but less than 100 pair. There are already people camping at my local hoh
Originally Posted by MikeyFresh21

BREAKING NEWS: New Colorways!

Black and Greys

White - Dark Green

I'll keep you posted with more info!

Look @ the pleather on them. I think this is why the CDP XI's pleather was low. (JB was using the little extra on these monsters.)
the shoe itself isn't that bad IMO, but to make a limited one all black? doesn't seem like a lot of thought went into this release
theres nothin about this shoe that says 'i gotta have it' unless i can get em on sale 4 like 75% off then ill ball only in em
"Hey, lets test the market and release a $230 sig with no fanfare within the same week everyone is looking to buy a purple high profile classic for $200!There's no way we can lose!"
the only reason i would buy these is so that i can get the cedar foot form that comes with it...but these shoes are an easy pass for me
Originally Posted by XpLoZiV8

the only reason i would buy these is so that i can get the cedar foot form that comes with it...but these shoes are an easy pass for me

If that is all you want go to The Elite shoe tree is just like the ones included with the premiers. They can be personalized too. I'mthinking about getting them for all my XX3's and having XX3 put on the trees.

Everyone always hates at first like (easy pass, they're garbage, on racks) but, when has any recent premier went on sale?
wait till when better pics of the shoe are taken or when one of you guys holds them in your hand...then ya'll will be lining up to scoop them joints!
Actual quote from a fellow NTer about the AJ09 S23.....

"kinda ugly but i might cop only this 2009 because its rare and everyone wont have them .... iuno what everyone think?

also anyone know what time they release on flight club?"

This is why things will never change with the Brand. If you like the shoe then by all means get your pair, but getting something that you think is ugly justbecause it's limited is foolish and gives JB power to d!ck us around like they do.
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