Air Jordan 25th Anniversary White Collection - PIC

I wonder what is going to be the price for all thse retros same rerail all 23? Maybe not? Maybe they come in a pack? Maybe not? All ikno this is not good, butdefinitely everyone wants the 11's but that would be the best leather and most dirt magnet but time will tell
after thinking about this, this idea has DISASTER written all over this,imagine how hard its going to keep these clean and god help if those soles startyellowing, a all white shoe with piss yellow soles. gonna have to pass on this
Originally Posted by RamZs8906

I'm trying to imagine all white 23s... THis is gonna be interesting...

thats what i was going to say. it will look horrible, if all white. it would need some silver in it somewhere to make it look a little more decent.
Agreed this is a terrible idea

Still the hood will eat these all white sh!£ up.

AF1 may be officially all over now though
Originally Posted by swingshot

Let me guess, the 'high quality' ones will be super limited, making people settle for the lesser quality ones.
and for more...want good quality got to pay for it

show JB how much you're willing to pay for "good" quality
Originally Posted by swingshot

Let me guess, the 'high quality' ones will be super limited, making people settle for the lesser quality ones.
business as usual. pass on this idea. never cared for any of the all white 3s or 4s, so i'm not too excited about this.
Of all of those Jordans, I would only like to have the 11's, the best Jordans of the Air Jordan line.
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