In 2 years everyone is gonna be salty who passed. This is a great shoe with great materials.
she's not passing
Got this Coach backpack for a great deal @ the Outlet... I have no use for a backpack really (let alone 2), but it just matches too perfectly... I guess I can use it for a carry on when I travel, if I am wearing these.

:lol:Damn.... I got a little excited.... I have my pair already and been watching this thread for another super deal like the villa sale for 112....still waiting for the lowlow double ip price
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I have no idea
Code went live yesterday I think
Those weird sheikh codes don't last for long I think
I think they are more like flash codes imo
You missed out
Shiekh had them for like $120 I think
Current shiekh sale is $128 with code j4rm14
Not sure if it's the cheapest online

Word g.. Just had to scoop up a second pair. I used the befrugal link from the bred13 thread and hopefully goes from $138 shipped with tax, down to 114 or so shipped. With that 10% rebate and $10 new customer cash back... I can live with that.
It ain't no villa deal but...
124-$10=114.00 = new beaters
$114 is a steal I say!
Could of doubled up for around $112 when villa had that sale
But I've been trying not to double up on pairs when they hit deep disco
I was actually proud of myself for not pulling the trigger :lol:
:nthat:Sheikh pair came in... Some usual glue spots and some slight precreasing...but all good. They will be on feet !

One of the few pickups from this year that I broke out fairly quickly from release date.
These really are awesome and people just missing out because of the volume of other new releases.
$114 is a steal I say!
Could of doubled up for around $112 when villa had that sale
But I've been trying not to double up on pairs when they hit deep disco
I was actually proud of myself for not pulling the trigger :lol:

Steal , yep
Live and learn..... I was eager to get my 2nd (pure money) & 3rd (away motorsports) pair of 4s
So overpaid $25 each

Now I decided to wait for HOF 13s to go below $100
As well waiting for Bred 13 to drop to $115

I told a college freshman who wants Kyrie 2 or Kyrie 3
Wait patiently......... Kyrie must go lower than $80 to sell, $100 ain't going nowhere.....
KD 9/9E/10 will sell once it hit $70
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