Air Jordan Fusion 14 (XIV) Previews? (Pics Inside)

THESE FUSIONS LOOK LIKE ****KING FAKE #@+ %*%*, THIS IS %!*$*$% !$$%@*%@, HOW %!*$*$% DARE THESE *%+!%@* GIVE US THIS %*%*, I DONT %!*$*$% KNOW IF THIS %!*$*$%%*%* IS REAL, BUT JORDAN %!*$*$% BRAND BETTER STOP %!*$*$% MAKING THIS %!*$*$% %*%*
like I said before.....All fusions are going straight to hell before they even hit stores!!! SCRAP THE IDEA......UR KILLING UR CREDIBILITY!!!
look more like the fusion XII's if anything, dont even look like the XIV if they dont have those teeth or whatever you wanna call them
Whoever designed these needs to be shot to death..... and who ever has the idea to keep doing these @*(# fusions should be next. JB give it a rest and go backto what u do best........ RETROS
(not in a good way)
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