Air Jordan XI Retro - White/Concord/Black - CONFIRMED - Holiday 2011

Originally Posted by thenewjs23

Originally Posted by eddo1005

Originally Posted by thenewjs23

Hey good stuff. My complaint is that I don't know if you are excusing their lack of customer service because that's the way its done in China. I am an US consumer in the US. I don't care how business is done in China. I expect a certain level of customer service. Once you cross that big pond and begin to service the Americans. You should be prepared to provide them with the level of service that is demanded. They told the truth because they had our money and not provided what was promised. If they provided the promised items they could could be as vague astheypleases.

I am not excusing them in any way, however, I am saying this is all too common in Asia.  I believe a lot of these sellers want to be as responsive as everyone wants.  But think about this for a second.  You are buying from a relatively small seller compared to FTL or FNL.  This small seller prolly keeps a relatively small staff.  They received a few hundred orders, and have to fullfill them. 

My question to you is, would you rather have them spend more time on inspecting the shoes they ship out, or more time on customer service?  To me, the American side within me will say, both are equally important.  But the other side of me, sometimes you just cant have it all when you are buying from these early sellers.  Thats why I always try to stay patient despite the lack of communcation, because I would rather have my shoes to 100% good then having a guy respond to my emails all day.

Its not acceptable by US standards, but if the shoes come 100% legit, i can look past these things.  I dont even mind the shoe laces being untied, as long as the shoes are what they ought to be.......100%.

You get my point?

And if slow communcation is a make/break deal for you, then these early sites are not for you.
I would rather SDS stick to their word. I bought from SDS becase stated the kicks would ship between the 8th and 15th. Inspections, delays and what ever that needed to be done should have been done to satisfy what was stated on Any deviations from the initial plan needs to be communicated to the customer. Its not the money I am worried about. Its the, "oh" they are "early sellers" or "thats the way it done in china" that supposedly excuses them to act the way they are.

The whole they are small operation is not an excuse awell. Dont sell what you cant handle and you wont have these problems. Selling 500 pairs and only got the manpower to handle 10.

If SDS came out and said "We are selling Concords and you will get them when you get them". I would have passed. Nope he laid out when he would deliver and thats why I copped.

I now understand that they are not companies of their word and wont be patronizing them any longer.

Like I said, people have the right to be angry at certain things.  But, if you received your shoes during that time frame you might have ran into what AR has shipped.

Delays after delays are bad, really doubt.   But its nice that paypal gives u that 45 days cushion, you have to admit.
Originally Posted by Sneak King

Originally Posted by thenewjs23

Originally Posted by eddo1005

Alright, I am gonna catch a lot of fleck for this post, but I still decided to share some info.

Those of you who have been reading this thread religiously like I have, should remember an exchange between Ming(MSole's owner) and nooblee about nike sending ppl straight to the factories to see what is going on the XI line, and thus effectively making the factory almost non-functioning for a few days, or locked down as those two so eloquently put it.  Welp, turns out this was true.

Most of us should know by now, shoes not yet in production are almost impossible to leak out, but once they hit production, with the quantity being made each day, shoes leak out.  However, these shoes dont leak out to just anyone.  Only those with close ties to the higher-ups, actually get access to these shoes.  Some would like to think just any factory worker can get shoes out, and yea maybe they can, but definitely not in mass quantity.  You have to know someone who is at least a manager to get these concords in large numbers.

Lastly, I just want to say, a lot of ppl here are from the US, and because of the way we're all brought up, we have come to expect things in retail to be done a certain way or held to a certain standard.  All good points, and I understand that mentality completely, being that I lived in the US a long time too.  However, coming back to Asia, its a learning experience.  Non-existence return policy, crap customer service, business man trying to make a quick buck regardless of means.  Its not all that uncommon at all.  People here dont usually do business honestly all the time, and its not until after the fact, that you find out you have been deceived.  When you buy from early release sites, you have to understand, you are not dealing with owners who are fully acustomed to the American culture, you are not dealing with retail businesses even, you are dealing with people who have connections to early released shoes.  Most of the time, you will never hear a peep from them.  If that is something you cant deal with, 2xx some bucks is too important to your bottomline, then dont buy from early release sites. 

Anyway, draw your own conclusion, ppl.  Stop being swayed one way or another so easily.
Hey good stuff. My only complaint is that I don't know if you are excusing their lack of customer service because that's the way its done in China. I am an US consumer in the US. I don't care how business is done in China. I expect a certain level of customer service. Once you cross that big pond and begin to service the Americans. You should be prepared to provide them with the level of service that is demanded. They told the truth because they had our money and not provided what was promised. If they provided the promised items they could could be as vague astheypleases.
Dude...That is so "American" of you. I'm an American too but I'm not NEARLY that Brash. If you have a problem with dealing with a certain level of service, then kindly make your about face and leave. I mean "Once you cross that big pond and begin to service the Americans".....REALLY?!?!?! I mean, I don't know you but I will say that your viewpoint is very much "American 'Supremest'"...I'd be a little embarrassed. Entitlement, FTL.
I honestly would not ask for anything I would not provide. I do a lot work overseas. It is a juggle. Every country has their way of doing things. My job is to go in and find out how business is done in the host country and relay that info back to whom ever I contracted with. Disney had a hard time when they opened Euro Disney. The French complained that their was no alcohol consumption in the  children's part of the park. Disney stuck to their guns and took the risk. Look at the number of complaints on this thread and that tell you people expect some level responsibilty.
Originally Posted by eddo1005

Originally Posted by PO2345

Anyone care to explain what is going on? Are individuals getting defrauded with fake pairs?

Anyways, Here is a picture my friend sent me of his friend's pair from overseas:


Actually seeing PO post is quite amazing....

But yea, the summarize everything.................

Ppl were debating the authenticity of concord XIs and restocked SJ.

It was almost concluded that these shoes are 100% authentic, but then nooblee came in and said those SJs were not 100% authentic and there are "super fake" concords ie near identical concords with cosmetic blemishes that are hard to tell.  These concords are supposedly fakes, especially the one with translucent sole on the toecap.  Real ones should be opaque toecaps.
Nooblee did make it clear that the superfakes didnt start till recently with the BC III, concords XI, restocked SJ.

The rest is history.  Just pages after pages of debate about early releases and their authenticity in general.

You know eddo, I'm loving this post just because of the simple fact there's debate! As you brought up, OG's (like me, 33, married with kids), and much more OG than myself, have come out of lurking/"retirement" mode, just to throw their two cents in about these concords. It's the love of this shoe! This one colorway of the XI!!! For me personally, there is sentimental value to it, like for the low 2's or the white cement 3's and 4's, and black/red 5's and 6's, or cardinal 7's and playoff 8's when as a whipper-snapper, mom just said NO! because we could not afford them.

This particular thread is, as disorganized as it may seem, already one we will not EVER forget! Legendary status! How many of you have been just plain unproductive, just because you've constantly been checking it, like we waiting on a "ALL-IN-ONE" vaccine for cancer and AIDS, or the end of conflict in the middle east, or better yet, end of famine in Africa, or a solution to Haiti displaced ones, or even the transition of power in Lybia, or a one that should be hitting us home, a solution to OUR faulty education system that killing us or an answer to the JFK or 9/11 conspiracy theories? You know??? Subjects that ought to really matter... Truth is Globalizasion has changed us all! Even for those of us reluctant to change! Twitter, Facebook and even NT have allowed "joe shmoe" to have a voice in a competing market! We are all glued to our smartphones like our fingers have mutated onto the keys, just checking this thread, and twitter and facebook!! I'm guilty of it and I don't have accounts! And I said I was done posting!!!! Haha! Things done changed!!

On the other hand, this thread can also be seen as proof of how much WE, or in economic terms, the consumers with a "huge demand" have shaped and impacted "the supply" and the manufacturers of goods. As much as we've griped an bantered over these "superfakes," JB has not given us any better in the last eight years or so have they??? Why if we have been dissatisfied with the junk JB/Nike has been putting out, lets say from '03 on, they've continued to cut corners, use cheap, "crack-after-one-wear" type of paints and synthetic materials and make high priced retro's and "hybrids" that tremendous amount of people still cop? Is it just because they have a Jumpman on them? Is it that those retroes/hybrids are great and I'm just out of touch????

As someone said, is it because HYPE? Are we that shallow of people? YES, WE ARE! We are to blame!! Why can't we keep our money in our accounts/pockets, demand better products by simply, not being a "sheep" by following "the herd" and keeping our $100-150+ when we are not satisfied with a product? Is it because we're worried about "breaking necks"??? We shallow folks, huh? Why did hoop sneakers like KangaRoos, Cons, Avia's, and Pony's (I know, they tried a comeback with was it Wilson Chandler??, a couple years ago didn't they?) dissapear from the market? I think it's all due to Nike, Reebok and Adidas staying relevant by making good, well-performing products. Look at Cons/Converse, Nike bought them out! (Globalizasion???) But back in the day, even if a shoe was a bit more expensive than we could afford, we would try everything we could to save, I sold lemonade slush out my apt. door, washed cars, did g-sales of whatever toys, GIjoes or HEman's we had, begged mom's, tried to bargain with the store clerk (I can't believe I'd do that!) ANYthing to have enough to pay for them for the sneaks" because they were better? I know it must've been hype then too! However in my household, Jordans were always the ones out of reach though, with their Italian leather I remember! Damn!!!

Turn the clock forward to today, but have we done in the last decade??? We have done the opposite!!! We have been paying more, for a LESSER product! Can you blame JB? Nike? Look what we've done with AR and SDS, we swallowed their "misconstrued" lies and false promises to ship wthin 72 hours, although it sounded too good from the one hour!!! Does MJ have any say on any of this???? And, he's my dude but yes he is a jerk!! Hahaha!! But wait a minute, aren't we older and wiser now?? No?

We need to have a backbone my dudes, and think of our own funds as "hard to come" They ARE in todays economy! Yes, we are talking about just shoes, but there are many, MUCH better uses one can give to these funds... I am not talking about the well-off crowd, or the "just charge it to the game" or the "Whuuut? You can't shell out $275 on some kicks? You ain't got it like I got it!!" crowd, but those with your "earned funds," the ones you sweat for! Let JB know you will not buy their crap, by plainly not buying it!!!!

As someone stated, JB will make lots of these and as a result to all this, they will make sure they are the better of recent releases! Maybe we can thank AR and SDS for that??? But at the same time, I think many of have realized that Nike do have a hand in all this mess, and like many other corporations, they will not change their practices, unless we hit them where it hurts and that's by collectively, stop buying the faulty products!

We ALL do have a choice! But for some of us, that had been lurking for releases such as this one, or the Chicago X, that were only inches, a simple "push" away to leave this "hobby," "collecting," "game," "lifestyle," or whatever you choose to call what you do, this may very well be that one last deterrant! But, that just more for ya'll, right? As many may post after: "Beat it!" or "Don't let the door get you "+%@!" on your way out!"

Yes, things done changed! But as when I was living with mom's, she'd tell me "You will live, with or without them!"
Originally Posted by thenewjs23

Originally Posted by Sneak King

Originally Posted by thenewjs23

Hey good stuff. My only complaint is that I don't know if you are excusing their lack of customer service because that's the way its done in China. I am an US consumer in the US. I don't care how business is done in China. I expect a certain level of customer service. Once you cross that big pond and begin to service the Americans. You should be prepared to provide them with the level of service that is demanded. They told the truth because they had our money and not provided what was promised. If they provided the promised items they could could be as vague astheypleases.
Dude...That is so "American" of you. I'm an American too but I'm not NEARLY that Brash. If you have a problem with dealing with a certain level of service, then kindly make your about face and leave. I mean "Once you cross that big pond and begin to service the Americans".....REALLY?!?!?! I mean, I don't know you but I will say that your viewpoint is very much "American 'Supremest'"...I'd be a little embarrassed. Entitlement, FTL.
I honestly would not ask for anything I would not provide. I do a lot work overseas. It is a juggle. Every country has their way of doing things. My job is to go in and find out how business is done in the host country and relay that info back to whom ever I contracted with. Disney had a hard time when they opened Euro Disney. The French complained that their was no alcohol consumption in the  children's part of the park. Disney stuck to their guns and took the risk. Look at the number of complaints on this thread and that tell you people expect some level responsibilty.

Hell yeah I am an American I love it. 
Always good to see ppl out the woodwork. Honestly, wouldnt expect anything less from any OG heads. Good points all around.
Originally Posted by MJ2229

Originally Posted by eddo1005

Originally Posted by PO2345

Anyone care to explain what is going on? Are individuals getting defrauded with fake pairs?

Anyways, Here is a picture my friend sent me of his friend's pair from overseas:


Actually seeing PO post is quite amazing....

But yea, the summarize everything.................

Ppl were debating the authenticity of concord XIs and restocked SJ.

It was almost concluded that these shoes are 100% authentic, but then nooblee came in and said those SJs were not 100% authentic and there are "super fake" concords ie near identical concords with cosmetic blemishes that are hard to tell.  These concords are supposedly fakes, especially the one with translucent sole on the toecap.  Real ones should be opaque toecaps.
Nooblee did make it clear that the superfakes didnt start till recently with the BC III, concords XI, restocked SJ.

The rest is history.  Just pages after pages of debate about early releases and their authenticity in general.

You know eddo, I'm loving this post just because of the simple fact there's debate! As you brought up, OG's (like me, 33, married with kids), and much more OG than myself, have come out of lurking/"retirement" mode, just to throw their two cents in about these concords. It's the love of this shoe! This one colorway of the XI!!! For me personally, there is sentimental value to it, like for the low 2's or the white cement 3's and 4's, and black/red 5's and 6's, or cardinal 7's and playoff 8's when as a whipper-snapper, mom just said NO! because we could not afford them.

This particular thread is, as disorganized as it may seem, already one we will not EVER forget! Legendary status! How many of you have been just plain unproductive, just because you've constantly been checking it, like we waiting on a "ALL-IN-ONE" vaccine for cancer and AIDS, or the end of conflict in the middle east, or better yet, end of famine in Africa, or a solution to Haiti displaced ones, or even the transition of power in Lybia, or a one that should be hitting us home, a solution to OUR faulty education system that killing us or an answer to the JFK or 9/11 conspiracy theories? You know??? Subjects that ought to really matter... Truth is Globalizasion has changed us all! Even for those of us reluctant to change! Twitter, Facebook and even NT have allowed "joe shmoe" to have a voice in a competing market! We are all glued to our smartphones like our fingers have mutated onto the keys, just checking this thread, and twitter and facebook!! I'm guilty of it and I don't have accounts! And I said I was done posting!!!! Haha! Things done changed!!

On the other hand, this thread can also be seen as proof of how much WE, or in economic terms, the consumers with a "huge demand" have shaped and impacted "the supply" and the manufacturers of goods. As much as we've griped an bantered over these "superfakes," JB has not given us any better in the last eight years or so have they??? Why if we have been dissatisfied with the junk JB/Nike has been putting out, lets say from '03 on, they've continued to cut corners, use cheap, "crack-after-one-wear" type of paints and synthetic materials and make high priced retro's and "hybrids" that tremendous amount of people still cop? Is it just because they have a Jumpman on them? Is it that those retroes/hybrids are great and I'm just out of touch????

As someone said, is it because HYPE? Are we that shallow of people? YES, WE ARE! We are to blame!! Why can't we keep our money in our accounts/pockets, demand better products by simply, not being a "sheep" by following "the herd" and keeping our $100-150+ when we are not satisfied with a product? Is it because we're worried about "breaking necks"??? We shallow folks, huh? Why did hoop sneakers like KangaRoos, Cons, Avia's, and Pony's (I know, they tried a comeback with was it Wilson Chandler??, a couple years ago didn't they?) dissapear from the market? I think it's all due to Nike, Reebok and Adidas staying relevant by making good, well-performing products. Look at Cons/Converse, Nike bought them out! (Globalizasion???) But back in the day, even if a shoe was a bit more expensive than we could afford, we would try everything we could to save, I sold lemonade slush out my apt. door, washed cars, did g-sales of whatever toys, GIjoes or HEman's we had, begged mom's, tried to bargain with the store clerk (I can't believe I'd do that!) ANYthing to have enough to pay for them for the sneaks" because they were better? I know it must've been hype then too! However in my household, Jordans were always the ones out of reach though, with their Italian leather I remember! Damn!!!

Turn the clock forward to today, but have we done in the last decade??? We have done the opposite!!! We have been paying more, for a LESSER product! Can you blame JB? Nike? Look what we've done with AR and SDS, we swallowed their "misconstrued" lies and false promises to ship wthin 72 hours, although it sounded too good from the one hour!!! Does MJ have any say on any of this???? And, he's my dude but yes he is a jerk!! Hahaha!! But wait a minute, aren't we older and wiser now?? No?

We need to have a backbone my dudes, and think of our own funds as "hard to come" They ARE in todays economy! Yes, we are talking about just shoes, but there are many, MUCH better uses one can give to these funds... I am not talking about the well-off crowd, or the "just charge it to the game" or the "Whuuut? You can't shell out $275 on some kicks? You ain't got it like I got it!!" crowd, but those with your "earned funds," the ones you sweat for! Let JB know you will not buy their crap, by plainly not buying it!!!!

As someone stated, JB will make lots of these and as a result to all this, they will make sure they are the better of recent releases! Maybe we can thank AR and SDS for that??? But at the same time, I think many of have realized that Nike do have a hand in all this mess, and like many other corporations, they will not change their practices, unless we hit them where it hurts and that's by collectively, stop buying the faulty products!

We ALL do have a choice! But for some of us, that had been lurking for releases such as this one, or the Chicago X, that were only inches, a simple "push" away to leave this "hobby," "collecting," "game," "lifestyle," or whatever you choose to call what you do, this may very well be that one last deterrant! But, that just more for ya'll, right? As many may post after: "Beat it!" or "Don't let the door get you "+%@!" on your way out!"

Yes, things done changed! But as when I was living with mom's, she'd tell me "You will live, with or without them!"

I teach a US History class (8th grade) and I gave my annual lecture on the history of Air Jordans.  In one of my classes a kid raised his hand and said, "what about all those fake jordans online?  Why not just buy those for $80 rather than spend hundreds?"  I won't go into the details of my answer, but your thread touched up on some of it 
Originally Posted by eddo1005

Originally Posted by thenewjs23

Originally Posted by eddo1005

Alright, I am gonna catch a lot of fleck for this post, but I still decided to share some info.

Those of you who have been reading this thread religiously like I have, should remember an exchange between Ming(MSole's owner) and nooblee about nike sending ppl straight to the factories to see what is going on the XI line, and thus effectively making the factory almost non-functioning for a few days, or locked down as those two so eloquently put it.  Welp, turns out this was true.

Most of us should know by now, shoes not yet in production are almost impossible to leak out, but once they hit production, with the quantity being made each day, shoes leak out.  However, these shoes dont leak out to just anyone.  Only those with close ties to the higher-ups, actually get access to these shoes.  Some would like to think just any factory worker can get shoes out, and yea maybe they can, but definitely not in mass quantity.  You have to know someone who is at least a manager to get these concords in large numbers.

Back to my point about the lockdown.  Since production was stopped due to nike investigating possible leak in the early August, shoes were not being leaked out the first week of August.  Now think back for a second.  When did AR claim to have these shoes ready?  You got it, it was the first week of August.  How?  He has his sources, but is that source one of Pou Chen's factory?  Not possible, because of the lock down.  So where did he get his?  Honestly, dont know, not gonna specutulate either.  Its none of my business, to be honet.  However, lets just say, only a few official factories in China get designated to mass produce high end basketball shoes.   Not even gonna go into which factory, as I am sure Nike prolly has eyes on this thread.  However, I will say, not all models(1-2011) are produced in the same factory.  For example, a factory that gets to produce the XIs, might not get to produce the VIs.  Can someone check the recently released 2010 VIs and their SJ or CG?  Check to see if the factory number is the same.....I am not even sure if they are or not, but i am told or lead to believe that they should be different.

If you had enough patience to read through all that, then you can start putting the pieces together.  Why the delay at SDS?  Yea, it was cause of the lock down.  Pre-orders in nature are hard to control, you never know when Nike will decide to make a visit at a factory site.  You can only go by what the ppl in the factory tell you.

Like someone have said already, shoes that leak out, are not retail packaged shoe.  Ppl who get access to these early released shoes, most of the time, have to staff ppl to do their own inspection and retail packaging.........cause nike sure as hell isnt going to do it for them.  Hence the reason why you get these early release shoes, and find the packaging to be less than satifactory.  Shoe laces untied, anyone? 

Like I have mentioned many time, these big factories, most of the time only do the assembly of the parts to create the shoe.  The material, parts, accessories are not produced in the factory that does assembly.  Most of the time, these parts/accessories are produced by related parties, or subsidiaries under the umbrella of Pou Chen or FengTay.   This is precisely the reason why a lot of times these special shoe boxes differ in small details than the boxes you get on RD.  Quality control is non-existence on these boxes, however, the shoes are 100% real.

Now, I am not going to stick my neck out again and say SDS is legit, blah blah blah.  From now on, I will only share info about what I know.  You guys can draw your own conclusion.  I will say this, however, the delay in shippment might be a blessing in disguise.

Oh, and for the person complaing about not being able to get a 11.5.......................well, what can I tell, early releases shoes arent always produced in FSR, especially not half sizes.  They will surface later on, just not right now.

Lastly, I just want to say, a lot of ppl here are from the US, and because of the way we're all brought up, we have come to expect things in retail to be done a certain way or held to a certain standard.  All good points, and I understand that mentality completely, being that I lived in the US a long time too.  However, coming back to Asia, its a learning experience.  Non-existence return policy, crap customer service, business man trying to make a quick buck regardless of means.  Its not all that uncommon at all.  People here dont usually do business honestly all the time, and its not until after the fact, that you find out you have been deceived.  When you buy from early release sites, you have to understand, you are not dealing with owners who are fully acustomed to the American culture, you are not dealing with retail businesses even, you are dealing with people who have connections to early released shoes.  Most of the time, you will never hear a peep from them.  If that is something you cant deal with, 2xx some bucks is too important to your bottomline, then dont buy from early release sites. 

Having said all that, I am actually really surprised that SDS would even have ppl come on here to tell you guys those restocked SJs were questionable. 
I am surprised he would respond to guys on here saying currently his paypal has insufficient fund right now, and wait a few days before the refund.
I am surprised he would tell the guy that he doesnt have a 11.5 right now.

There is a lot of info that quite frankly, if i were running his business, i would never ever tell you guys. 
For the SJ, he wouldve been better off not saying anything, like the other sites, sneakerape, anyone?  Instead, i would just quietly offer refund to all those who requested it.
For insufficient funds, i wouldve just said, Sorry, your refund is being processed, and should be deposited into your account in the next 2-3 days.
For the guy who wants the 11.5, I would have said, We're trying hard to fulfill your order, but due to unforseeable circumstances, there will be delays.  If you cannot wait anymore, I will gladly process your refund, and it should be deposited back to your account within a couple of days.  I will inform you later on, should size 11.5 become available.

These standard customer service responses wouldve worked so much better, but instead he just gave out truthful answer, and ppl are bashing him to no end?  I remember back in my learning days, I was always taught to be honest.  However, after being in the work force for a while, I have realized 100% honesty does not get you far in this world, some of the accusers here are the perfect example why.

Anyway, draw your own conclusion, ppl.  Stop being swayed one way or another so easily.
Hey good stuff. My complaint is that I don't know if you are excusing their lack of customer service because that's the way its done in China. I am an US consumer in the US. I don't care how business is done in China. I expect a certain level of customer service. Once you cross that big pond and begin to service the Americans. You should be prepared to provide them with the level of service that is demanded. They told the truth because they had our money and not provided what was promised. If they provided the promised items they could could be as vague astheypleases.

I am not excusing them in any way, however, I am saying this is all too common in Asia.  I believe a lot of these sellers want to be as responsive as everyone wants.  But think about this for a second.  You are buying from a relatively small seller compared to FTL or FNL.  This small seller prolly keeps a relatively small staff.  They received a few hundred orders, and have to fullfill them. 

My question to you is, would you rather have them spend more time on inspecting the shoes they ship out, or more time on customer service?  To me, the American side within me will say, both are equally important.  But the other side of me, sometimes you just cant have it all when you are buying from these early sellers.  Thats why I always try to stay patient despite the lack of communcation, because I would rather have my shoes to 100% good then having a guy respond to my emails all day.

Its not acceptable by US standards, but if the shoes come 100% legit, i can look past these things.  I dont even mind the shoe laces being untied, as long as the shoes are what they ought to be.......100%.

You get my point?

And if slow communcation is a make/break deal for you, then these early sites are not for you.

na, how long does it take to check 500 pairs of shoes? they aint using microscopes. if he is gonna say " if fake send back". na, dont send out any fakes. these dudes is shady. i dont care what is being said. if they know it may be a chance you could get fakes you need to check everything. forget getting a refund just dont send fakes. they know fakes is going out for $300 a pop but if someone not up on it they paid for a worthless pair of shoes. i got some altitude xiii from ebay that were fake, dude told me send them back but dont give me a bad review lol. he was playing people for a fool. he sold those xiii to someone knowing they were fake. if one of these site get shoes sent back are they going to destroy them?, or send them to somwone else who may not know any better? ........... ill anwser that for you, they gone get that paper!

why dont they put this in the fine print(delays, possible fake pairs, them being shady etc.)? you can tweet from a phone while checking shoes or hire more staff. no excuse man. i known the asian stores in the US is gonna let it be know "no refunds" on the door before you enter. asia is one of the leaders in education but they cant understand or catch to how US business is this aint the first time that one of these sites have had a problem with someone in the US. they just shady/ janky.

on a sid note most of the asians i know are the most rspectable people i know, but maybe they just waiting for their chance to get over.
latest twitter from SDS___@SlamDunkSpace
@TOPHER5280 boss told me to stay off twitter til he fix issues. if you have questions please email
^^ Those, I must admit do look good! AR or SDS?? Other supplier? You can't do that to us amiina! You know we are starving to know who/where you copped from??? 

^^^RayRay3Thousand!!! Teach!!!! My hat's off to you!!! Me too!!! I also teach Math in 6th-8th in the inner city and boy... Do I have to bite my tongue on A LOT on them with fakes, newer retros and hybrids on!!! What's even worse is, those that act a fool/"not" do good in class, those are the ones with the newest releases! Those who do well, those who you'd think have earned them, keep it simple! It's almost like I can't even rock my old pairs when I can here and there, because there a bad precedent with these young folks!! Why'd that be??? But my brova, best of luck on this new year thats about to start! We know how draining it can be at this day in age!

Amiina? Care to share??
I got them from AR but not via his site. Ihad communicated with him prior so I dont know about other people. I do knpw that I like the shoes I received. Best of luck to all.
Originally Posted by hAzEee aNd sN3aKerS

Originally Posted by moelest

Originally Posted by Broomall4Life

you guys see this? look good to me....

i agree with the guy..
Kool video they look good probaly better in person! I'm aiming to get  10 pairs mininum on RD So I can have fresh pairs to rock years from from now! I won't be selling any of them!

10 pairs?
hope that's a joke.

anyway, just my .02

buying from early sellers is just like buying pot or something illegal.
you don't really know what you're gonna get and you're only gonna
have to believe the seller. you RISK everything buy doing this and
people need to understand this. If you don't want any hassle, wait
for the shoes' RD. Again, buying shoes early is a RISK and people
need to realize this and stop acting like they're buying from Phil Knight
With all the ridicule and doubts, I will say this... They don't LOOK fake. Sorry to say....
That pair you got there is from AR, right?

Despite the translucent toe cap, i would say look pretty darn real......

Anyway, a lot ppl in this thread have already made up their mind about what is real and what isnt. What I am doing here it not to convince people their belief is incorrect, i only offer information that i found helpful in determining my beliefs.

How ppl wanna interpret this info, thats none of my business.

I tell it like it is, no lies, just info.

I just want them shoes from SDS to arrive........
^^ looks on point to me. except.. yeah.. what they said transluscent toe cap.

Shoe trees included? just rememder some debate as well on this thread about shoe trees colour.
Originally Posted by cw2022

So we still have no pic of the official shoe to be released in December? Correct?
Yup! No official pic yet. Most pictures and youtube reviews are from sites selling early pairs.
wow nice 'early' concords kobejames21!

after long and thick words from NTers, some nice pics are refreshing lol
Can't lie. That pair from AR looks rather good. As others have mentioned, did they come with shoe trees? If so, were they Concord or Varsity Royal shoe-trees?
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