Air Tech Challenge II and Tech Low Retro EDIT*pic* 9/29 uhoh

i need my pair bad. all i want is 1 pair. this is wack. my girl in the hood in ny said these aint hit wash heights/dyckman yet hmmmm.
Next up, Nike Air Penny II (blk, October wht, November)
These will give the Tech Challanege II a run for there $ as the best retro of the year.

Real Talk, Pippen 1s, Penny 2s, Flightposites and various packages are gonna have my pockets sewn up thisyear........
that was a great story PainBL, these shoes hold a special place in my heart as well, just as the Black V's do .. i went hard on both of these back in theday. I however only bought 1 pair with the eastbay discount because honestly im still not sold on them until i see them in person, if they are as nice as imhoping they will be i will more then likely go grab another pair for retail from somewhere else. However, the ATC's from last year, if retroed toperfection i would have done the same thing you did with this release because THAT shoe was my ultimate favorite shoe from those days and unfortunately becauseof the way it turned out i ended up completely passing on them all together, even at like 40 bucks i couldnt pull the trigger and it really bums me out becausei have been waiting for years and years for that shoe to retro. Everyone buying up multiple pairs to resell however will more then likely end up getting stuckwith them because these should be readily available here in the coming weeks.
Originally Posted by Tha Sun Child

Next up, Nike Air Penny II (blk, October wht, November)
These will give the Tech Challanege II a run for there $ as the best retro of the year.
Real Talk, Pippen 1s, Penny 2s, Flightposites and various packages are gonna have my pockets sewn up this year........

I think the Penny's retail for $120-$130 and the Pips are mos def $160. I can see the Penny's moving a lot faster. Hopefully the Pips don'tweigh 1:nerd:zs like the og's did.

I'll try to snap some pics tomorrow.
Funny how people in different areas share the same experience.

These were the first visi-air kicks I got as well. Got these joints for my birthday in 7th grade (shout out Charlie Rudo in Reisterstown Mall). I was on someKanye ++! that day, cause no one could tell me nothing. Well except, for my parents. The school counselor scheduled a parent/ teacher conference that same day.-lol- These were the joints that turned me into a sneaker head. It just took damn near 15 years to manifest.

Like others Agassi was one of the guys in tennis I really cheered for. IMO he changed the game of tennis on and off the court. 'Swag' is the word ofthe day, but Agassi embodied that when he came through. In brought attitude and youth to the game. I'm sure the traditionalists hated him, but he attractedpeople to the game. He brought the game to people that were on the fringe. To use another analogy, he popped the colar on the traditionally buttoned-up sport.

Anyway, when I really got into this hobby a few years ago and up until this thread I had no clue people had love for this shoe like this. Now that they haveretroed, I am going the multiple pair route myself (I copped doubles of the OG-inspired TC's last year as well). But, these will be the first shoes that Iliterally put up on a mantle in my house.
Originally Posted by PainBL

I was actually one of the people who bought multiple pairs of the ATC II (5 to be exact, all 13's), that I'm sure some of you are referring to, so I just thought I'd explain why. Not that I owe it to anyone, I'm just awake and have nothing better to do right now, plus I like to write.

Straight up, they're not to resell, they're strictly for me. Although I'm not a reseller and I personally despise most of them for basically wrecking the balance of the game, this release actually made me think twice about it the way some are beasting over these.

Anyways, I'm sure you all have your own story on what certain shoes mean to you and why. I always find reading other peoples' stories very interesting, so I'll share mine. This shoe holds a LOT of sentimental value for me. For one, it was the first Nike Vis-AIR higher end shoe that I ever got my hands on. For two, back when I was 14, I had to save up for almost two months to get my initial pair after seeing it in ads and at stores. Then, literally a week after getting the ATC's I saw the first ad in SI for the first shoe that ever made me totally freak when I laid my eyes on it, like
. It would become my favorite of all time, and ultimately get me kick started into this crazy little hobby we have. If you know me, then you know it was the Air Jordan V in black/silver, which took another 3 plus months to obtain after more frantic saving and scrounging around until I finally found a pair in my size on a trip 3000 miles away from home. But that's another story.

Still, that story kind of relates to this one. Working for and earning both of these shoes as a young teenager taught me the value of hard work, and that nothing worthwhile ever comes easily. That's something that always stuck with me and has driven me to not only ultimately become an executive at an apparel company, but start my own business as well at the same time. This, and the fact that these shoes are from my personally favorite era and are some of my favorite styles makes them mean that much more to me. Though I'm sure some people will laugh when you say shoes can teach life lessons. LOL.

Funny but true - the whole concept of getting multiples initially came to me from a scene in "The Sandlot" where the dude pulls a fresh pair of PF Flyers straight out of the box. From that moment, I always said if the black/silver V's ever got re-released I'd get more than one pair because I always regretted not having another pair from 1990. The practice of getting multiples for me began back in '99 with the IV Retros. I liked them so much I got 2 pairs. When the V's came back the next year, I took it a step further and eventually got 8 pairs. The whole point to me was getting enough so you can beat a pair to death and always have a fresh DS pair in the closet ready for action, LOL. I actually now have exactly 20 pairs just of the black/silver AJ V alone, still including the initial beat to death pair that I bought in June 1990, none of which I've ever resold, that's how much I loved the shoe. The ATC II's were another one of the models that was special to me, so I knew that if they were ever re-released in Lava, I'd be getting multiples, but I never thought it would take Nike 18 years to finally bring them back. That's why I've been all over this release ever since I first saw this post.

How I ended up with 5 pairs of ATC's, though, was more due to good fortune than anything. Originally I would have been happy with 2-3 pairs. I never expected a) for Eastbay to do pre-orders, and for b) a very helpful, unselfish, and appreciated NikeTalker to concurrently post a 20% discount code. So I did the math. I was already planning on possibly buying 3 pairs. If I bought 5 the discount would be so significant that I'd actually end up only paying for 4 pairs, in essence getting 1 for free, and 4 pairs was only 1 more than I was originally planning on paying for. The planets all lined up right, and I was able to get my order through. Now how many of you wouldn't have gone for getting a whole pair for free if you could have, especially THESE?

So however convoluted, that's the unusual odyssey of how I ended up with 5 pairs, and to a larger extent why I buy multiples of shoes that really mean something to me. I'm sure some still won't understand why, but I collect what I collect for myself, not for anyone else. In the end, it works for me.
uhhh for those who don't wanna read this let me sum it up as 'i have enough money to buy 5 pairs and this is a shoe i been waiting for'
I love the way those look with the black tongue. It kinda breaks up the white nicely. I'm not mad at them being true to the OG though, either.
since everyone's telling stories about these, i'll tell mine.... i bought these on sale for $40....wore them like about 3x and then my dad liked themso much he took them from me and started wearing them himself....yeah, we both wore size 9 at the time..... he wore them as his beaters, mowed the lawn andstuff..... went home to visit during x-mas time and I found the box full of my bro's basketball cards, but no shoes..... still can't believe the priceon the box..... $40
Funny everyone saying these will be availalbe everywhere in a few weeks, must be the same people saying these would hit the sales racks
Hope finishlinegets them so i can scoop one more pair, but I dont know any mom and pop spots on longisland, brooklyn, or queens that will be carrying them guess we'llfind out.
Hey Scott Storch, you said "Reisterstown Mall." Are you in the MD area? That's funny, thst's where I was born, and where I moved from in thesummer of '89 when I came to CA. That's also where I had to go back to to get my OG pair of AJ V's in '90. Small world.
Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

I love the way those look with the black tongue. It kinda breaks up the white nicely. I'm not mad at them being true to the OG though, either.

I was thinking the exact same thing when I first got them.
These were the first visi-air kicks I got as well. Got these joints for my birthday in 7th grade (shout out Charlie Rudo in Reisterstown Mall).

Hey Scott...those were the days...RUDO's ya' hurd me!

But my genuine luv for the shoe stems from something else besides my liking how it looks. Agassi is the only, I repeat, ONLY tennis player I ever cheered for.He brought that flash, arrogance, swag to the game that at the time was unprecidented. Tennis was boring to me, but he changed that. Agassi was like the LosAngelos Lakers "showtime" of tennis. (my fellow Laker fans...
) He had fine woman (Brooke Shields) and flatout looked good on the court. Hishairstyle, clothing line & sneakers reflected his rebel personality. And tennis pros and traditionalist hated him for it, too. In his early years (he debutin 1886)...announcers repeatedly would say for all his skill and flash, he was a bust cause he couldn't win a Grand Slam for American tennis. Then to addfuel to his fire...fellow American Micheal Chang even won a Slam before 1989 at age 17 no less. Agassi reached the semi finals in several Slamevents from 88-90, but no title.

The 90's came...Agassi still repping Nike (and lookin' good doing it) won plenty matches, but still hadn't even gotten to a Slam final. Then hefinally reached the finals twice...but lost both times, once to that thorn in my side Pete Sampras.
I use to get joked by my homeroom teacher who alsofollowed tennis and was the biggest Jimmy Conner fan ever. "Agassi is a bum, and a dissapointment to tennis...flash but absolutely no substance.",that's all I heard. But he was still my favorite tennis player. 91' came, and another finals appearance & lost...this time to that bum Jim Courier.
Man...I felt like a Chicago Cubs fan. Truth be told, until his retirement...I would refuse to follow ANY tennis event once Andre was defeated. If he'sout, than I'm out!!!

Than 1992, Agassi won his first of 8 Grand Slam Wimbledon. Took all of 6 plus years but...YES!!! And to this day he's the ONLYmen's player to have won all 4 Grand Slam titles. Hey Sampras...How you like that clay!!!

So to ain't about no particular shoe, or how much I like that shoe. I don't need 15 pairs because I liked the shoe when I was a toddler. Idon't need 10 pairs cause it was my first vis-air shoe, cause in reality it ain't about that. It's about seeing the man these shoes.It's about witnessing & cheering his many victories...and somehow dealing with his bitter defeats (did I mention I hate Pete Sampras). Cause ofthat...every Agassi retroed right will be bought by me (I don't consider last years nu-retro abomination an Agassi). But still...I ain't buyingmultiple pairs...once again, FOR WHAT?!

One pair will do me fine...but to each his own.

BTW...Here's some pics for you shoe lovers, Gotta luv the matching shirt for the ATC2.

By the way...Agassi wore all white when he finally won his first Slam at Wimbledon, you figure it out!!!




We should have the hat in soon. Hopefully I'll have more concrete info tomorrow. I'll probably even do some pre-orders for it on the site soon. It tookforever to get them to do the sample how I wanted it and that's what caused the delay.
I need these, I'm mad I didn't see them drop on Eastbay and such, my size is all gone. I hope these pop up somewhere soon and I can cop.
thanks for those pics sneakermane. i wish they released the ATC III retro like the OG.

Trust me when I tell you, any Agassi retroed right...I'm on it!!! Especially the ATC3!!!
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