AJ IV, V, VI, durabuck, nubuck, suede, and what it is that makes people so heated.

oh, and i bet that if JB re-re-retros the 6s again in 10 years..they WILL be ALL patent leather, or all 3M!
Originally Posted by flappy188

is durabuck and nubuck the same material?

nope, durabuck is synthetic material thats alot more "durable" then its nubuck counterpart.
Originally Posted by flappy188

is durabuck and nubuck the same material?

I know i posted this already, but you're a clown so I will post it again. You were so sure the other day when my statement bothered you so much that you sent me a PM about it on iss.  I'm the ******ed one though? You need to stay over on that site for real.

[table][tr][td]From:[/td] [td][email protected][/td][/tr][tr][td]To:[/td] [td]dustin00201[/td][/tr][tr][td]Posted:[/td] [td]Mon Apr 12, 2010 3:44 pm[/td][/tr][tr][td]Subject:[/td] [td]nubuck[/td] [td] [/td][/tr][tr][td]hey dura and nubuck are the same f******  thing...are u retarted? lmmfao x a million[/td][/tr][/table]
Originally Posted by dtb00201

Originally Posted by flappy188

is durabuck and nubuck the same material?

I know i posted this already, but you're a clown so I will post it again. You were so sure the other day when my statement bothered you so much that you sent me a PM about it on iss.  I'm the ******ed one though? You need to stay over on that site for real.

[table][tr][td]From:[/td] [td][email protected][/td][/tr][tr][td]To:[/td] [td]dustin00201[/td][/tr][tr][td]Posted:[/td] [td]Mon Apr 12, 2010 3:44 pm[/td][/tr][tr][td]Subject:[/td] [td]nubuck[/td] [td] [/td][/tr][tr][td]hey dura and nubuck are the same f******  thing...are u retarted? lmmfao x a million[/td][/tr][/table]
What a tool...
If they were the same material they would be called the same thing, no?
Originally Posted by LaceLocka

One comparison that really got me into quality standards, 1998 XIV Blk/Red vs the Retro's from a few years ago. It had been so long since I had that shoe in my hand at the time...(lets say 6 years) I looked at the suede and said..."I THINK it was the same" the retros have a JET black appearance BUT glue stains and ashy out the box got me 
 Just recently I purchased the OG's DS and the shoe looks WAY more FINISHED and the nubuck-like suede on it is so soft and PERFECT...no stains....no yoga flame ash...just a jordan shoe in its prime. Here's some pictures for comparison. If anything I want some of the younger heads to learn the difference just so IF you must hype up a shoe....do it for the right reason..(.QUALITY) Not just rarity.
OG's from 1998 (lower and finer suede...matching the black leather precisely)


 (high and blacker suede...notice this is DS and the toe box already looks a bit ashy...glue stains anyone?) Not bad but,,,,not OG..


The second pair of sneakers that came to mind after reading this topic 
Originally Posted by Zero 0123

Originally Posted by dtb00201

Originally Posted by flappy188

is durabuck and nubuck the same material?

I know i posted this already, but you're a clown so I will post it again. You were so sure the other day when my statement bothered you so much that you sent me a PM about it on iss.  I'm the ******ed one though? You need to stay over on that site for real.

[table][tr][td]From:[/td] [td][email protected][/td][/tr][tr][td]To:[/td] [td]dustin00201[/td][/tr][tr][td]Posted:[/td] [td]Mon Apr 12, 2010 3:44 pm[/td][/tr][tr][td]Subject:[/td] [td]nubuck[/td] [td] [/td][/tr][tr][td]hey dura and nubuck are the same f******  thing...are u retarted? lmmfao x a million[/td][/tr][/table]
What a tool...
If they were the same material they would be called the same thing, no?
hahaha the best part about that PM, "retarted"! lol what is that?  Go back to ISS flappy
and if the jonestown=jumpan dragonballz kid on here keeps pestering me about this stupid release,

1. its time to realize that you brainwashed yourself thinking that jumpan "crucifix" is so loyal to just you little boy wonder on another sneaker message board thinking that your single opinion is great enough to influence a million dollar (cult)ure making icon like saturn worshiping nike, into making one, just one, maybe two tennis shoe releases to please you and your worthless $300.

2. realize that you have an insecurity issue with role models in your life, presumably male, that it isnt playing it safe to place all your brand loyalty on one tennis shoe brand, and yeah i did say saturn worshiping, and also one icon, and one tennis shoe brand that makes you think they can make the magic that seems to satisfy you with the color and materials on one special pair of tennis shoes, and just you, or maybe even one man that meant so much to you, michael jordan, or maybe more important gentry humphrey, since you seem to thnk he will answer your big question or quest for the all meaning of life holy grail, and again, no man can or may ever mean that again, so maybe its time to back away from the intronets, because you may be having a seizure from being on here 22 hours a day, you need air, and a healthy role model based system to get yourself back into pop-culture let alone sub-cultures.

3. you can wait just like all the rest of the boys and girls for your turn to make a wish, and maybe, just maybe if you are special enough, someone will make that wish come true and your dreams can be fufilled.

oh yeah, the infared wordplay thing is actually what it is referred to in the big beaver. dragonball z anime avatar kid annoying kid, the infared thing was not to you, it can be if you wish, but when you try to trick or treat at my house, we just wont answer the door...
Originally Posted by 23RAKIM45

I might I add, I hope all the *****ing about materials and every other damn thing (including your theory the pack isn't dropping) moves from the infrared thread and into your thread.

No offense of course.

none taken, peace to the gods and earths.
Originally Posted by RockwellFontana

and if the jonestown=jumpan dragonballz kid on here keeps pestering me about this stupid release,

1. its time to realize that you brainwashed yourself thinking that jumpan "crucifix" is so loyal to just you little boy wonder on another sneaker message board thinking that your single opinion is great enough to influence a million dollar (cult)ure making icon like saturn worshiping nike, into making one, just one, maybe two tennis shoe releases to please you and your worthless $300.

2. realize that you have an insecurity issue with role models in your life, presumably male, that it isnt playing it safe to place all your brand loyalty on one tennis shoe brand, and yeah i did say saturn worshiping, and also one icon, and one tennis shoe brand that makes you think they can make the magic that seems to satisfy you with the color and materials on one special pair of tennis shoes, and just you, or maybe even one man that meant so much to you, michael jordan, or maybe more important gentry humphrey, since you seem to thnk he will answer your big question or quest for the all meaning of life holy grail, and again, no man can or may ever mean that again, so maybe its time to back away from the intronets, because you may be having a seizure from being on here 22 hours a day, you need air, and a healthy role model based system to get yourself back into pop-culture let alone sub-cultures.

3. you can wait just like all the rest of the boys and girls for your turn to make a wish, and maybe, just maybe if you are special enough, someone will make that wish come true and your dreams can be fufilled.

oh yeah, the infared wordplay thing is actually what it is referred to in the big beaver. dragonball z anime avatar kid annoying kid, the infared thing was not to you, it can be if you wish, but when you try to trick or treat at my house, we just wont answer the door...
What is infared?  I believe its INFRARED 
And what are you talking about in your post?
Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Originally Posted by RockwellFontana

and if the jonestown=jumpan dragonballz kid on here keeps pestering me about this stupid release,

1. its time to realize that you brainwashed yourself thinking that jumpan "crucifix" is so loyal to just you little boy wonder on another sneaker message board thinking that your single opinion is great enough to influence a million dollar (cult)ure making icon like saturn worshiping nike, into making one, just one, maybe two tennis shoe releases to please you and your worthless $300.

2. realize that you have an insecurity issue with role models in your life, presumably male, that it isnt playing it safe to place all your brand loyalty on one tennis shoe brand, and yeah i did say saturn worshiping, and also one icon, and one tennis shoe brand that makes you think they can make the magic that seems to satisfy you with the color and materials on one special pair of tennis shoes, and just you, or maybe even one man that meant so much to you, michael jordan, or maybe more important gentry humphrey, since you seem to thnk he will answer your big question or quest for the all meaning of life holy grail, and again, no man can or may ever mean that again, so maybe its time to back away from the intronets, because you may be having a seizure from being on here 22 hours a day, you need air, and a healthy role model based system to get yourself back into pop-culture let alone sub-cultures.

3. you can wait just like all the rest of the boys and girls for your turn to make a wish, and maybe, just maybe if you are special enough, someone will make that wish come true and your dreams can be fufilled.

oh yeah, the infared wordplay thing is actually what it is referred to in the big beaver. dragonball z anime avatar kid annoying kid, the infared thing was not to you, it can be if you wish, but when you try to trick or treat at my house, we just wont answer the door...
What is infared?  I believe its INFRARED 
And what are you talking about in your post?

SHHHHHHHH....i hate when people argue about things they wrong about

its infrared AND infared.

airmax were spelled infrared and da jordans were spelled infared.
Originally Posted by RockwellFontana

and if the jonestown=jumpan dragonballz kid on here keeps pestering me about this stupid release,

1. its time to realize that you brainwashed yourself thinking that jumpan "crucifix" is so loyal to just you little boy wonder on another sneaker message board thinking that your single opinion is great enough to influence a million dollar (cult)ure making icon like saturn worshiping nike, into making one, just one, maybe two tennis shoe releases to please you and your worthless $300.

2. realize that you have an insecurity issue with role models in your life, presumably male, that it isnt playing it safe to place all your brand loyalty on one tennis shoe brand, and yeah i did say saturn worshiping, and also one icon, and one tennis shoe brand that makes you think they can make the magic that seems to satisfy you with the color and materials on one special pair of tennis shoes, and just you, or maybe even one man that meant so much to you, michael jordan, or maybe more important gentry humphrey, since you seem to thnk he will answer your big question or quest for the all meaning of life holy grail, and again, no man can or may ever mean that again, so maybe its time to back away from the intronets, because you may be having a seizure from being on here 22 hours a day, you need air, and a healthy role model based system to get yourself back into pop-culture let alone sub-cultures.

3. you can wait just like all the rest of the boys and girls for your turn to make a wish, and maybe, just maybe if you are special enough, someone will make that wish come true and your dreams can be fufilled.

oh yeah, the infared wordplay thing is actually what it is referred to in the big beaver. dragonball z anime avatar kid annoying kid, the infared thing was not to you, it can be if you wish, but when you try to trick or treat at my house, we just wont answer the door...
Lol. *@# are you talking about here? Lol. This clown comes on here in his busted @+$ English (Who BTW is supposedly an English Major) and makes no sense. Way to get your post count up buddy. I need one of those Tech Spec transcoders to decipher this. If you guna write an essay, at least make it readable son...
I think its true. the material the j's are coming out with a much cheaper and the kicks are getting much pricier! They use to release at 125 now theyre 150-175 using less quality material!
I just say u like the style rock it even if its crappy material rock them and don't worry bout getting dirt on them!
Originally Posted by JordanHead21

Originally Posted by Zero 0123

Originally Posted by dtb00201

Originally Posted by flappy188

is durabuck and nubuck the same material?

I know i posted this already, but you're a clown so I will post it again. You were so sure the other day when my statement bothered you so much that you sent me a PM about it on iss.  I'm the ******ed one though? You need to stay over on that site for real.

[table][tr][td]From:[/td] [td][email protected][/td][/tr][tr][td]To:[/td] [td]dustin00201[/td][/tr][tr][td]Posted:[/td] [td]Mon Apr 12, 2010 3:44 pm[/td][/tr][tr][td]Subject:[/td] [td]nubuck[/td] [td] [/td][/tr][tr][td]hey dura and nubuck are the same f******  thing...are u retarted? lmmfao x a million[/td][/tr][/table]
What a tool...
If they were the same material they would be called the same thing, no?
hahaha the best part about that PM, "retarted"! lol what is that?  Go back to ISS flappy

Haha, I guess he was wondering if he was tarted again...
The suede on the VI's is nice and buttery. Lot better than the suede used on the Flu games. Maybe alot different from durabuck- but its a nice material none the less.
Main Entry: in·fra·red
Pronunciation: \ˌin-frə-ˈred, -(ˌ)frä-, -fə-\
Function: adjective
Date: 1881

1 : situated outside the visible spectrum at its red end —used of radiation having a wavelength between about 700 nanometers and 1 millimeter
Originally Posted by Zero 0123

Originally Posted by RockwellFontana

and if the jonestown=jumpan dragonballz kid on here keeps pestering me about this stupid release,

1. its time to realize that you brainwashed yourself thinking that jumpan "crucifix" is so loyal to just you little boy wonder on another sneaker message board thinking that your single opinion is great enough to influence a million dollar (cult)ure making icon like saturn worshiping nike, into making one, just one, maybe two tennis shoe releases to please you and your worthless $300.

2. realize that you have an insecurity issue with role models in your life, presumably male, that it isnt playing it safe to place all your brand loyalty on one tennis shoe brand, and yeah i did say saturn worshiping, and also one icon, and one tennis shoe brand that makes you think they can make the magic that seems to satisfy you with the color and materials on one special pair of tennis shoes, and just you, or maybe even one man that meant so much to you, michael jordan, or maybe more important gentry humphrey, since you seem to thnk he will answer your big question or quest for the all meaning of life holy grail, and again, no man can or may ever mean that again, so maybe its time to back away from the intronets, because you may be having a seizure from being on here 22 hours a day, you need air, and a healthy role model based system to get yourself back into pop-culture let alone sub-cultures.

3. you can wait just like all the rest of the boys and girls for your turn to make a wish, and maybe, just maybe if you are special enough, someone will make that wish come true and your dreams can be fufilled.

oh yeah, the infared wordplay thing is actually what it is referred to in the big beaver. dragonball z anime avatar kid annoying kid, the infared thing was not to you, it can be if you wish, but when you try to trick or treat at my house, we just wont answer the door...
Lol. *@# are you talking about here? Lol. This clown comes on here in his busted @+$ English (Who BTW is supposedly an English Major) and makes no sense. Way to get your post count up buddy. I need one of those Tech Spec transcoders to decipher this. If you guna write an essay, at least make it readable son...

it is you that i am talking about here, and the special olympics of course, but you really should not take one pair of tennis shoes so serious, especially over the internet, you really need friends, just my opinion of course, wishes for all the best for you, keep it pimpin' in the year of the tiger friend. i really wish i cared about spelling and grammar on a internet message board about tennis shoes, but it really is not as serious as you seem to take it.
man all people want is retro's as close to the originals as possible.and for the price we should be getting that.
Originally Posted by RockwellFontana

Originally Posted by Zero 0123

Originally Posted by RockwellFontana

and if the jonestown=jumpan dragonballz kid on here keeps pestering me about this stupid release,

1. its time to realize that you brainwashed yourself thinking that jumpan "crucifix" is so loyal to just you little boy wonder on another sneaker message board thinking that your single opinion is great enough to influence a million dollar (cult)ure making icon like saturn worshiping nike, into making one, just one, maybe two tennis shoe releases to please you and your worthless $300.

2. realize that you have an insecurity issue with role models in your life, presumably male, that it isnt playing it safe to place all your brand loyalty on one tennis shoe brand, and yeah i did say saturn worshiping, and also one icon, and one tennis shoe brand that makes you think they can make the magic that seems to satisfy you with the color and materials on one special pair of tennis shoes, and just you, or maybe even one man that meant so much to you, michael jordan, or maybe more important gentry humphrey, since you seem to thnk he will answer your big question or quest for the all meaning of life holy grail, and again, no man can or may ever mean that again, so maybe its time to back away from the intronets, because you may be having a seizure from being on here 22 hours a day, you need air, and a healthy role model based system to get yourself back into pop-culture let alone sub-cultures.

3. you can wait just like all the rest of the boys and girls for your turn to make a wish, and maybe, just maybe if you are special enough, someone will make that wish come true and your dreams can be fufilled.

oh yeah, the infared wordplay thing is actually what it is referred to in the big beaver. dragonball z anime avatar kid annoying kid, the infared thing was not to you, it can be if you wish, but when you try to trick or treat at my house, we just wont answer the door...
Lol. *@# are you talking about here? Lol. This clown comes on here in his busted @+$ English (Who BTW is supposedly an English Major) and makes no sense. Way to get your post count up buddy. I need one of those Tech Spec transcoders to decipher this. If you guna write an essay, at least make it readable son...

it is you that i am talking about here, and the special olympics of course, but you really should not take one pair of tennis shoes so serious, especially over the internet, you really need friends, just my opinion of course, wishes for all the best for you, keep it pimpin' in the year of the tiger friend. i really wish i cared about spelling and grammar on a internet message board about tennis shoes, but it really is not as serious as you seem to take it.
Way to boost your post count by talking all this BS. No one here is taking tennis shoes so seriously like you are. I just hate hearing wankstas and bustas like you talking out their *%! saying this that and whatever. Don't worry bout me. You should worry about yourself making up things like your boy is in deep with JB. I find it funny that he has nothing to do with retros, yet he would be able to confirm if a retro is releasing. You worded that really well there. Way to cover up when you are proven wrong. The more you "reveal," the more unintelligent you sound. And if you really did work on J's, thanks for making a bunch of ugly shoes. Especially the XX2. So please, shut your grill and stop talking out your *%! buddy. You really make no sense.

I still tried to read that jumble you posted about me, and I got as far as brainwashed before I marked it as irrelevant and stopped. What you posted up there has nothing to do with me, so please, watch your mouth. And for a grown *%! man typing like a 10 year old, you should be ashamed of yourself. Way to look like a champ.
Originally Posted by Zero 0123

Originally Posted by RockwellFontana

Originally Posted by Zero 0123

Originally Posted by RockwellFontana

and if the jonestown=jumpan dragonballz kid on here keeps pestering me about this stupid release,

1. its time to realize that you brainwashed yourself thinking that jumpan "crucifix" is so loyal to just you little boy wonder on another sneaker message board thinking that your single opinion is great enough to influence a million dollar (cult)ure making icon like saturn worshiping nike, into making one, just one, maybe two tennis shoe releases to please you and your worthless $300.

2. realize that you have an insecurity issue with role models in your life, presumably male, that it isnt playing it safe to place all your brand loyalty on one tennis shoe brand, and yeah i did say saturn worshiping, and also one icon, and one tennis shoe brand that makes you think they can make the magic that seems to satisfy you with the color and materials on one special pair of tennis shoes, and just you, or maybe even one man that meant so much to you, michael jordan, or maybe more important gentry humphrey, since you seem to thnk he will answer your big question or quest for the all meaning of life holy grail, and again, no man can or may ever mean that again, so maybe its time to back away from the intronets, because you may be having a seizure from being on here 22 hours a day, you need air, and a healthy role model based system to get yourself back into pop-culture let alone sub-cultures.

3. you can wait just like all the rest of the boys and girls for your turn to make a wish, and maybe, just maybe if you are special enough, someone will make that wish come true and your dreams can be fufilled.

oh yeah, the infared wordplay thing is actually what it is referred to in the big beaver. dragonball z anime avatar kid annoying kid, the infared thing was not to you, it can be if you wish, but when you try to trick or treat at my house, we just wont answer the door...
Lol. *@# are you talking about here? Lol. This clown comes on here in his busted @+$ English (Who BTW is supposedly an English Major) and makes no sense. Way to get your post count up buddy. I need one of those Tech Spec transcoders to decipher this. If you guna write an essay, at least make it readable son...

it is you that i am talking about here, and the special olympics of course, but you really should not take one pair of tennis shoes so serious, especially over the internet, you really need friends, just my opinion of course, wishes for all the best for you, keep it pimpin' in the year of the tiger friend. i really wish i cared about spelling and grammar on a internet message board about tennis shoes, but it really is not as serious as you seem to take it.
Way to boost your post count by talking all this BS. No one here is taking tennis shoes so seriously like you are. I just hate hearing wankstas and bustas like you talking out their *%! saying this that and whatever. Don't worry bout me. You should worry about yourself making up things like your boy is in deep with JB. I find it funny that he has nothing to do with retros, yet he would be able to confirm if a retro is releasing. You worded that really well there. Way to cover up when you are proven wrong. The more you "reveal," the more unintelligent you sound. And if you really did work on J's, thanks for making a bunch of ugly shoes. Especially the XX2. So please, shut your grill and stop talking out your *%! buddy. You really make no sense.

I still tried to read that jumble you posted about me, and I got as far as brainwashed before I marked it as irrelevant and stopped. What you posted up there has nothing to do with me, so please, watch your mouth. And for a grown *%! man typing like a 10 year old, you should be ashamed of yourself. Way to look like a champ.

if you say so champ? you really are the one taking this too far, as i said you need to analyze your role models, and maybe even question yourself, you take this jordan vi way too far, pretty sure you will be lining up for these, or spending $600 on this pack if its intl, but me, i will be getting mine free...
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