Al Davis Passed Away.

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

Now he "sonned" CLK
that made Al look crazy, he was blasted in the media and message boards. It was a joke, it truly showed Al was out of touch. The Raiders destroying the Texans cause Al passed? The team currently on the field had little interaction with him.

I see what your saying but who is more of a reflection of a team than its head coach.
From a Raider fan... RIP.

Although we didnt like many of his decisions he did a lot for the sport and he will always be remembered.
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

RIP to an AFL/NFL Legend.

I find it funny that people are doing a complete 180 on Al, even though he's been a joke the past 5-8 years. Look, RoOk has no credibility with me,
, but y'all are fools for blasting him. Every draft day thread was filled with Al Davis jokes. Some making jabs at him already being dead, crypt keeper, countless pictures, tomfoolery, some people going as far as saying it was time for him to die.

Now he "sonned" CLK
that made Al look crazy, he was blasted in the media and message boards. It was a joke, it truly showed Al was out of touch. The Raiders destroying the Texans cause Al passed? The team currently on the field had little interaction with him.

alot of the al davis jokes were funny and some sense of truth to them.   my take on him as always been that when he came into the league and was with the afl  and even up until about that 80's he was ahead of his time.

in recent years however the game did pass him by.   rip to him though.

just like how i was stunned when steinbrener died last year  i feel the same way towards al davis.  i always thought both of them would live forever and i could never imagine either of them passing.
 to the Raiders Org realeasing this information on their site and not alerting the media. I dont think Al would've wanted it any other way.
RIP to a legend.
RIP to one of the greatest owners ever. He at least didn't die with an awful team anymore too bad he couldn't watch them until the season ended. Raider Nation will get you the win tomorrow. 
RIP Al. You have to respect the man for what he did, his football history is 2nd to none in the NFL. Good and bad. How can you not respect somebody who bucked tradition and simply did things his way? That's what he we all want out of life and he did that. A truly sad day for Raider Nation.
I'm a 49er fan but this dude Caerus is clown status

Anyways RIP from tha other side of the BAY AREA...
The NFL Network is doing a great job. I didn't know him and Jerry Jones were so close he was crying on the phone.
RIP to a legend.

Even though he lost his mind the last few years it doesn't take away his contributions to the league and the great Raiders teams he put out in the 70's and 80's. I was never a Raiders fan but I loved that "don't give a **#%#" attitude they had and that came from him.
RIP. No doubt he had his flaws, but there's no denying that he had a tremendous impact on the NFL.

On a side note, it really trips me out how often celebrity deaths come in clusters. First Jobs, then Davis. Who's next?
RIP. Dude did a #!** load for the league. Anyone hating or trying to make jokes about him obviously doesn't know the history of football.
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