All Things Sports Media Thread!!

The First Amendment guarantees citizens the protection of free speech from intrusion by the federal government.

If you work for a private employer, then, the First Amendment does not protect your speech in the workplace. Your employer can restrict your rights to free speech without implicating the First Amendment. Private employers are any entities that are not a part of the government.

Funny how the people who claim to have the American flag tattooed on their bodies still don't know what the laws are
Sage Steele and Jason Whitlock on The Blaze:

That’s a fake accent. She’s the classic Jersey Italian :lol:

Now I dislike her even more for putting on a fake Midwest accent for all these years, why do that?

Happy Sage is gone. Enjoy Fox News or Newsmax, see ya.
Really tapping and leaning into her mothers side there :rofl:

ole girl from clueless and Kanye’s buddy going have to explain their role to these white people

and it’s saying the racist shh they wanna say but might get in trouble for

playing victim is for the white women
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