All Things Sports Media Thread!!

This is a pretty corny take by Pablo and I usually like his stuff. I think there is a level of resentment because a lot of these media personalities did not play football and do not understand football concepts and terminology.

These football concepts aren't that difficult to understand. Even before I played high school football I was able to understand football concepts from playing Madden and watching TV shows like NFL matchups. Each team has different jargon but the concepts are generally the same.

Football players and coaches aren't rocket scientists. It's not that difficult. As a fan one of the best parts of the NFL is their depth of analysis compared to MLB, soccer and NBA.
Was just checking the USMNT schedule and it always throws me off when there are games before the opening ceremony.

This ended up being an all-time example of overplaying your hand. Skip thought he was the one who ran the show and he was the one who drove viewership but the moment Shannon left the entire operation fell apart.

I wonder what he's going to do now. I imagine a ESPN probably doesn't want him.
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