ALPHAPROJECT's Artwork - Ideas from the Past for the Future

AP... AP... AP

Still Alphaproject or are we in transition to Apolloproject? Either way works for me, i can still use teh same abriviation.

One thing I've always liked about your work is that you think up new technology's. Other artists are good with their pens but don't really use their imagination as much as you do. Not often do I see one of your sketches with "normal" technology's.

The JUMP concept is amazing and I can't wait to see what else Apollo Project has in store.

Krvanch is right. The one that got away...

Even though I'm not really a fan of fila, I can see myself buying kicks like the ones you've brought to NT. Lets hope Fila brings some of your kicks to the market.

Thanks again bro!

All Ball, All Shoes, All Ways...
Nice work dude..
man you never fail.. you the man..
i really want to make my designs look as better as yours..
oh well.. its only a matter of time..
[h2]MUCH PROPS ! [/h2]
L i o n h e a r t A nonchalant and shy student from Balamb Garden. Equipped with a gunblade, a combined sword and gun, and eager to join the elite military organization known as SeeD who are elite combat specialists who will fight the ultimate battle against the Sorceress for the sake of the world. He is thrown into the mysterious conspiracy of rivalry in a world soon to be plaqued by chaos.
AP, I'm constantly amazed by your work. You have blended a talent in art with an ingenuity with footwear to spawn some crazy designs. I really hope Fila jumps on your back, becuase anything you desin, I'll def. be wearing.
I am sure it is not an if thing but when will you go over to nike. What type of schooling did you have? I work for Nike and I have seen a lot of design drafts and yours look the same as coops, tinks or EAs but your abillity to innovate is at a high level and that is what Nike is about --- Inovation. Jeff Johnson is the man you want to talk to if you want to look at the lake. Go for it!
i want those JUMPS , i 'de be doing a backflipDUNK lol
Skip To My Lou ain't no point guard he's a point god. G-O-DHe makes miracles on the court baby.
*speechless*, what really amazes me is your concepts, your ideas. For instance those JUMPS are just an amazing concept, you totally leave the "box" that i think a lot of designers are stuck in and go out on a limb with your wonderful creativity. I design shoes myself, and i have to say that you sort of inspire me to think way outside the box. AP keep up the sweet work.
i hate when people tell me i gots too many kicks
excuse me, i gotta change pants.....

(after a few seconds)

ok, you got any more? coz i got more pants.
btw, bryce is not a good program for shoes... i suggest Illustrator and photoshop... (i'm a CFA major)
Been riding the nuts of a trashy rock band from sacto since april 2001 as hikohta on NT!!!
yea i use bryce ALOT, but i would never use it for a shoe rendering... unless the model was premade, it is a PAIN in the neck... i really think vectors (once u know how to use them), are INFINATELY more flexible.
Been riding the nuts of a trashy rock band from sacto since april 2001 as hikohta on NT!!!
isnt bryce for 3d rendering. like to make landscapes and stuff or surroundings. i use rhino 3d for my 3d modelling purposes.
You guys have it real easy. I never had it like this where I grew up. But I send my kids here because the fact is you go to one of the best schools in the country: Rushmore. Now, for some of you it doesn't matter. You were born rich and your going to stay rich. But here's my advice to the rest of you: Take dead aim on the rich boys. Get them in the crosshairs and take them down. Just remember, they can buy anything but they can't buy backbone. Don't let them forget it. Thank you. - Blume
with designers like you, it's a wonder why fila hasn't taken off yet. what's the deal? the company should be ashamed that they aren't in the top four footwear companies!!! excellent work. i especially like those second VC's. great work! :D

Kings fan since 1989
This is one of the craziest posts ever. Good job.
Main Entry:
Pronunciation: 'breth-"tA-ki[ng]
Function: adjective
Date: 1880
1 : making one out of breath
- /-ki[ng]-lE/ adverb
why hasn't there been any 3M wovens?
again, I appreciate all the love guys... Cogneeto, I am a huge Jeff Johnson fan, one day I will definately be gazing on the lake from the Mia Hamm building... I don't know Bryce 5, but it sounds interesting. Is it better than alias?

from now until infinity let icons be by-gones...
Bryce 5 from what i know is used for landscaping and animation. As for it being better than alias wavefront maya, i dont think so. I think Rhino 3d is probably the best alternative to Maya 3d. Or a least thats what of lot of people say.
You guys have it real easy. I never had it like this where I grew up. But I send my kids here because the fact is you go to one of the best schools in the country: Rushmore. Now, for some of you it doesn't matter. You were born rich and your going to stay rich. But here's my advice to the rest of you: Take dead aim on the rich boys. Get them in the crosshairs and take them down. Just remember, they can buy anything but they can't buy backbone. Don't let them forget it. Thank you. - Blume
Jus wondering, is anyone else on this message board designers, and if so, what kind.

man...u work for fila?switch to nike..then rep for us.

ur da MAN.
"he went from ASHY to CLASSY"...

1) Innovation: great ideas.
2) Plain skill.
3) Attention to details.


Favs: Jump, Kobeposite, J23, Agassi, Intelliflight, DMiles, VC Shoxa, VC Shox sst
are you ready for the southtown boom?jah rules mecarth
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