Alt-White Rally: Charlottesville, VA

What do you plan to do if white supremacist or radical leftist views are imposed on you though?

care to elaborate how that's gonna happen?

imma drive, eat, and wear w/e regardless of what a anti capitalist Marxist leftist environmentalist wants and my gorgeous skin will remain brown regardless of what a white supremacists neo nazi does or thinks.

we're in America, sharia laws don't apply here, Gestapo ain't around, there's no Berlin Wall keeping us from leaving a Socialist cesspool.

then there's a lil thing called da 2nd amendment.

make your money, live life, that's freedom.
care to elaborate how that's gonna happen?

imma drive, eat, and wear w/e regardless of what a anti capitalist Marxist leftist environmentalist wants and my gorgeous skin will remain brown regardless of what a white supremacists neo nazi does or thinks.

we're in America, sharia laws don't apply here, Gestapo ain't around, there's no Berlin Wall keeping us from leaving a Socialist cesspool.

make your money, live life, that's freedom.

It's dangerous to assume the way of life you're accustomed to will always be default just because it's America. You're thinking on a completely superficial level about potential issues that may not be that simple.

You say you're unbothered until their views are imposed on you so clearly you have an idea of what I mean whether you want to really elaborate or not. I hope you understand the potential impact of far left or far right leaning ideology overtaking the society we live in, and take it seriously, because in the unfortunate event that we end up like some of these other nations we only get to read about on the internet from the safety of our homes your attitude could be the difference between life and death.
It's dangerous to assume the way of life you're accustomed to will always be default just because it's America. You're thinking on a completely superficial level about potential issues that may not be that simple.

You say you're unbothered until their views are imposed on you so clearly you have an idea of what I mean whether you want to really elaborate or not. I hope you understand the potential impact of far left or far right leaning ideology overtaking the society we live in, and take it seriously, because in the unfortunate event that we end up like some of these other nations we only get to read about on the internet from the safety of our homes your attitude could be the difference between life and death.

Wild thing is I see the beginnings and progression going towards that direction that will eventually affect him and all of us.

Free to do say and do whatever? they're working on ways to prosecute protestors, journalists, openly tracking protestors etc.
No Gestapo? remove the watch on white supremacists extremists and legitimize these militias, allowing their rise
No wall? umm...
Sharia Laws? President who believes white supremacy is just fine and that civil rights that benefit you are unjust?

Keep your goofy head tucked in the sand in favor of a ******* chain and car like some misguided 17 year old.
The part about the wall, no gestapo, and Sharia law had me confused as hell.

The president ran on building a wall, neo Nazis are marching in the streets and are noted as the most dangerous and imminent threat to America by the top law enforcement agency of the land, and they want to push their ideology and beliefs onto the citizens of this country by force and covert operations and create some weirdo ethnically cleansed Christian society. It's a white jihadist movement operating nearly unchecked on US soil.

What other reasons do you need to push apathy aside and realize something isn't right?
I hope you understand the potential impact of far left or far right leaning ideology overtaking the society we live in, and take it seriously

it won't happen because like i said initially, da vaaaaaast majority of Americans who are decent human being occupy da middle, fringe groups on da left or right will never hold significant power in da United States, we're too individualistic for that to ever take hold.

as far as da left..

Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.

and as far as da right...

go straight to 1:26
The president ran on building a wall, neo Nazis are marching in the streets and are noted as the most dangerous and imminent threat to America by the top law enforcement agency of the land, and they want to push their ideology and beliefs onto the citizens of this country by force and covert operations and create some weirdo ethnically cleansed Christian society. It's a white jihadist movement operating nearly unchecked on US soil.

if you put every idiot in one place on either side, neither of em would have da numbers to elect a measly Congressman, let alone a president.

have we forgotten da same counties that voted for Obama Twice elected Trump?
it won't happen because

This exact quote has likely been said in every country that ended up taken over by some crazy person.

Occupying the middle doesn't matter in every context and there are more factors than just considering the current existence as the baseline. Occupying the middle is easy when you can, but what happens when your family and safety are at risk? Your possessions, your property, your rights? We have had this conversation before about tribalism trumping humanity, and you and I both know that humans will sink to incredible lows in efforts if self preservation. Look to every country run by a dictator or fascist leader ever for your historical evidence.

You don't need all of the idiots to follow you, just enough of them to make a difference. Then the rest will either fall in line or resist.

And when I say far left I don't specifically mean socialist, I'm more talking of anarchist ideology.

And I knew there would never be a wall ever but the point was his base was behind it. If he could have done it he would have. This is not evidence that "it won't happen" it's just evidence that it didn't happen this time around.
property, your rights? We have had this conversation before about tribalism trumping humanity, and you and I both know that humans will sink to incredible lows in efforts if self preservation. Look to every country run by a dictator or fascist leader ever for your historical evidence.

no other country was built on da ironclad document that is da Constitution.

American culture & politics are like herding cats, and its by design.
no other country was built on da ironclad document that is da Constitution.

American culture & politics are like herding cats, and its by design.

You're assuming leaders and citizens will adhere to a centuries old document forever.

All of the legal cases of unconstitutional action and state sponsored violations of rights should tell you otherwise. It's not as ironclad as you think, there are executive orders written up that can effectively suspend the Constitution itself so it being ironclad is a very shaky argument. People are willing to bend and reinterpret laws and the Constitution as they see fit to match whatever agenda they may have.

Again you're using the current dynamic as your basis for "forever" and it does not make sense to think that way.
no other country was built on da ironclad document that is da Constitution.

American culture & politics are like herding cats, and its by design.

The Constitution has recently been under assault by the embarrassment occupying the White House.

At the onset they attempted to implement a religious ban.

He implores the Senate to change its rules to push his agenda through.

He openly derides and attempts to undercut the Judicial system when they strike down his nonsense.

Of course, he then starts to go after the free press in this country, calling them fake, posting gifs and pictures of them being beaten or run over by trains.

If he wasn't so ineffectual as a leader it would be far more alarming than it already is. This is how the foundations of a republic are destroyed - slowly.
you're using the current dynamic as your basis for "forever" and it does not make sense to think that way.

when you take a few steps back and see da trajectory of human progress overall it makes perfect sense.

Obama said it best, you wouldn't wanna be born at anytime during da history of man then right now...its fine out here, worry about making your life good and prosper.
we've gotten to this point thus far...sans a nuclear ICBM relegating us to da stone age, there's nothing to worry about.

So because nothing has happened yet, nothing is going to happen. That's the basis of your argument?

when you take a few steps back and see da trajectory of human progress overall it makes perfect sense.

Obama said it best, you wouldn't wanna be born at anytime during da history of man then right now...its fine out here, worry about making your life good and prosper.

Trajectory doesn't always match the end point, especially when you have people in power actively trying to walk back the progress.

The right collapse is all we need and everything will be gone.

I spend most of my time focusing on prospering and attaining my goals and protecting those around me but to actively ignore the other things seems ridiculous to me. Things can change rapidly, with little to no warning. History has shown us this plenty of times.
:lol: nah b.

its called separation of powers.

Are there also 3 independent branches of government? I took civics in grade school too. Don't patronize me.

He has openly questioned the legitimacy of federal courts when verdicts were rendered against his agenda. That was only a couple of months into his tenure.

You making light of it doesn't change that fact or make it acceptable.
He has openly questioned the legitimacy of federal courts when verdicts were rendered against his agenda. That was only a couple of months into his tenure.

he's got da right to do that though, relax... separation of powers pretty much worked thus far.
i got faith in da United States.

I hope it pans out in a way that works for all of us.

Back to the original question though, what do you plan to do in the event of the will and ideology of either end of the spectrum being forcefully imposed on you?
Back to the original question though, what do you plan to do in the event of the will and ideology of either end of the spectrum being forcefully imposed on you?

you go gotta tell me how is this gonna happen.

force implies doing something against my will.
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