Am I Being a Rat Vol. Roomates Using my TP

Jun 3, 2011
Yo so heres the story I rent a room in a house with my 5 friends. I pay more than they do so that I can have my own bathroom connected to my room (tip for new or soon to be college heads 5 dudes and 1 bathroom = GRIMEY) but theres no door locks so I cant just lock that %%$.. 
Everyday when I get home from class I go to take my regular dump. I always know someones been taking a %+%# in my toilet because I always put the roll so the TP comes off over the top not under and its always the opposite way...

 Theres only one other bathroom in the house besides mine. I'm usually good at sharing %+%# but I know if I let these cats use by bathroom its gonna get reaaaal dirty and messed up meaning I gotta clean that and pay outta my security deposit if something is messed up when we move out... 

Question: Am I justified in being pissed or am I just pissed because of adderall (EFF Finals) and how should I go about tellin these dudes to step off because at the moment I am 
Originally Posted by NikeAirsNCrispyTees

Go get a door knob that locks with a key. They'll get the hint without you having to say anything.
Thats not an option I've already asked the landlord he won't let us do anything to the house..
Originally Posted by OXspzFinder

Originally Posted by NikeAirsNCrispyTees

Go get a door knob that locks with a key. They'll get the hint without you having to say anything.
Thats not an option I've already asked the landlord he won't let us do anything to the house..
just do it and take it off when you leave 
Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

Originally Posted by OXspzFinder

Originally Posted by NikeAirsNCrispyTees

Go get a door knob that locks with a key. They'll get the hint without you having to say anything.
Thats not an option I've already asked the landlord he won't let us do anything to the house..
just do it and take it off when you leave 
The landlord isn't going to come in to your house in the middle of the night and check to see if you've changed the door knob. Or, you could buy a different door with a lock on it.
Originally Posted by NikeAirsNCrispyTees

Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

Originally Posted by OXspzFinder

Thats not an option I've already asked the landlord he won't let us do anything to the house..
just do it and take it off when you leave 
The landlord isn't going to come in to your house in the middle of the night and check to see if you've changed the door knob. Or, you could buy a different door with a lock on it.
It takes a few minutes to unscrew your door knob and replace it with one that has a key. When you move out, just switch it, the landlord would never know.

If you didn't pay extra money for it, then maybe you could relax about people sharing.. but you're paying more so you can put your foot down.
Originally Posted by trak1sh

Why you so scared of your landlord?
Hes a crazy asian dude who hates us since we've gotten 2 party tickets so far... He comes by to check on the house now to make sure its clean and nothings damaged once a month now so this knob @$*! is out of the question.  
Originally Posted by OXspzFinder

Yo so heres the story I rent a room in a house with my 5 friends. I pay more than they do so that I can have my own bathroom connected to my room (tip for new or soon to be college heads 5 dudes and 1 bathroom = GRIMEY) but theres no door locks so I cant just lock that %%$.. 
Everyday when I get home from class I go to take my regular dump. I always know someones been taking a %+%# in my toilet because I always put the roll so the TP comes off over the top not under and its always the opposite way...

 Theres only one other bathroom in the house besides mine. I'm usually good at sharing %+%# but I know if I let these cats use by bathroom its gonna get reaaaal dirty and messed up meaning I gotta clean that and pay outta my security deposit if something is messed up when we move out... 

Question: Am I justified in being pissed or am I just pissed because of adderall (EFF Finals) and how should I go about tellin these dudes to step off because at the moment I am 
Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

Originally Posted by OXspzFinder

Originally Posted by NikeAirsNCrispyTees

Go get a door knob that locks with a key. They'll get the hint without you having to say anything.
Thats not an option I've already asked the landlord he won't let us do anything to the house..
just do it and take it off when you leave 

Right... It's not hard...
Well if you are scared to change it out, which would only take minutes and he wouldn't know unless he came inside the bathroom and saw the turnknob, you have no choice but to talk to your roommates. You paid more for a reason. I have had roommates 3 different times, never shared a bathroom. But there are many no drilling options, such as this one

Originally Posted by OXspzFinder

Originally Posted by trak1sh

Why you so scared of your landlord?
Hes a crazy asian dude who hates us since we've gotten 2 party tickets so far... He comes by to check on the house now to make sure its clean and nothings damaged once a month now so this knob @$*! is out of the question.  

You must be trolling bro... I REFUSE to believe you're this dumb! Seriously? You're scared to change a door knob? YOU'RE PAYING smart one! Ever think of that?
Dude changing a doorknob doesn't damage the door or anything. Just swap it out. If he notices and bugs, pull him to the side, and say I pay extra and want the bathroom to be private, so that I know the portion I'm responsible for won't get damaged. He should respect that.
True. If you was even half bout that life, you'd call the Landlord up and demand that he do it. Again, you're paying and extra at that for the bathroom. I assume your bedroom doesn't have a lock either, which is bupkiss really for a 6 bedroom dwelling to have no locks on doors. If you are less than half bout that life, ask him nicely and make up some lie that things are being stolen and offer to pay for the lock and the installation
Originally Posted by ToLiveandDieinNJ

Dude changing a doorknob doesn't damage the door or anything. Just swap it out. If he notices and bugs, pull him to the side, and say I pay extra and want the bathroom to be private, so that I know the portion I'm responsible for won't get damaged. He should respect that.
Seriously... changing a doorknob is easy and he probably won't even notice. But if he does then that reason would be a perfect counter-argument.

Changing a door knob won't mess up your door and if he freaks then you can always change it back.
Originally Posted by OXspzFinder

Originally Posted by NikeAirsNCrispyTees

Go get a door knob that locks with a key. They'll get the hint without you having to say anything.
Thats not an option I've already asked the landlord he won't let us do anything to the house.. he must've cast a spell that makes it impossible to do any sort of modification to that door, huh?

@%!+ that dude and get your door with a lock on it. I guarantee you he will not do a damn thing to your deposit if you do.
Originally Posted by Kramer

Just tell them man. This is really not that big of a deal

this or just change the knob isnt that hard OP
landlord aint gon come in check all yo doors and kick you out because you got a different damb knob..
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

True. If you was even half bout that life, you'd call the Landlord up and demand that he do it. Again, you're paying and extra at that for the bathroom. I assume your bedroom doesn't have a lock either, which is bupkiss really for a 6 bedroom dwelling to have no locks on doors. If you are less than half bout that life, ask him nicely and make up some lie that things are being stolen and offer to pay for the lock and the installation

Naww OP isn't about that life. His friends walk over him and his balls haven't dropped yet to stannd up for himself. It's disgusting!
Set up a security camera that streams to a cloud service.
View recorded video when you realize someone used your bathroom.
Find culprit.
%#@@ in culprits bed.

That or man up and get a damb doorknob that locks.
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