Am I being rude to store workers? Vol. Can I help you with anything?

Nov 27, 2003
When I go shopping, a typical conversation goes like this when a sales associate approaches me.

Sales Associate: Hi, Can I help you find anything today?
Me: *Smile* I think I'm fine, thank you
Sales Associate: *fake smile/grin* Alright, you have a nice day. *stoneface*

I don't think I come off as rude, but this happens every time. But at stores like Borders, or Safeway where they don't work for commission. What wouldbe the best way to say "No thank you"?
I asked my friend the same question, and she told me the reason they even approach me is that they suspect that I'm going to steal something.
thats not rude at all...i keep it moving in between their sentence....since i already know where im going to shop.Before the election there was people lined upoutside my school tryna get the school to register....i used to walk right past them too.I always wanted to tell them i had a felony charge.
Originally Posted by NikeFlightposite

I asked my friend the same question, and she told me the reason they even approach me is that they suspect that I'm going to steal something.
I used to think that also, until i started working at Foot Locker.
^^^^^on some occasions...they prolly already got LP watchin yo @*+,so they really dont have to,but its part of the job description too
At my job, Best Buy, If I don't contact customers, i get yelled at, thats part of my job, so when people are rude, it pissesm eoff
I worked at Finish Line for 2 years and I can tell you that it's not you, it's just the fact that having to ask every customer that $!++ for 6-8 hoursis annoying as hell.

- Tical.
anyone who has worked retail knows they are required to ask if you need help, if we don't we could get slammed by supervisor/manager if they catch wind ofit, OR you could be a mystery shopper that snitches on us.

can't afford to lose a job in times like this
i never worked in retail, but i can tell its boring i always let people help because manger prolly is a ahole
dam son...momma aint teach u no manners

jk ..i get that all the time from them. i find it annoying when 3 diff. workers come up 2 me asking the same thing
i work retail and unless the guest is super salty and sounding rude, i could care less. i rather just sit back and chill.
As long as you're speaking with a respectful tone back to the worker, then it should be all good, and if they have an attitude, its all on them.
Originally Posted by NikeFlightposite

I asked my friend the same question, and she told me the reason they even approach me is that they suspect that I'm going to steal something.

Thats not always the reason. Customer Service is a way to deter theft though. If you're thinking about stealing are you going to steal on the employee whoasks if you need help, then reapproaches to see if you need any hep later, continues to walk around and make themselves visible to you incase you need help? Orthe associate who says hi to you IF you walk by them? My manager gets on us if we're not approaching people and customers do complain when they get nohelp.

OP I think what you say is fine. I work retail and I hear that all the time. I just let them know I'll be around or to ask me if they need something.Atleast you acknowledge the employee spoke to you.
I work at DSW and asking people if they need help is definitely part of the job description. One of the guys that i worked with got cursed out just for askinga customer if they need help. It all depends on what type of mood i am in, somedays i wont even ask too many customers if they need help. That was just plainignorant though for the woman to curse him out and she was very loud so the whole store heard it and just paused from what i heard, i was missing in action.Majority of the DSW employees were laughing about it, when they told me i laughed also because it was funny how everything happened however it was stillignorant for her to do. She said that she cursed him out because she was tired of employees asking her "Can i help you find anything today?"

When someone tells me, "No, thank you." i just say, "ok" and then i walk away. Its nothing.
You are not being rude, i have been around people that dont even respond back to you and try to get loud. You just have to let it roll off of your back likewater because its not that serious to begin with.
I usually say.. "Damn, can't i just browse around without any of you getting on mybizalls

But seriously, i just say "No thank you, I'm just looking around".
Yea its all apart of the job. The main thing is the Secret Shopper, if you don't get anything right make sure its that.

Your friend needs to get over that whole "They are talking to me because they think I'm going to steal" If she isn't going to steal, why isshe worrying?
Originally Posted by AirPhilippines

I think I'm fine, thank you
The I think may come off a little condescending, I usually just say I'm browsing or looking through.

+1 , always just say im looking. sometimes when they come up and ask, I'll be like well since you asked where can I find this..... then it seems like theywould rather have had me say just looking lol
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