Am I tripping out for no reason?

Oct 5, 2004
So I recently bought a house and I started to do some renovations last night.  I was taping off the baseboards and edges so i could paint when i get to a doorway and I see something hanging over the edge. I flick it and it comes falling to the floor, turns out to be a super old picture of some lady.  Immediately i'm thinking the previous owners were on some spiritual or satanic cult stuff so i call my realtor asap because i did put a clause in the sale of the house that if it's haunted i'm out.  Anyways, my question is do any of you know of anyone placing pictures of passed loved ones over doorways?  and if so for what reason? 

This is the picture i found.


This was the doorway where i found it, entering my living area.  (sorry about the sideways pic)

Anyways my realtor sent the pic to the lawyers and they're asking the previous owners who that is, cuz there's no way i'm staying in a house where they practiced weird stuff like that in the past.
I'd be freaking out too my man. Not much gets me too worked up, but a haunted house
....I'm staying out. 
i'm really hoping it's nothing, but i'm not taking any chances. i mean i gotta live in this place for at least the next 5 years possibly longer.
Originally Posted by King Au

That's Geraldine, the original owner of the house.
Her spirit is just giving you a stoneface for changing the character of her favorite room, the parlor.

You, have french doors, hardwoods, and crown molding.  I'd stick it out and enjoy her company.
Nice place.
well thanks to everyone on the compliments of my new place but i can't sleep comfortably there till i find out what that picture is all about, and why it was placed over the doorway. I know that it wasn't left there by mistake either because the previous owners actually painted recently to help sell the house. so they must have put it back up there on purpose.
Dont look in the dark corners at night.. You arent alone

Just kidding op hope you get to the bottom of it. Id be creeped tf out.
@ a haunted house can that be proven? how could somebody ever win that case?

at the end of the day its on you to fix the problem in YOUR head...they can feed you whatever bogus story which may or may not satisfy you but that doesnt mean certain things werent practiced in the house...

it could be innocent or could be some voodoo type stuff...but youll never really know so just take it in stride-

if it helps i know alot of people that put little angel figurines, crosses etc on the molding/bases of certain doorways to keep evil spirits away
To be honest I don't know how it can be proven I just told my realtor to put it in there, she laughed at me at the time (my realtor is a friend of mine) but I did tell her to put it in there.
Originally Posted by King Au

To be honest I don't know how it can be proven I just told my realtor to put it in there, she laughed at me at the time (my realtor is a friend of mine) but I did tell her to put it in there.

well the reason she laughed is because it could never can put any clause you want as long as the other party signs off but it doesnt mean much if you cant prove it when it comes down to court time

if haunted maybe you can sub lease it to one of them haunted house reality ghost chaser shows
Well how old is the house?
I think its just a pic of a previous owner or previous owner's fam member.

I remember at our old house my dad found a bunch of quarters in the wall, I guess the previous owner hid them there. 
Originally Posted by King Au

Originally Posted by oidreez

you can't be serious

i'm totally serious, no trollin.  I don't mess with spirits and stuff like that.
you can't be serious.
Like I'd even cop to the spot being haunted if I was the previous owner.

Shoulda got a ghost hunter in there when you did the inspection.
lol first of all calm long have you been in the house before you even noticed this...?

did you notice any other weird stuff?

are you religious? if so did you bless your house beforehand?

New houses >

lol congrats tho.
Originally Posted by Supermanblue79

Originally Posted by King Au
That's Geraldine, the original owner of the house.
Her spirit is just giving you a stoneface for changing the character of her favorite room, the parlor.

You, have french doors, hardwoods, and crown molding.  I'd stick it out and enjoy her company.
Nice place.


Nice place OP.
play the new rick perry ad 4 times with all the windows open...

That should scare away any spirits that may be hiding
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