Amazon Prime Video Thread : Mr & Mrs Smith

No, season 2. amazon didn't have season 2 last year when I checked. Have no idea when they added it. Think the Epix channel has the rights to air current episodes in america.

Yea I had to get Epix to watch Season 2 last year but it showed up on Prime after I watched.
Wait until you see episode 1 of Season2

You realize what a Savage that David Aulus(Morrisey Character).

I love The Veran though.
Dude legit kills it with the fits.
Wardrobe would be worn by me on the daily (yes today) if I could.
Never heard of show, but just read synopsis.

In 43 AD, the Roman Army - determined and terrified in equal measure - returns to crush the Celtic heart of Britannia - a mysterious land ruled by warrior women and powerful druids who can channel the powerful forces of the underworld. Or so they say.

Show sounds kind of dope, not easy show to get in since only three seasons.
No, season 2. amazon didn't have season 2 last year when I checked. Have no idea when they added it. Think the Epix channel has the rights to air current episodes in america.
I forgot that I have Epix, but its been in Prime at least since the spring. Season 3 has already aired overseas which is way asked did you mean S3.
Sigh Boy Meets World, that was my show back in the day. TGIF lineup was dope.
Crazy how that redhead from Boy Meets World became a porn star.
There was a black chick from family matters that became an actress* too. Judy Winslow.
I didn’t know that. Seems like a lot of child actors took a crazy path after their jobs dried up.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think she was a child actor :lol: Maybe a teenager at the most?

Think the acting gigs dried up and then she just started doing bbc porn and she's still pretty active.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think she was a child actor :lol: Maybe a teenager at the most?

Think the acting gigs dried up and then she just started doing bbc porn and she's still pretty active.
I feel like I watched a pretty good amount of Boy meets world but I don’t remember that chick
Sigh Boy Meets World, that was my show back in the day. TGIF lineup was dope.
The TGIF lineups I remember most was the 3 staples - Family Matters, Boy meets world, step by step
And the 4th was prob either Full House or Hangin with Mr Cooper 😂. I remember Dinosaurs, I know I never was into it, but I don’t actually remember it in that TGIF lineup
I feel like I watched a pretty good amount of Boy meets world but I don’t remember that chick
She was Eric's main gf towards the last few seasons. Wasn't that memorable compared to Topanga or Shawn's gf.

I almost want to say they tried a spinoff with Eric, her and Eric's best friend (Shawn's brother).
Crazy how that redhead from Boy Meets World became a porn star.
I didn’t know that. Seems like a lot of child actors took a crazy path after their jobs dried up.

I don't even think this was about jobs drying up. She started doing cosplay and picked up a following from it. Then the outfits became more raunchy which to led to ******** which then led to her going full porn star.

That social media bug got the best of her.
Yup that's what I mean when I said she still active :lol:

She doing well known themed porn. Only a matter of time before she's on the bus.
We could be talking about different buses, but I thought that only highlighted Spanish decent actresses'.
We could be talking about different buses, but I thought that only highlighted Spanish decent actresses'.
The bus I'm talking about is the most popular one. Doesn't discriminate and doesn't bang music during the ride if you catch my drift.
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