Amazon's HQ2 Probably Headed to Northern Virginia (Crystal City)

it doesn't, i worked around there for 4 years... residential spots are sparsely scattered.

you take da Kosciuszko Bridge before you hit da 287 interstate and its a birdseye view on da entire neighborhood, and its majority industrial.
I live literally 5 minutes from there. From Maurice to LIC it’s factories. Everything is houses east of Maurice. Then from 51st ave to Queens Blvd it’s factories/warehouses. Everything in between is residential and stores. You’re literally looking at 20% of the neighborhood at most being industrial.
Funny to think that most of the complaints about the pull out was due to insecurity of women in power. Really shows too
I live literally 5 minutes from there. From Maurice to LIC it’s factories. Everything is houses east of Maurice. Then from 51st ave to Queens Blvd it’s factories/warehouses

da vaaaaaaaaast majority of residential is on Sunnyside which is going up on queens blvd...Long Island City would've been perfect for Amazon since where they were ploppin down would've been in that industrial terrain.

da boogeyman of gentrification was stupid, most of those people would've gotten cribs near da PepsiCo sign that LOCALS don't be around.
da vaaaaaaaaast majority of residential is on Sunnyside which is going up on queens blvd...Long Island City would've been perfect for Amazon since where they were ploppin down would've been in that industrial terrain.

da boogeyman of gentrification was stupid, most of those people would've gotten cribs near da PepsiCo sign that LOCALS don't be around.
It’s really da commute that would’ve hurt locals. Extra traffic isn’t worth it to see more rich people flooding da area.


Amazon is eyeing a return to New York City
By Lois Weiss

May 27, 2019 | 7:20pm | Updated

Jeff Bezos of Amazon may just come through a back door and take up mega-space in Manhattan, only months after a protest championed by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (right) helped deep-six an HQ2 move to Long Island City.Alamy images

Amazon may have bid farewell to Queens, but it still “hearts” the Big Apple.

After walking away from a deal to build a headquarters on the Queens waterfront in Long Island City, Amazon is back to shopping for office space on Manhattan’s West Side, sources tell The Post.

The tech giant has been in talks with owners of two shiny new skyscrapers located just one block west of Penn Station — the newly built One Manhattan West and its soon-to-be sister project, Two Manhattan West, sources tell The Post.

The online retailer is seeking “at least 100,000 square feet or much more” — just to start, one well-placed source said.

Amazon, which already has 5,000 workers in NYC, had been “seriously” looking at Two Manhattan West prior to choosing Long Island City in November, a second source said. “That interest has returned over the last few weeks,” the source added.

Brookfield, which owns the two Manhattan West towers (and another at 5 Manhattan West, where Amazon is already a tenant), denied through a spokesman that it was leasing to the Seattle company. But multiple sources pointed to the company’s strict confidentiality agreements as a potential reason.

“We don’t comment on rumors or speculation,” an Amazon spokeswoman said.

At Two Manhattan West, Amazon is eyeing space at the top of the tower, sources said. The only issue is that the building, to be located on 31st Street and 9th Avenue, won’t be ready for tenants until 2022.

One Manhattan West, by contrast, will be ready for tenants to move in this fall, including a 250,000-square-foot space in the middle of the 67-story tower. The 250,000-square-foot space won’t be available long-term, but could satisfy Amazon’s space needs until Two Manhattan is ready, sources said.

Amazon pulls out of $3 billion deal to bring HQ2 to NYC
Amazon also is considering space in the US Post Office building across the street, known as the James A. Farley building — a Vornado development that will boast office space across five levels and will be ready for tenants next May, sources said.

Amazon’s renewed focus on Manhattan so soon after dropping its plans for Queens is an apparent rebuke to the politicians who helped scuttle Amazon’s plans to build a 4 million-square-foot campus in LIC, including US Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, sources said.

Queens residents overwhelmingly supported plans for 25,000 new jobs with an average wage of $150,000, despite protests from Ocasio-Cortez and other politicians over $3.2 billion in capital grants and tax incentives, polls have shown.

One reason is that every job that Amazon brought to the area would have had a multiplier effect on five or more other local jobs, including at local coffee shops, dry cleaners and food franchises, said Alfredo Ortiz, president & CEO of the Job Creators Network.

Manhattan, by contrast, will barely register the growth, experts said.

“Frankly, that kind of activity gets lost in Manhattan,” said Kathryn Wylde, CEO of the nonprofit Partnership for New York City.

The Long Island City deal would also have seen Amazon invest in a 600-seat public school; a workforce development and training space; an artists’ workspace; and 149,650 square feet of public open space, among other projects — all of which is now lost.

“The investment in Long Island City was going to create a whole cluster of activity around it,” Wylde explained. “No one is going to have that same impact in Manhattan unless you go to Upper Manhattan.”

Additional reporting by Carleton English

well well well...
Bring them to manhattan that works for me. I wish they would go all the way out east though to the mastic Shirley area and open up shop. That’s the kinda place in ny that desperately needs jobs and has tons of land.

Good, **** using my tax money to give these guys a break.
Glad she fought this and didn't fold.

its no where near as big as what was planned in queens, and they're just tenants, they're not contributing to ish for da community or infrastructure...she sound like she celebrating saved crumbs from da cake that fell on da sidewalk already.
its no where near as big as what was planned in queens, and they're just tenants, they're not contributing to ish for da community or infrastructure...she sound like she celebrating saved crumbs from da cake that fell on da sidewalk already.
I don't really care, they would have used far more resources and now there's $3 billion saved to contribute to infrastructure.
I'm good on subsidizing non tax paying companies.

yep..she should've kept her mouth shut. :lol:

It's not a victory lap, but NYC and VA had all of the leverage. They didn't have to give them billions with a B in tax incentives to come to NY. Amazon already has a sizeable population at Hudson Yards. They're going to add 1500 more employees literally across the street from that location. Also, I don't know why the 25K number is being seen as concrete. You always sell high to lure in municipalities. These weren't going to be warehouse jobs. They were all corporate and tech related positions many of which would likely be inhabited by H1B employees. In addition to the local infrastructure being overwhelmed, property values would have soared.
Also, I don't know why the 25K number is being seen as concrete.

because da agreement was laden with incentives that only triggered once certain criterias were satisfied....

AOC getting roundly mocked for trying to save face.


De Blasio says Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez didn’t understand Amazon deal
By Bruce Golding

February 17, 2019 | 6:31pm

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Mayor Bill de Blasio said Sunday that US Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was wrong to have claimed the collapse of the Amazon deal would free up $3 billion to fix the city’s subways and hire more teachers.

During an appearance on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” de Blasio agreed when host Chuck Todd said that the tax breaks offered to Amazon weren’t “money you had over here. And it was going over there.”

“Correct,” de Blasio said.

He added: “And that $3 billion that would go back in tax incentives was only after we were getting the jobs and getting the revenue.”

To further drive home the point, Todd said, “There’s not $3 billion in money —”

“There’s no money — right,” de Blasio said.

The exchange came after Todd suggested there was a “factual divide” that kept Ocasio-Cortez (D-Bronx) from understanding “how this deal worked.”

He also played a video clip that showed her reacting on Thursday to Amazon’s cancellation of plans to build an office complex in Long Island City.

“If we were willing to give away $3 billion for this deal, we could invest those $3 billion in our district ourselves, if we wanted to. We could hire out more teachers. We can fix our subways. We can put a lot of people to work for that money, if we wanted to,” Ocasio-Cortez said at the time.

Her remarks prompted President Trump’s son Donald Trump Jr. to tweet: “Will someone please explain to me how it is possible for NYC to SPEND a $3 Billion tax break on anything? This is insanity.”

Several conservative websites also piled on, blasting Ocasio-Cortez for her “idiotic claim” and saying she “should retake basic math.”

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