American Gods (STARZ) Thread

i wouldnt be surprised if odin is mr world playing both sides to kill each other so hes the only god left and everyone has to worship him

and then you find out hes not odin but the devil

and shadow is his new body after laura kills him

like in devils advocate
i wouldnt be surprised if odin is mr world playing both sides to kill each other so hes the only god left and everyone has to worship him

and then you find out hes not odin but the devil

and shadow is his new body after laura kills him

like in devils advocate

Id prolly stop watching the show if this was the case

I've already spoiled it for myself tho, unless they take a huge turn from the books
Show is trash.
Hot garbage.
None of this ish is cool or fun.
What a waste of makeup and wardrobe.

Firing those writers made a HUGE difference.
This is more of a headache than a Legion was.
Damn if you couldnt follow Legion I dont see how this can be seen as worse.

Its just slow paced.
Every time Anasi is given a monologue the writing is IMMACULATE and hits right to the core of blackness and black issues. Too much truth.

When his African accent began to slip out :smh:

Orlando Jones is killing this role.

I want to see them tackle the gods of the indigenous ppl of this land and how they would feel about this coming war. You wanna talk about being replaced, shhhiiiittt.

All these new gods getting replaced :lol: Wonder who will be the new technology.
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Every time Anasi is given a monologue the writing is IMMACULATE and hits right tonthe core of blackness and black issues. Too much truth.

Had to rewind that scene, it left me shook at how real it was and how well it described the way I feel about our history in this country and our tensions with it still to this day.

Can’t watch til later this week, it start making sense yet?

Not even close. Straight up, the first 30 minutes I had no idea what was going on and why. Pay attention to the foreshadowing and references to the cat is all im gonna say.
Why mr world got rid of info boy? Guess his patience ran out and info boy was just annoying to look at.

Also, shadow had sex with that cat. Weird.
I interpreted the scene at his father's funeral as being the birth of Tech Boy...with the Asian kid being his first worshipper.
Every time Anasi is given a monologue the writing is IMMACULATE and hits right to the core of blackness and black issues. Too much truth.

When his African accent began to slip out :smh:

Orlando Jones is killing this role.

I want to see them tackle the gods of the indigenous ppl of this land and how they would feel about this coming war. You wanna talk about being replaced, shhhiiiittt.

All these new gods getting replaced :lol: Wonder who will be the new technology.
I cried like a baby at that scene. Could not hold back the tears at all.
Djhuti/Thoth knows the end of all of this, as he is writing it, therefore can afford to be cool. Anansi wants to interfere, intervene, changing the course of history before it is written. Ruby Goodchild. Damned good name. Bilquis is as fine as all get out.
They been setting up this war, wonder when we’ll finally see it. Also they’re taking their sweet time in revealing why shadow is important.
That was by far the best Episode of the Series.
Too real for critical acclaim but my favor,it has.
It was really good but every so when Anasi goes off is on that level.

Word to s1 when he schooled the soon to be slaves on the slaveships and burned it all
The Anansi monologue was dope...but this was lowkey my favorite exchange

"strange when they talk about african-americans, my colleagues never thought of ourselves as African. We were the people of the Nile"

That's deep for a multitude of reasons.
The Anansi monologue was dope...but this was lowkey my favorite exchange

"strange when they talk about african-americans, my colleagues never thought of ourselves as African. We were the people of the Nile"

That's deep for a multitude of reasons.

So, why was it so deep for you? I am certain that if Djhuti spoke Egyptian to Anansi, that you would not have been able to comprehend it for one...single....second.
I thought there was mention of an Anansi spinoff last season? after this episode put a black team behind it and i'm with it.
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