*America's Best Dance Crew Thread* vol. Season 3


I didn't even watch last night's episode and I saw this elimination coming .

Since this happened, I hope Gen2/Camp/Company never audition for Season 4.

But to lighten up the mood .. here's a video of CADC from Vibe XIV
TM got wack ever since they started changing their style.

You can't go from hip hop one year then rock the next.

Be true not different
Originally Posted by eeibaby

TM got wack ever since they started changing their style.

You can't go from hip hop one year then rock the next.

Be true not different
I agree. I liked their style before but now it was like ehhh

Hope Quest Crew or Beatfreaks takes it home this season.
Originally Posted by retrospect90

Little mama did it. I dont know how but its her. That was a shocker.

lil mama and her damn man crushes.

wobz looked damn good though
Anyways Beat Freaks will win this season. It'll be between them and Quest Crew. I say it's time for a female group to win and they've stepped up sofar.
I see a lot of people saying Quest or Beat Freaks. The thing is....IMO if its between those two crews, its not even close. Quest is light years better thanBeat Freaks. If we are talking about fundamental judgement of the dancing, Quest kills them. If Beat Freaks were dudes, people wouldnt be jocking nearly ashard.
Originally Posted by swyftdahoe

Anyways Beat Freaks will win this season. It'll be between them and Quest Crew. I say it's time for a female group to win and they've stepped up so far.
Quest always "brings it" word to lil mama.

They will win this season.
yeah, I'm not really impressed by BF but whenever I say something, I'm just a hater. They're just not as crisp to me. Quest should have this, butI know with the backstage politics, anything can happen, but Quest (and SAS) are the only crews I enjoy and wouldn't mind seeing what they could do in thefinal episode challenges
It should be Quest vs Beat Freaks in the finals.
Knowing MTV it will be Quest vs Steppers, Cloggers, or Ringmasters.
Originally Posted by eeibaby

TM got wack ever since they started changing their style.

You can't go from hip hop one year then rock the next.

Be true not different
I felt the same way, Don't change just for a show.
is anyone else disappointed with this season?

the challenges keep getting corny and cornier.
Ringmasters are getting voted off today!!! YAYY!!!!!!! sorry for spoiling it but i dont give an FFFFFFFFFFF about them. haha

it's fly khicks and ringmasters bottom two tomorrow woot woot
Originally Posted by OneTrust

TM has got to be THE MOST hyped thing since SB Dunks on Niketalk. EVERY performance they've EVER done on the show has been nothing special or wack. The ONLY thing TM got going for them is that sexy +!$ Wobz...She'd get it ALL DAY!!!

, cosign that whole statement. ringmasters easily had the betterperformance when they were bottom 2.

i think either quest or strikers takes it this season.
meh i kinda hope dynamic edition and ringmasters bottom 2 to be honest
the white chicks joke was classic esp cuz i was talkn to my boy about it before shane said it
Well..even though this season has been rigged somethin fierce..i am still supportin the real crews on this show..

Here we go y'all

Episode Four of America's Best Dance Crew..

Go Beat Freaks and Quest!!

PLEASE GET RID OF RINGMASTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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