An idea I just had about time travel

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

what about that dude that shot the president, McKinley i believe it was, and they found a quarter on him with a future date and a man's face on it that they did not recognize. Stuff like this makes me wonder how many of these events have occurred. 

At Auburn Prison in Auburn, New York, on October 29, 1901, Mr. Czolgosz was placed in an electric chair and electrocuted until death did occur.
Among his effects when his cell was cleaned out was a U.S. quarter, stamped with the year 2218. The face on the quarter wasn't George Washington but instead - was an unknown face that is yet to be identified.


Originally Posted by kdawg

There's a theory a bit like this that when a time machine is invented it will only be able to go back as far as when it was invented - because if it can go back it's a paradox.

Bit Star Trekky that one but it sort of makes sense to my tiny brain.

You know what I find funny about this theory? 
It's that given that thought, technically the minute you completed a working time machine someone would walk right through it.

the idea going traveling backwards in time breaks all the laws of physics.

the most realistic concept of time travel is not really what most people think.

to put it simply, you can travel into the future, and indeed there is a world record for longest time traveled measured by an atomic clock.

if humans were capable of traveling at the speed of light, and more importantly being able to slow or stop, one could travel through "time" so that ones own relative time would pass by slowly than that of people on earth. ex: while your are traveling through space at a set velocity, 1 year might have passed, while on earth 1,000 years might have passed. hence, time travel.
Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

what about that dude that shot the president, McKinley i believe it was, and they found a quarter on him with a future date and a man's face on it that they did not recognize. Stuff like this makes me wonder how many of these events have occurred.


At Auburn Prison in Auburn, New York, on October 29, 1901, Mr. Czolgosz was placed in an electric chair and electrocuted until death did occur.
Among his effects when his cell was cleaned out was a U.S. quarter, stamped with the year 2218. The face on the quarter wasn't George Washington but instead - was an unknown face that is yet to be identified.

A quarter in 1901 wouldn't have George Washington on it.

It would look like this, this is how the quarter, dime and half dollar looked from 1892 to 1916.

This stuff is crazy. This is a proven experiment that has to do with the idea of parallel universe type stuff. Really interesting. There was another experiment done but SDSU researchers a couple years ago that had to do with this idea that basically "proved" the fact that parallel universes "exist" to some degree. Maybe not hollywood parallel life type stuff but just the fact that all of our molecules are carrying out a whole wave of potential outcomes and we are just observing/living one tiny sliver and one tiny outcome. I'll try and find the article

Edit: found the article, its from FoxNews and I know some of ya'll don't... i'll say trust... these guys but it was the most reputable source that was on the first page of google.
Originally Posted by bruce negro

Originally Posted by Yeah

I'm interested, [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Bruce Negro[/color]. But I have to respectfully disagree with your general theory. This is, of course, all based on Einstein and whether or not he was true. In his theory time is not an Eucildean continuum, like yours seems to be (a basic description here: )

In your theory, Time is not a measurement of change but rather an indicator that is occurring. That is, to say, without this cause-and-effect relationship, time would not be able to exist without the passing of events (which I think is a fallacy, because if every single thing stopped moving on Earth at the same moment, Time would continue to exist... there just wouldn't be anyone to measure it.)

What you are describing is not time, but rather the existence of multiple timelines (alternate realities.) There is no way to prove that a minute choice in the past would change the future, as that is a contingency perpetuated by scientists of the modern era. Based on Einstein, it is not possible to time travel. Only to 'speed up' (so to speak) to near light speed, in which you are moving faster than every other thing in existence, so 5 years to an object moving at a regular pace would be 2 years to an object moving at light speed. But there wouldn't be any ability to go back.

Personally, I like to think that time travel might be able to exist based on the video that Seeko posted (which is mind blowing, by the way,) but mathematically I don't think it's possible, and for moral reasons I NEVER want humans to be able to time travel.

Hmm, I see what you're saying, but you understood me wrong a bit. I don't rely on time "measurements" in order to tell me that time exists. I'm also not trying to prove that time travel does exist, just hypothesizing on the possible consequences. Instead, I believe that if we view time as a continuum, as the 4th dimension above us, then everything in our time line is existing all at the same time, just in different places on the timeline. Furthermore, as we are unable to be consciously aware of our past/future selves, we view time as a continuum steadily flowing from the past toward the future, with our conscious selves embodied in the perpetual present. Basically, since we're within that timeline, and we're only at one POINT in the timeline at any time, we can only perceive our actual selves in each and every moment. We are aware of the past, and we aware of the future, but we are only truly EXISTING in the moment we are at now, in that point. And as the continuum progresses, our actions in the past create the conditions of the present, which then create infinite future possibilities.
That being said, if one part of the continuum at one point were to travel backwards through the continuum and enter at a past area, their present would be stuck at that point in the past. This would then allow them to create infinite future possibilities, as we all do anyways. However, if our timeline is viewed as a 4th dimension, then that means the already established continuum--which even reaches to the point where you decided to travel back in time and infinitely further than that--would be broken at the place where you went back in time and started creating possibilities. Why? Because although there are infinite possibilities, in the end one cannot choose infinitely, one may only choose one. This is how time continues, with events and whatnot. Even though there are tons of things that are undiscovered in the universe, they all still belong in this point in time, correct? Meaning that although there are infinite future possibilities, there are only a finite amount of results, which make up the past. However, when you throw something from a different part of the time continuum back into another part of the continuum, a paradox occurs because what used to be a finite amount of results would end up diverging, having to cope with an entirely new, 4th dimensional alteration. 

I believe the results of the above paragraph would come in two forms: Either a branch from the dimension at that point, allowing for a parallel continuum, or present which is being constantly changed and overwritten from the past. In other words, each "moment" could be something completely new, and different from something which only happened a  "moment" ago. A "moment" ago we could have lived in a world where Hilary Duff made a sex tape, or where somebody's marriage failed, but we would never be consciously aware of these different moments because as soon as a different possibility came to fruition in the past because of this outsider, then every part of the past up to the present would be overwritten to match the action. I hope somebody understands this or else it'll just sound like I'm crazy 

I get what your saying. Basically every single moment would be "ever changing". Because there would be constantly changing set of results. And even though, (if you watch my video I posted, it is about the double slit experiment which talks about the entire wave of potentials) there are infinite potential possibilities, we, the OBSERVER, can only see one. So they would always be getting written over by the convergence of the dimensions you talked about and the new wave of potentials and therefore new outcomes or results. So in essence, the moment right now that we are living, and believe in, would be dramatically different then the previous moments, but is being re-written so we don't remember and aren't aware of it. 
I just think it is amazing how these molecules act differently JUST by the fact that they are being observed. Somehow, first of all, they have to know that they are being observed to change how they behave. And then second of all, how is it decided what specific outcome or result we are seeing. And then, are all of these potential outcomes still being carried out on separate timelines that are infinite and always changing and diverging? This entire subject is mind boggling, but I absolutely love learning (...trying to at least) about all of these theories and ideas. I feel that if anything major is going to be discovered that concerns any of the topics mentioned in this thread, it will definitely come from the field of Quantum physics. Please, if anyone has anything to add or share please do!! I would like to keep this thread alive and hear/read some more stuff that other people have found. I feel like i'm rambling and making no sense, but this subject will do that to you!
Anyone else read 11/22/63 by Stephen King

Basic synopsis is that a dude goes back in time to stop the Kennedy assassination and bad things happen. Basically a story regarding the butterfly effect.

Although I have seen other posters reference their own beliefs regarding whether or not a single action could affect a greater range of future events I have to agree with this theory in part. I don't entirely agree that something as small as stepping on a bug in the past that normally wouldn't have been stepped on would have a great effect on the future but i do think that if you were to go back and starting interacting with people that would have to change the future.

If you were to have an interaction with someone in the past that means that they might not be some place when they should have been which could lead to more and more changes to the future.

Just my two cents
Originally Posted by AlBooBoo5

there is a time machine it is called yuku

for real
.  Man though the infinite possibilities of time travel and the unanswered questions for our current time are just to much to comprehend. If it's true though that you can only teleport back to when they are invented then we'll know pretty fast that one has been invented I think
Getting past all the physics and the scientific part of this, how exactly would you get to the exact desired place and time, past or present? I know we've seen it hundreds of times on cartoons/movies where they just punch in the MM/DD/YY and boom, you're there. Who's to say where in time you would actually end up at? How long? Getting back? 
If you go back and time and kill your father before you were born, do you immediately cease to exist? Or does your pops even die? If you never existed how would you go back in time to kill your dad.....
ORSRT8 wrote:
If you go back and time and kill your father before you were born, do you immediately cease to exist? Or does your pops even die? If you never existed how would you go back in time to kill your dad.....

IMO if time travel is ever invented you will only be able to go backwards in time. Not forward. Because how can you go somewhere which hasnt even happened yet [color= rgb(51, 255, 51)]and therefore never existed[/color]? You cant. Saw a show about this on Discovery a while ago. THink about it.
Originally Posted by Brondiesel

IMO if time travel is ever invented you will only be able to go backwards in time. Not forward. Because how can you go somewhere which hasnt even happened yet [color= rgb(51, 255, 51)]and therefore never existed[/color]? You cant. Saw a show about this on Discovery a while ago. THink about it.

It's very interesting that you mentioned this. In order to deal with time travel we would need to understand time, which isn't simple. Two basic approaches exist within philosophy eternalism and presentism. The first meaning that both the past are just as valid as the present, and we can't simply think of time as a linear route. This is needed for example by Einstein's theory of relativity, which says that an action can take place at different times depending upon the person who is spectating it.

Realism on contrary thinks of time as a coherent line, which starts in the past and passes towards the future.

These are just brief descriptions, these are very interesting theory's in metaphysics btw.

Your assumption would mean that you think of time as a presentalist, however you do think the past is still accessible, this wouldn't be coherent.

But indeed time travel is a very interesting topic not only, because of time itself, but for example one must propose the question, how do I get there? If it is done with some form of magical appearance similar to teleportation, then how does this affect "my selfness", how can I be in the past when I haven't been, therefore don't exist yet and so on.

INteresting topic, very complex!
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