and we're done

If Amare can give us a 2nd round pick i'd be happy.

Need Amare gone OR Melo Amare Chandler to take paycuts

Novak need to be gone for a second rounder though...he the 5th highest paid player after melo, amare, tyson and camby (his old *** need to go too)
Soooooo..theyre working on a deal to send kg and PP to the Nets :x my jimmies will be rustled
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They are old who cares.... I'm not worried about the Nets.... I am more worried about the Pacers and Heat....


but i dont really care about rumors cause they mean nothing unless they're finalized...i rather start my own rumors/pipedreams or listen to what some of yall have to say rather than nba "news" that aint even finalized
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