and we're done

Good game, Knicks fans. I did see some questionable calls not go in the Knicks favor. This will be nothing compared to what you guys will experience against the Heat in the playoffs though.

I thought Felton was doing pretty good but Howard had his best defensive game of the year with disrupting shots today.

The Knicks defense in general was kinda soft and I think that is what lost them the game.
Good game, Knicks fans. I did see some questionable calls not go in the Knicks favor. This will be nothing compared to what you guys will experience against the Heat in the playoffs though.
I thought Felton was doing pretty good but Howard had his best defensive game of the year with disrupting shots today.
The Knicks defense in general was kinda soft and I think that is what lost them the game.

don't u think we know that already lol
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Don't see reason for complaints on officiating today really. This team's play has slipped in the past week +. No big deal, long season and they were bound to cool off a little bit. Not concerned.

I just don't like that Amar'e is set to return when things aren't rolling. Lord knows he'll be crucified if things don't go perfectly upon his return.
IMO turning point today was when we had it at 3 than Felton came down and dribbled out like 18 seconds of the shot clock, don't remember how the possession ended but we didn't score. This was with about 4 minutes left, it obviously wasn't why we lost bc there were 3 more minutes played after this but I think we never got it closer again.

Just another example of why Felton drives me crazy sometimes. You're the freekin PG you can't hijack possessions late in the game, it's unacceptable especially when he's always saying the right things in interviews and to the media. I know Ray is a bulldog and he won't back down, won't get punked off the floor by Chalmers, and I love him for that but son's got a little Me first, Gonna get mine attitude sometimes that shows it's head at the worst times.

When Artest fouls out, Melo has to touch the ball every time down, every single time.
Felton pissed me off during the game. he's been pissing me off the past couple games actually.
his decisions are what really get me. he tries to cross someone, but doesnt know what to do after.
when a screen is set, he waits 5-6 seconds to use it or to do something else. he dribbles into the double team, then is forced to make a difficult pass.
he passes to the wrong people at the wrong times.

during the 2nd Q, he had an iso with Nash. Felton made a crossover, lost Nash (who doesnt though), had an open lane, but decides to pullup for a fadeaway.

during the 1st half, he and Tyson ran a pick and roll, and passed it to Tyson where he couldnt do anything with it.

during a previous game, while on a fastbreak, he pushed the ball up only to pass to Brewer at the FT line, where he didnt know what to do with it.
like Brewer is the last friggin option man. dont give it to him early, especially when he's in no position to score.

the one sequence that stands out the most, was when he dribbled out the clock, missed a floater, then a couple open layups. which lead to a Lakers fast break. which lead to Tyson fouling out.

he was pretty much useless during the 4th quarter. didnt have any affect on offense and couldnt stay in front of Nash.

Felton's last overall good game, not just scoring, was the Heat game. looking at it now, that is a rare game of Felton we'll ever see this season. man, im so disappointed in him :lol:

he's such a big part of the offense, that i cant just sit here and say 'its just 1 game'. its been the '1 game' forever now. the way the Knicks played during the 6 game home stand was terrible. doesnt matter if we won big on the Nets. we came out flat on Friday vs. the Bulls. then we came out the same way vs. the Wolves.

we should win the next 3 games. we need to in order to get back on track and stay a top with Miami.
oh yeah, we are extremely lucky that Melos season didnt end tonight. couldve been much worse with the way Camby fell against Melos knee
LD my ***** i hate it had 2 be himmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

not a very good angle on that hit. from that gif it looks like it barely grazed him but the way he fell you could tell it rocked him. wonder how many games artest gets suspended lol id say 2
at the end of the day we wont remember this game unless you see it on a knicks marathon. It's about a deep run in the playoffs.

Tyson getting straight thrown outa bounds and dantoni standing on teh court when the ball didnt even go outa bounds got me so mad though. We keep seeing some ridiculous calls. Home and away

Felton is the main problem. Can't be denied at this point. This dude is shooting WAY too much. and his decision making leaves alot to be desired. You gotta hope that amare and shump coming back lead him to taking less shots.

But to be fair he has been bad since he got injured. Maybe we should keep him out a week and see what prigs can do
so last night i went to the heat and thunder game (if you see the highlights i'm the dude courtside standing directly behind westbrook on the last shot, throwing up threes and rooting for it to drop.)

lebron recognizes my boy from the game at msg

and as he's pointing at him goes, "knicks"

dudes tight about the two blowouts and us talking **** to him :lol:
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I don't expect Shump back til Feb.
What's the confidence level in a victory tonight, Knicks fans?
I expect us not to play all that well but win by 9 or more unless we really **** the bed on the 2nd game of a back to back.
so last night i went to the heat and thunder game (if you see the highlights i'm the dude courtside standing directly behind westbrook on the last shot, throwing up threes and rooting for it to drop.)
lebron recognizes my boy from the game at msg
and as he's pointing at him goes, "knicks"
dudes tight about the two blowouts and us talking **** to him :lol:

That's pretty funny
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