and we're done

Played like crap but things should loosen up and get into a rhythm in G2. Or so I hope, that offense has no long term success tied to it.

Big thanks to Terry and Lee. They suck.

No way is Tyson healthy.
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Cocaine and scotch party later to celebrate the win, PM for details. I'll be downtown.

not srs, well maybe, who knows
Just came back to say damn it feels good to get that 1st one. If we dropped this one today things would have gotten real bad real quick. Media and confidence wise.

We're definitely a better team than we showed out there today. So this W is great. See everyone Tuesday.

O and im still pretty pissed this dude Sheed was sitting on our bench in a Green blazer. I mean C'mon son. Ill give him a semi pass for this game with the whole Boston thing going on the last week. But if he comes out like that next game im done with him.
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I was in the building this afternoon


The shirt they handed out to the crowd


When Melo hit that shot with like 1:40 left on the corner, crowd went CRAZY

Lets get the rest of this series :smokin
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Did you grab any extra shirts left behind? I'll pay cold hard cash for one.

Nah but one of my boys was there rooting for the C's so he has an extra shirt he doesnt want.

It's a size large. I'll hit him up and hopefully he hasnt tossed it or something :lol:. I wouldnt charge for it though.
All the momentum......and here comes Mccutchen

Besides pablo being out and Tyson not playing up to par, this was the biggest thing I saw from this game

May throat is sore as ****. I was cheering my heart out lol. Successfully started the first "these refs suck" chant of the day

This ******g guy rivers complains and moans t the refs alllllll gaaaaaame looooong. During time outs. During commercials. It's mind blowing to see in person and have him not get a tech

That reffing was ******g embarrassing. An absoulte travesty. Melo should have gotten a lot more whistles. They were simply playing by differnt rules than us

Kidd was the biggest factor besides melo. This is why we signed him. Pablo was missed. The ball movement was bad.

The vibe was straight nervous for most of the game. When we went down 7 in the third and Paul pierce the actress put up that 3 I thought it was going in and we were done for

Kenyon Martin is a man. That is all

Felton played well at times. Bad defense at other times.

The melo ball isn't all on him. People are just staring at him instead of moving.
I still don't take the Nets rivalry serious, so I'm rooting for Brooklyn to win. Is that weird? That's how much I hate Chicago.
It's weird to me but i honestly think most New yorkers don't hate the nets at all. I'm rooting for Chicago because I want them to beat up the heat, and I like thibbs.

And I hate the nets

I used to root against the mets hardcore, now I feel bad and don't want them to be terrible.
I hate them since they swept us.

Also want Chicago to beat up Miami in the second round.

But weirdly enough you love the guy who contributed to those sweeps huh ?

But anyway I would love Chicago to win this series just based on the fact that BK would die going against Miami. I just hope this is a entertaining series.

Edit : dub beat me to the punch :lol:
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It's weird to me but i honestly think most New yorkers don't hate the nets at all. I'm rooting for Chicago because I want them to beat up the heat, and I like thibbs.

And I hate the nets

I used to root against the mets hardcore, now I feel bad and don't want them to be terrible.

I'm the same way about the Mets. If the Yankees weren't in it, I'd root for the Mets, just for city and because I feel bad as well.

But you'll never find a Mets fan rooting for us in the playoffs Haha.
That's because most of yous are so douchey with your 27 crap like any of you even contributed anything at all. End rant. Lets go Knicks.
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