and we're done

I am dumbfounded that a coach puts novak in when up double digits
In Woodson's defense,
Tried to go for the kill with potentially a couple of Novak threes.
^That right there.

We know Novak isn't gonna get a ton of burn this time of year but he's trying to pick spots to put him in and keep him semi-relevant. His confidence/rhythm is already shot, Woody doesn't want his shooter to be complete ****.

KMart chants.
Dude belongs in NY.

WOW @ Courtney Lee coming in now for the 1st time. Didn't even notice he was out of the rotation.
My GOD, KMart is just an absolute beast on the defensive end.

This is exactly why I'd rather have KMart out there instead of STAT.
Seriously though, I feel like we're not gonna find out how bad Tyson's injured til the playoffs are over and he gets booked for surgery.

We don't need him right now, but if/when we get there, we're gonna need him next round.

Dude couldn't turn his head or lift his arms a month ago. Mannnnn. :smh:
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SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO can we trade Tyson and pick up CP3 in the Summer?

Too soon?

:smh: . finding solid centers are like finding kryptonite. getting rid of chandler is a really bad idea. idc if its paul. id rather be better rounded with a solid pg and c than no C and a superstar pg.

best 10 day contract pickup tho...

all dayyyyy :pimp:
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SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO can we trade Tyson and pick up CP3 in the Summer?

Too soon?
You gotta give Tyson a break. Dude is obviously playing hurt or something is going on with him. He's not the same since the neck injury.
I know I wasnt really serious. Im really hoping we can get this sweep and Ind/Atl gets extended a little so he can get a little more rest. Him at full strength with K Mart as back up would be huge for us in the later rounds. 
Tyson better play better or he's not gonna see a lot of 4th quarters

It's the same thing Thibideou did to Boozer. Boozer doesn't see 4th quarters because dude just doesn't play any defense.

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO can we trade Tyson and pick up CP3 in the Summer?

Too soon?

:smh: . finding solid centers are like finding kryptonite. getting rid of chandler is a really bad idea. idc if its paul. id rather be better rounded with a solid pg and c than no C and a superstar pg.

best 10 day contract pickup tho...

all dayyyyy :pimp:

I agree. To win a championship, you need a big to anchor the defense.

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO can we trade Tyson and pick up CP3 in the Summer?

Too soon?

You gotta give Tyson a break. Dude is obviously playing hurt or something is going on with him. He's not the same since the neck injury.
I know I wasnt really serious. Im really hoping we can get this sweep and Ind/Atl gets extended a little so he can get a little more rest. Him at full strength with K Mart as back up would be huge for us in the later rounds. 

I agree with you on this. We'll need Tyson to show up against Indiana's bigs.
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steve kerr: "terrence williams really is a true point guard. his instincts are to push the ball and look to distribute and pass."


he's such a terrible color guy.
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