and we're done

novak vs handsbro in the paint 

he's doin an ok job

I mean this is how the Pacers usually look on the road. So while the win was much needed we cant go into game 3 thinking this is the same team we will see. Hopefully Melo is a little more locked in and has the Pacers defense figured out. And Maybe JR can finally find his shot.

But we can still play better. So that is promising. 
Metta World Peace ‏@MettaWorldPeace 46s
Number 14 on the knicks is my favorite player. I dont even know his name. He dope!!
Love how we fought through it. Let them get back in the game but tightened up and got live. Good game fellas, if we would have lost this.....I don't know what I would have done.

Defense was alive for most of the game. Offense was ehh, could be better. JR gotta wake up though, we need him. Happy with what I've seen from Shump

Those christmas jerseys are so damn nice
What kills me is this: the Knicks played with heart and they are dragging the Pacers, but every media outlet will talk about how Smith and Melo are struggling, but they played awesome team ball, it was fluid, and almost seamless, but they won't get any credit, instead they'll talk about the Pacers gave it away ( by almost 30). So. Much. Knicks. Hate.
We don't play again till Sat, hopefully that rest will serve Melo good & Q Rich oh
Thats crazy. While I was just thinking it would be nice to have a couple extra days off so Melo can get good. 4 days for travel is kinda OD. 

But I guess ill take it. Hopefully Amare is good to go and he can provide a little something off the bench. I dont think his lack of defense will hurt us too much against this IND team. And hes gotta get burn somewhere. Hes coming back and we just have to make it work.

Atleast until he gets hurt again

Lol meanwhile Chuck and Shaq said the Pacers are a better team. :lol: :lol:

Granted they're a great defensive team and have size on their side, but that doesn't equate to being a better team.. The blind hatred yo. :lol: :smh:

They can't touch the Knicks offensively when they're on...and with Amare back on Saturday and Novak back?? This series ends in 6 games.

Much better game.
thank god woody kept prigioni in during the 4th. he's taken him out at times in the past and it's hurt us
What kills me is this: the Knicks played with heart and they are dragging the Pacers, but every media outlet will talk about how Smith and Melo are struggling, but they played awesome team ball, it was fluid, and almost seamless, but they won't get any credit, instead they'll talk about the Pacers gave it away ( by almost 30). So. Much. Knicks. Hate.
word is bond
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