Your looking far too deep into my question (which wasn't posed to anyone but him). All I asked was did he support women being successful. Because if one doesn't that shows they are a misogynist. Andrew Tate is a misogynist. That's a fact.
was ignoring all the documented proof of it. Tate wants women to be meek and be submissive and the man to be some BS alpha crap. And the guy who got banned got called out for lying about not knowing stuff when in fact he did. Turning to Tate for your singularly sole financial advise in life is a pretty low bar.
And forgive me if I'm slow to understand your question. But it seems like your reply is solely making the women choose between a career and having a family based on cost and time left to reproductive span? Again, I'm slow to this stuff. So please explain.
So some women prioritize careers over wanting kids? Not every man wants kids either (we don't), but that doesn't distract from their success? For someone like Tate to not like or support women who want to have a successful life in business or whatever career they may choose, shows how shallow of a man he is. Like he's afraid of successful women because he knows they will see through all his bull****!
It seems like the woman's chance at reproduction is of greater importance to you than their chance at a successful career in whatever field they may choose and not have kids. Did I miss that? Again, not being funny. Some stuff just goes over my head and I miss it.
ok, didn’t follow all the back & forth there…so i saw the question but not the context.
i’d say because women are the ones that have to go through the labor of birthing kids they bear the responsibility of birth control (some interesting studies even found that hormonal birth control may impact what men women are attracted to) so it is a choice they have to weigh being that most of age women are going to likely be sexually actively…women don’t necessarily have to choose one over the other, ideally nothing really precludes pursuing both simultaneously but that isn’t the functional reality and many women do have to weigh one against the other to some extent. i’d guess if one were able talk to some representative number of single women today in the states they would actually say they are delaying & advise other women to delay serious relationship & having children until they are done with their education &/or established in their careers or have found themselves or traveled or lived some milestone (i think the average age of marriage, and less folk are getting hitched at all, now is about 30 for men & women)…sometimes women are having the choice made for them by just putting it off & prioritizing other things
the things men & women tend to find attractive about the opposite sex tend to be different, typically women want & marry, and the data shows this, men that are at least their equal in economics, physical attractiveness, &/or status, preferably higher…an unintended consequence of women’s successfulness (how are we to define success? i guessing financial?) as they raise their economic status is that less men, maybe only superficially, seem viable to those successful women & successful men that are of a similar status don’t necessarily have that same requirement. some say that everyone wants what they want but will eventually be rational and settle on their best option/what is available but anecdotally it seems to me that men are way more willing to settle & even be comedic/nostalgic about their past wins & losses meanwhile women’s, en masse, mantra is to not settle, always seemed scarred by bad relationships, and in a real sense pursue success as way to not have to settle/be autonomous.
the point is, many women say they want these things, a solid stable relationship/marriage, a man that is able to provide on some level, children, family, but aren’t necessarily actively pursuing these things and sometimes are counterintuitively making those thing harder to achieve…this isn’t to say women shouldn’t strive for success but that they should be as intentional about those other thing as they are about their education/careers
Tate ball lickers hate successful women cause they have options and don't have to put up with their BS.
I know quite a few successful women who have families. Guess what? Ain't none of them married to "alpha bros" either.
i would agree it is true that successful women don’t need to deal with less than what they believe they deserve and some men definitely could be emasculated by a women that is more successful but often i think the conflict men may have with ‘successful’ women is that often that type of woman that has fought to be successful and isn’t necessarily going to be able or even want to turn that off with her dude, not impossible to deal with but it can be frustrating if she’s not the type to compartmentalize
Why wouldn’t you want your girl to be more successful than you? that’s weight off your shoulders.
is it tho? an often cited observation, the truth/veracity of which i can’t find reference to and even if true there could other confounding factors at play, is that one precursor to divorce is a woman receiving a raise
. i think if women truly is onboard with a guy’s direction it can be calm but how many dudes really got it like that, lots of dudes abide by the ‘happy wife, happy life’ saying