Andruw Jones is going to have a big year.. (The Sequal)


this dude has a long way to go...the Rangers OF is crowded as it is.
AndrEw isn't going to do anything.....and spell your name with the E, not a U!
Damn, I didnt even know he was headed to Texas... Hopefully he improves this year... Shoulda came back to Atlanta
Yea cruz is going to start at one of the corners.. He's nice.. And yall act like andruws career is over at 31.. Jus watch
I hope so! He's got the best Jordan PEs in the game! He's gotta represent! j/k I will be routing for him and I hope he comes in as the player he oncewas in Atlanta!
Cruz in RF, Hamilton in LF, and Andruw in CF would be great defensively and potentially MAJOR offensively if Andruw can revive his career...

People keep talking about the Rangers' OF being a log-jam, but I just don't get it... Are Byrd and Murphy useful? Sure... Should they be starting andplaying every day? No, probably not... And Cruz hit the hell outta the ball last year in the minors and a limited big league sample, but he failed miserably inevery single Major League stop before that... He's by no means a sure-thing...
Originally Posted by thetruth03

And yall act like andruws career is over at 31.. Jus watch

Most dudes haven't been playing 160+ since they were 18, tho...
Originally Posted by DLo13

Originally Posted by thetruth03

And yall act like andruws career is over at 31.. Jus watch

Most dudes haven't been playing 160+ since they were 18, tho...

that's what i was going to say.

and Nowitness, of course you know better than i do, but don't you think he's got a lot of work to do to crack that OF rotation so-to-speak? just going to throw him out there before Marlon or anyone else? he got a spring training invite, right? surely.
Hes done, signed to a minor league deal, at best he'll get brought up to fill a roster spot day-to-day.
Originally Posted by wildKYcat

and Nowitness, of course you know better than i do, but don't you think he's got a lot of work to do to crack that OF rotation so-to-speak? i just going to throw him out there before Marlon or anyone else? he got a spring training invite, right? surely.
Oh I definitely think he's got a lot of work to do to crack the rotation... He's pretty much gonna have to blow the doors off of SpringTraining and play at a high level throughout the season to keep a job... If he goes into a prolonged slump he's not gonna be on a long leash...

But everybody in Rangers land keeps talking about how deep we are in the outfield, and I just don't get it... We've got ONE proven everyday outfielderfor God's sake... David Murphy pretty much sucks defensively and he can't hit left-handed pitchers... Marlon Byrd played well last year but in an idealsituation, he's not an everyday player... Brandon Boggs, Julio Borbon, Greg Golson, etc. need more time in the minors before they're ready...

Nolan Ryan loves David Murphy for whatever reason, so I'd assume he's penciled into LF right now with Hamilton in CF and Cruz in RF... Cruz I think ispretty much a lock for a starting spot unless he falls on his face in ST... I don't think they want Marlon Byrd starting every day... I think they'drather use him as a 4th OF that subs all three spots regularly...
i genuinely hope AJ regains his swagger with the Rangers. it was sad watching him with the Dodgers last year, he was flailing at everything and looking like afool.
Originally Posted by thetruth03


My dude dropped about 20-25..

New approach at the plate..

30 bombs.. 90 rbi's... gold glove


bump just cause andruw jones is fat and can't even make the ball club. have fun in the minors ... if that
He already said he won't accept an assignment to AAA Oklahoma City and Jon Daniels told him the best case scenario for him was making the big leagueteam as the 4th outfielder...

Looks like Cruz, Hamilton, and Murphy/Byrd...
Jones get OF nod over Catalanotto

The last decision to be made on the 25-man roster came down to the final outfield spot.

The Rangers went with Andruw Jones over Frank Catalanotto. The Rangers wanted Jones, a right-handed power hitter, to be a part-time designated hitter and outfielder against lefties in a division stacked with left-handed pitching.

Catalanotto's contract - $4 million for 2009, $2 million buyout - ultimately did not get in the way of Jones even though some within the organization thought owner Tom Hicks might balk at paying Catalanotto just to create a roster spot.

"I feel good," said Jones, who hit the game-winning home run Wednesday. "The situation is going to be spread around how we're getting in the games. Having [hitting coach] Rudy [Jaramillo] there, he's going to keep you mentally focused."

[Jada] We gon' make it... [/Jada]


LOL @ at the haters saying he wouldn't make the squad..

Progress at its finest.. Let's goooooo
Turn this into the official Andruw Jones Post..

Im rooting for homie.. I swear I would rather have him then Johnny Damon or Matsui..

I don't care...
Rudy Jaramillo saved his @%+... Jon Daniels told him less than 2 weeks ago he wasn't gonna make the team...
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