Annnnd another one....Eric Harris...these police are tripping. Vol. Unbelievable....but sadly I bel

Have a hard time feeling for the end result of a convicted felon who was attempting to put another illegal firearm on the street. You play in dirt, you get dirty. Instant karma. It shouldn't have gone down the way it did, but **** happens when you exploit yourself and police are on the other end waiting to eat.

I also have hard time feeling for dude who mistook his taser for a pistol

F everyone involved in this situation.
4 yrs is the max. I could get more for possession. He might not even go the full 4 given he is a huge donor to the P.D. The other, well the real, cops involved should get time too for continuing to choke him out and tell him "**** your breath" as he bled out and died
Why are black people always upset when a white cop kills a black man? This might happen at most lets say once a month. There were 488 homicides in chicago alone in 2015!! Who are the black people blaming for all the murders in chicago? The white man? Black people will be the same until the day i die. Blaming someone else for all there problems.
Why are black people always upset when a white cop kills a black man? This might happen at most lets say once a month. There were 488 homicides in chicago alone in 2015!! Who are the black people blaming for all the murders in chicago? The white man? Black people will be the same until the day i die. Blaming someone else for all there problems.

Oh lord
Why are black people always upset when a white cop kills a black man? This might happen at most lets say once a month. There were 488 homicides in chicago alone in 2015!! Who are the black people blaming for all the murders in chicago? The white man? Black people will be the same until the day i die. Blaming someone else for all there problems.
Because blacks are disproportionately effected in these incidents. And in these cases much of the time, details are almost always skewed and there's virtually no accountability or punishment when police are clearly in the wrong.
My dad came to this country off a boat with all his belongings in one bag. He learned english in america . At one time our ethnicity occupied all the low income housing areas of nyc. We lived along with italians,polish,yugoslavians,blacks several other ethnicities mixed in. Most of us got ourselves together and moved forward. Some went to school while others went into business. Look who is still there now so many,many years later. Still blaming someone else for all there problems.
My dad came to this country off a boat with all his belongings in one bag. He learned english in america . At one time our ethnicity occupied all the low income housing areas of nyc. We lived along with italians,polish,yugoslavians,blacks several other ethnicities mixed in. Most of us got ourselves together and moved forward. Some went to school while others went into business. Look who is still there now so many,many years later. Still blaming someone else for all there problems.
Poor people and descendants of poor people. It's a vicious cycle and biases do exist within those system(s). Not everyone is afforded the same opportunity to succeed and it's not as simple as you seem to think.
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Not only that, it's government employees that's killing these folks and getting away with it. That should bother people in this country no matter what color you are. It has nothing to do with "blaming" others for their problems.
Why are black people always upset when a white cop kills a black man? This might happen at most lets say once a month. There were 488 homicides in chicago alone in 2015!! Who are the black people blaming for all the murders in chicago? The white man? Black people will be the same until the day i die. Blaming someone else for all there problems.

It's "their problems".
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