Annnnd another one....Eric Harris...these police are tripping. Vol. Unbelievable....but sadly I bel

Jan 5, 2011 made a mistake? Oh, your bad?

It's just one after another. It's really depressing for me as a black man to witness all of this senseless violence by those assigned to protect us. I just..I don't know what to say. At this point, you just have to tell black men to not give them a reason. Just, be mindful. They're looking for a reason. It's not to say that we'r making them shoot us, that is the color of our skin. But our actions are giving them the just cause. It may be nothing at all, but ANYTHING is just cause these days. If you get pulled over for speeding and you say you werent, you're threatening their life. If they go to cuff you and your wrist is too thick to get past 5 clicks, you're resisting arrest. Just be mindful family. It is a very dangerous world out here. Cops used to just beat us up. They're one step from the mississippi public lynchings. What the hell happened to cops just asking for bribes? This new version of the police...scary.

I'll agree with the blaming the Police on mostly all the other cases. But here, this man was selling an undercover officer guns, and ran out of the vehicle, possibly fleeing with a gun on him.
I'll agree with the blaming the Police on mostly all the other cases. But here, this man was selling an undercover officer guns, and ran out of the vehicle, possibly fleeing with a gun on him.

Stop it.

He was unarmed and damn near in custody when he was shot.
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I'll agree with the blaming the Police on mostly all the other cases. But here, this man was selling an undercover officer guns, and ran out of the vehicle, possibly fleeing with a gun on him.

white supremacist makes me giggle
Stop it.

He was unarmed and damn near in custody when he was shot.

How is the cop supposed to know he is unarmed when he is selling him some guns and runs out of the car?

how can you threaten someones life when you're face down on the ground with a knee on your neck and 2 other grown men holding you down?

I know you're trolling..but wash your face b. 2 times.
I'll agree with the blaming the Police on mostly all the other cases. But here, this man was selling an undercover officer guns, and ran out of the vehicle, possibly fleeing with a gun on him.


Please point out to me the law that states once you flee, your right to a trial is forfeited, you're are instant found guilty, and the police commence with your sentencing on the spot


The laws which state death is the legal punishment for selling guns and attempting to flee the police

Don't worry, I'll wait....................................
The story goes the officer wasn't even a deputy but some kind of volunteer. Apparently he tried to grab his "taser" then ended up shooting dude. Why is a 73 year old even on the force any damn way.
He's getting charged with 2nd degree manslaughter, which IIRC carries from up to a $1,000 fine to like a max 3 or 4 years. Even if he got the max sentencing, which he likely won't as he is a wealthy $ donor to the Tulsa PD, that's still nothing. I know people who are doing more time for stealing video games from Gameking
Like I said before... I blame the Police for all these cases of them over exerting force and killing unarmed men. It's very unfortunate, and these officers need better training, and not go right for the gun. I don't even know why the law allows there to be cops in their 70s, thats ridiculous. I'm sorry, but there is no good a 70 plus something cop can do.

Unarmed black men being killed by police really need to stop. Cops need to stop shooting first and asking later. How could you possibly mistaken your gun for a taser in the first place? I'm glad at least in the South Carolin shooting, they held the killer responsible and handled it in a better way then the other shootings.

But in this case, which the officer was obviously wrong...this guy was selling guns to an undercover officer and ran. You would think somebody who is selling guns, would you know...have a gun on them. And you don't really see in the video until after the shot went off, that the officers had him restrained.
nah..dude was prolly on some hostel ****, he really wannted to shoot a black dude, see what it felt like, cops said we can set that up for you. they prolly even told em what to say. all you have to say as a cop is you mde a mistake and boom. he may even get a medal. Why give a 73 yr old a reserve deputy spot anyways? why give him a gun? why when dude shot him he sounded like chief wiggum? such a cluster ****
I can't believe there are states out there that just let 73 year olds play cop in their spare time. He even says oh **** :x :smh:
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The story goes the officer wasn't even a deputy but some kind of volunteer. Apparently he tried to grab his "taser" then ended up shooting dude. Why is a 73 year old even on the force any damn way.

I think he is a rich dude that has given a ton of money to the force and is allowed to volunteer.
Like I said before... I blame the Police for all these cases of them over exerting force and killing unarmed men. It's very unfortunate, and these officers need better training, and not go right for the gun. I don't even know why the law allows there to be cops in their 70s, thats ridiculous. I'm sorry, but there is no good a 70 plus something cop can do.

Unarmed black men being killed by police really need to stop. Cops need to stop shooting first and asking later. How could you possibly mistaken your gun for a taser in the first place? I'm glad at least in the South Carolin shooting, they held the killer responsible and handled it in a better way then the other shootings.

But in this case, which the officer was obviously wrong...this guy was selling guns to an undercover officer and ran. You would think somebody who is selling guns, would you know...have a gun on them. And you don't really see in the video until after the shot went off, that the officers had him restrained.

The most sense you ever made
Was Eric Harris a prior felon? Because I'm pretty sure it isn't illegal to sell a gun to another person in Oklahoma. Hell I've bought a gun from a old lady in a kroger parking lot, even if he was he shouldn't be dead right now.

The officer telling him **** his breathe brought tears to my eyes.
Did I hear a racial slur at 1:26 right before he got shot?

thats the part i get caught on every time i watch this vid. i swear i heard what i think i heard.

i try my best not to generalize and say all cops are bad. I know they aren't. So i should just say these racists, that happen to be cops, are losing their damn minds.
Bro u cant assume he has a gun

Thats quite dumb

By that logic i can assume every cop wants to shoot black ppl?

Cmon fam :lol: wash ya face
This is just pathetic. How do you mistake a gun for a taser? I also want to kick that tool with the tribal tattoos in the head. Talking about that's what you get for running.
Bro u cant assume he has a gun

Thats quite dumb

By that logic i can assume every cop wants to shoot black ppl?

Cmon fam :lol: wash ya face

Pretty bad logic there. I'm sorry, whether you're white, black, Asian, green, purple etc, if you're selling guns, if assume you have one strapped to you. It makes some sense, doesn't it? If you're buying weed, don't you think your dealer would you know, have bud on him?
Pretty bad logic there. I'm sorry, whether you're white, black, Asian, green, purple etc, if you're selling guns, if assume you have one strapped to you. It makes some sense, doesn't it? If you're buying weed, don't you think your dealer would you know, have bud on him?

Block this dude and ignore. Another troll. Dont even respond to him

And report him
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It's as if black men literally have to count each day as a blessing. We're out here being hunted, b :smh:
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