Announcing album leaks will get you banned.

Prescribed by: Dr Dre
I'm not gonna lie... 3 Am sounds like a dumb song name...

whatever happened to the rumored tracklist anyway?
I don't see the similarity with TI's Paper Trail cover.

Two very different approaches and meanings by the respective artists.
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

I'm not gonna lie... 3 Am sounds like a dumb song name...

whatever happened to the rumored tracklist anyway?

Considering the fact that that's the time his best friend was shot and killed I'm gonna have to go ahead and disagree with you.
My bad, I thought everyone knew about the meaning behind the title. I would have informed you earlier being as I know you like Em when he on this tip.
Originally Posted by GUILLERMO GUTIEREZ

yall actin like TI the first person in the history of persons to use a pic like that.

[NTer] You...mean..T.I. .... wasn't? [/NTer]
Excuse my ignorance... when I saw the title 3 am the first thing to come to mind was Jeezy's 3 am
interesting.... this album has alot of hype... but no way it is doing Carter III numbers.... it'll probably do Paper Trail numbers. like 560,000-610,000
Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

interesting.... this album has alot of hype... but no way it is doing Carter III numbers.... it'll probably do Paper Trail numbers. like 560,000-610,000

He'll do better than Paper Trail numbers.
I don't see why this album won't blow Carter III away. Every white person between the ages of 12-30 will be buying this CD.
Originally Posted by Harlem On The Rise

300K... and its gonna SUCK so that's gonna be another quarter million people in America pissed off...

You not an Em fan, right?
He has made some GREAT music, but he's also made some GOD awful music...

He gets a pass for making garbage... In his defense, he has records as serious as anyone, I just don't see the need to make a record like... Damn near allhis first singles... I mean to an extent the single is supposed to represent the album... Until its released... Things have changed in the internet era wherehalf the album is on the net... But I just don't understand why he chooses to make GOD awful songs, with juvinile videos, and then get mad when someonecriticizes him... I kinda agree with the !#@* Bill-O (O'reilly for the non Keith Olberman watchers... Shame on you) was sayin about him...

If he can make an all out serious album without a corny first single I'd gain a lil more respect for him...

As I stated before, the only success I wish for him is enuff to get 50 Cent a release date, outside of that I could careless if he goes gold... No way I'dspend a penny of mine on an Eminem album...
I see what you're saying. IMO he has way more great music than god awful music though. Even Encore wasn't as bad as some people make it out to be. Onanother note, I think it's funny that you talk about god awful music and then want 50 cent to get a release date
I have faith in this new Em album but every time I see "Harlem On The Rise" the text box is filled with "this will SUCK" and you usually onpoint with you're statements. Which brings a frown to my face
Originally Posted by ILLIONAIRE

Originally Posted by GUILLERMO GUTIEREZ

yall actin like TI the first person in the history of persons to use a pic like that.

[NTer] You...mean..T.I. .... wasn't? [/NTer]
Em said he loved paper trail and he cosigned TIP as one of the best artist yea he bit

And speaking of biting

3 A.M?
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