Another razor bump thread by your boy wol: shaved heads

Originally Posted by Frank Mucus

Originally Posted by FeedTheEgo1982

Witch Hazel helps a LOT..  Cold rinse after the shave.  Shave with the grain first, then against the grain.  I personally use Sheick Hydro 5 razor with Head Protect or Sensitive Gel.  I've been pretty smooth up top for a while.  The HeadBlade used to eat my scalp up..  the WORST cuts and nicks I have ever had. 

I also exfoliate with every shave and at least one more time during the week.  Hope this helps bro.
Schick Hydro 5 + testicles = no bueno

Had one of my boys bleeding, SMH
HOLD UP.....   you held a razor to the twig and giggleberries??????  Damn cuz! 

I'd never use that on any part of my body other than my head and face
It cuts closer than a straight razor. If I give someone a skinfade and use the razor, ill follow it up with the wahl to get it even lower.
I shaved my head for 6 years and the only way I was able to avoid razor bumps was to make sure I shaved every other day. I used a mach 5 turbo razor and a good shaving gel not cream or foam. A trick I got from someone was to rub a pumice stone on my head after I put on the shaving gel and once I was done shaving.

I tried using the HeadBlade razor but like FeedTheEgo1982 said I had some of the worst cuts ever using that thing. I also tried to use a depilatory but it didn't work all that great.
i have set out to eliminate razor bumps on my face within the past few weeks..the most important thing is to have a routine and stick to it...secondly, stop scrubbing the affected area dry if you are doing so..blot it dry with a clean cloth...

for my face, when i started my neck area was really bad, but i switched to a natural soap.. i used black african soap from a 1 lb brick off amazon for 11 dollars..stuff is extra good for my skin.. First i wash my hands with handsoap,because hands are the best thing to use for the face, NOT a washcloth...after washing with that..i usually blot dry and shave if i need to. For my face i shave to a light stubble with an Andis T trimmer.. make sure to spray your clippers with clippercide or cleaner before and after every use...
Next after the shave after every few days or so i use a mask on my face(lol they aren't ONLY for women). I use Queen Elene Mint Julep(sp?) mask..for 15 mins..goes on green, tingles a little then dries white..rinse off..

Next, since i still have a few lingering bumps ill apply a toner..this is where you can use Sea Breeze or any other astringent..i only place directly to bumps as it will cause your face to dry out if you use all over the place..

Finally i moiturize with Aveeno Naturals mositurizer with sun screen..i have done this method for 2 weeks and my face and neck improved almost instantly...

now this worked for me but cliff notes:

Use clean Hands to wash with
Use a good face soap or Cleanser
BlOT dry do not scrub
Shave with Clean blades
Use a mask every few days, twice a week preferably
moisturize moisturize moisturize when finished..

And a final tip is to drink A LOT of helps...
Cool, I will take everyone's advice and figure it out. I want to get more info on that wahl razor before I drop that $ tho
I had it when i started goin to the barber again a couple months ago at the back of my neck. It completely disappeared after using Sea Breeze to clean it and Skin Tight creme for a couple weeks.


Originally Posted by Frank Mucus

Originally Posted by FeedTheEgo1982

Witch Hazel helps a LOT..  Cold rinse after the shave.  Shave with the grain first, then against the grain.  I personally use Sheick Hydro 5 razor with Head Protect or Sensitive Gel.  I've been pretty smooth up top for a while.  The HeadBlade used to eat my scalp up..  the WORST cuts and nicks I have ever had. 

I also exfoliate with every shave and at least one more time during the week.  Hope this helps bro.
Schick Hydro 5 + testicles = no bueno

Had one of my boys bleeding, SMH
So your "boy" was comfortable enough to share such information with you??....
anyone have recommendations for very sensitive skin? Use to not get any bumps after i shaved now it happens to me everytime
Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

Cool, I will take everyone's advice and figure it out. I want to get more info on that wahl razor before I drop that $ tho
just use this , this is what Pharrel uses and it works 

i use bump fighter razor blades, aveeno shaving cream, tend skin, and a moisturizer. always moisturize, prevent your skin from being dry.
Originally Posted by Tr1ll

Originally Posted by ME NO PASS

Originally Posted by Tr1ll

The best way to avoid bumps is to shave everyday.


Yes. Everyday. Washing your face good after you shave helps, too.

I was driving moms to work on day, back in the gap, and we were listening to Tom Joyner. Dude had a commercial about skin bumps and he said its best to shave everyday to aviod bump. I was sho having that problem, so I started shaving everyday and sho nuff it works. For me at least.
OPs talking about shaving his head though. Not a good idea to shave your head everyday...every other day at the most.

I use a Gillette Fusion razor in the shower and put lotion immediately after I get out. Never have any crazy bumps or breakouts on my head. Sometimes I mix organic Apple Cider Vinegar with water and use a cotton ball to apply to my head and let it dry before I put on lotion. Works for me.
Merkur razor + col. conk products = freshness..switched over about a year ago and so glad I did.
Here's my experience with shaving my face, might help with shaving your head also. What made the biggest difference for me was the shaving products I use. I used to just throw on some water, foam, then shave. Worked ok but struggled with razor burn, bumps, etc. I got a kit from The Art of Shaving with pre-shave oil, tube of cream, aftershave lotion, and a brush. Here's my routine now and it works great, if you've got time for it:
1. Soak a washcloth in hot water then press onto the face for about a minute. This softens the hair/stubble.
2. Apply pre-shave oil to the damp and warm face.
3. Apply shaving cream. Run shaving brush under hot water, then scrub cream in circles. This helps the hair stand up and gets in between the hairs. Then I follow up by smoothing the cream evenly on my face with the brush.
4. Shave WITH the grain.
5. Rinse with hot water.
6. Reapply preshave oil (I don't use shaving cream the second time but you could), then shave AGAINST the grain. If you've got the technique down right, this shouldn't irritate the skin. If you've got the time, you can go sideways across the grain before starting over and going against it.
7. Rinse with cold water.
8. Pat dry.
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