Answer ESPN's State of the Fan questions... I'm curious to see what NTers think

1. Are pro sports today better than ever?  [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]The best decade of professional sports that I've lived through was the 90s.[/color]
2. Does the Madden curse exist? [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I really don't believe in curses, but you can't ignore the significant things that have happened to some of the athletes the year they were on the cover.[/color]
3. How do you feel about the BCS? [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Hate it. Implement a playoff system as soon as possible.[/color]
4. Would you care if your favorite athlete was gay? [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I don't know....never really thought about that.[/color]
5. What is the toughest coaching job in sports? [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Yankees manager.[/color]
6. Is there at least one pro team that you hate? [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Green Bay Packers.[/color]
7. How many hours a week do you spend on sports video games? [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]3-4. I play about 3-4 Madden games a week and they all take about an hour.[/color]
8. How many athletes/coaches/media figures do you follow on Twitter? [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Don't have a Twitter.[/color]
9. How do you feel about the deep pockets of the Yankees? [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I don't blame the Yankees, but I blame the MLB. A salary cap system needs to be apart of pro baseball.[/color]
10. Would you give up a year of your life in exchange for your favorite team to win a championship? [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]No.[/color]
11. Should betting on sports be legalized? [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Yeah.[/color]
12. Should college athletes be paid? [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]No.[/color]
13. Will LeBron stay in Cleveland? [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Yep.[/color]
1. Are pro sports today better than ever? Only the NFL because there's more parity. The NBA,NHL and MLB have mostly no surprises every season.

2. Does the Madden curse exist? Yes

3. How do you feel about the BCS? it's terrible, they need a playoff system. The whole ranking stuff is garbage especially this past season.

4. Would you care if your favorite athlete was gay? no

5. What is the toughest coaching job in sports? NFL head coach

6. Is there at least one pro team that you hate? yes, New England Patriots

7. How many hours a week do you spend on sports video games? 3-4

8. How many athletes/coaches/media figures do you follow on Twitter? 0

9. How do you feel about the deep pockets of the Yankees? unfair for the rest of the league, they need a salary cap because the bad teams stay bad for years (ie. Royals, Nationals, Reds)

10. Would you give up a year of your life in exchange for your favorite team to win a championship? no

11. Should betting on sports be legalized? yes

12. Should college athletes be paid? Hell no, they usually get a free ride through school as it is. Pay the students who are actually IN class.

13. Will LeBron stay in Cleveland? yes
1. Are pro sports today better than ever? Yes, except the NBA. The NBA is a joke.

2. Does the Madden curse exist? No. I think you make your own destination.

3. How do you feel about the BCS? It's good, but not fair. Playoffs would be better.

4. Would you care if your favorite athlete was gay? No.

5. What is the toughest coaching job in sports? Hockey, these dudes are axed left and right.

6. Is there at least one pro team that you hate? No. I don't hate teams, just dislike different players.

7. How many hours a week do you spend on sports video games? 2-4.

8. How many athletes/coaches/media figures do you follow on Twitter? None. Don't really understand Twitter or the infatuation with it.

9. How do you feel about the deep pockets of the Yankees? They usually make bad decisions, so I'm indifferent.

10. Would you give up a year of your life in exchange for your favorite team to win a championship? No. You're crazy.

11. Should betting on sports be legalized? Yes, it goes on anyway. It's sad to think some outcomes might be results of certain bets though.

12. Should college athletes be paid? No. Regular students do not get paid to attend a certain university. Maybe the question should be are coaches paid too much?

13. Will LeBron stay in Cleveland? Who cares.
1. Are pro sports today better than ever?   No

2. Does the Madden curse exist?  It's kind of hard to argue that it doesn't

3. How do you feel about the BCS?  It's the worst system in sports that determines a Champion

4. Would you care if your favorite athlete was gay?  Not at all

5. What is the toughest coaching job in sports?  Yankees/Cowboys

6. Is there at least one pro team that you hate?   Lakers/ Cowboys/ Yankees / Duke/ Texas

7. How many hours a week do you spend on sports video games?  1 - 5

8. How many athletes/coaches/media figures do you follow on Twitter?  None

9. How do you feel about the deep pockets of the Yankees?

10. Would you give up a year of your life in exchange for your favorite team to win a championship? Hell No!

11. Should betting on sports be legalized?  No

12. Should college athletes be paid?  No

13. Will LeBron stay in Cleveland?  Yes
Originally Posted by StylishStef89

1. Are pro sports today better than ever?
I would say no

2. Does the Madden curse exist?

3. How do you feel about the BCS?
It's stupid....they need to get rid of it

4. Would you care if your favorite athlete was gay?
I guess not

5. What is the toughest coaching job in sports?
I'm not sure

6. Is there at least one pro team that you hate?
Yeah. Well I'll rephrase it to dislike.

7. How many hours a week do you spend on sports video games?
A decent amount

8. How many athletes/coaches/media figures do you follow on Twitter?
Absolutely none

9. How do you feel about the deep pockets of the Yankees?
Doesn't bother me at all

10. Would you give up a year of your life in exchange for your favorite team to win a championship?
Hell no

11. Should betting on sports be legalized?

12. Should college athletes be paid?

13. Will LeBron stay in Cleveland?
I'm not sure

1.Nope, Too much over-rated players in any 4 Major Leagues
2.Oh, definitely it exist!! Just ask Polamalu, Blazing start in his first game 4 tkls then BOOM!! somebody landed on his knees
3.BCS, it's alright this year I think the Bama deserved to be National Champs, but in other cases I DON'T KNOW
4.As long as he's honest from the very start and not revealing it later in his carrer!!!
6.Real Madrid
7.Before 6-8 hrs. but as I get old and feel like getting tired of playing the stuff over and over again 2-3 hrs.
8.What the Hell is Twitter?
 None, I am not a fan of Twitter, do they have something better to do than tweet???
9.This is why MLB should have a salary cap, It's the fans that suffers, then when they're not winning, players, coaches, Mgmt. doesn't want an interview? that is F***** Up!
   At the way they're spending they should win the World Series every year, Plus they have too many over-rated players!!!
10.Nope, Not my problem if they suck
11.Isn't legal already!!
12.Nope, this way they stay hungry to be the best, plus amateur sports is the purest form of competition, no money involve, just pride and passion
13.I think he'll stay in Cleveland if they win the Championship this year, if they don't, don't be surprise if he goes elsewhere
1. Are pro sports today better than ever?  No

2. Does the Madden curse exist? - i think so
3. How do you feel about the BCS? - playoffs

4. Would you care if your favorite athlete was gay? - No

5. What is the toughest coaching job in sports? - yankees

6. Is there at least one pro team that you hate? - at least 5

7. How many hours a week do you spend on sports video games? - 1 hour then modern warfare for infinite amount of hours

8. How many athletes/coaches/media figures do you follow on Twitter? - 0

9. How do you feel about the deep pockets of the Yankees? - no salary cap...they have the money so why not

10. Would you give up a year of your life in exchange for your favorite team to win a championship? - no they can win it without my help

11. Should betting on sports be legalized? - doesnt matter

12. Should college athletes be paid? - isnt a scholarship enough? last time i checked school was expensive

13. Will LeBron stay in Cleveland? - no
1. Are pro sports today better than ever? No.

2. Does the Madden curse exist? No, just coincidences.

3. How do you feel about the BCS? It sucks.

4. Would you care if your favorite athlete was gay? Nah.

5. What is the toughest coaching job in sports? Dallas Cowboys.

6. Is there at least one pro team that you hate? Boston Celtics.

7. How many hours a week do you spend on sports video games? 0.

8. How many athletes/coaches/media figures do you follow on Twitter? Quite a few.

9. How do you feel about the deep pockets of the Yankees? It is what it is.

10. Would you give up a year of your life in exchange for your favorite team to win a championship? Nope.

11. Should betting on sports be legalized? Don't care.

12. Should college athletes be paid? No.

13. Will LeBron stay in Cleveland? Depends on the playoffs.
1. Are pro sports today better than ever?
2. Does the Madden curse exist?
3. How do you feel about the BCS?
Don't really care
4. Would you care if your favorite athlete was gay?
I wouldn't care
5. What is the toughest coaching job in sports?
6. Is there at least one pro team that you hate?
Not hate, but I dislike the teams in my division
7. How many hours a week do you spend on sports video games?
8. How many athletes/coaches/media figures do you follow on Twitter?
9. How do you feel about the deep pockets of the Yankees?
Im used to it, don't really care. They're lucky though.
10. Would you give up a year of your life in exchange for your favorite team to win a championship?
Probably not
11. Should betting on sports be legalized?
12. Should college athletes be paid?
No, college scholarship is enough.
13. Will LeBron stay in Cleveland?
1. Are pro sports today better than ever? Nah, it could be much better.

2. Does the Madden curse exist? Yessir.

3. How do you feel about the BCS? They need a playoff, the bowl games are weak.

4. Would you care if your favorite athlete was gay? It depends.

5. What is the toughest coaching job in sports? NFL

6. Is there at least one pro team that you hate? Los Angeles Lakers

7. How many hours a week do you spend on sports video games? 4-5

8. How many athletes/coaches/media figures do you follow on Twitter? I don't have a twitter.

9. How do you feel about the deep pockets of the Yankees? It's there money, so they can do whatever they want to do with it.

10. Would you give up a year of your life in exchange for your favorite team to win a championship? No.

11. Should betting on sports be legalized? For Athletes, No.

12. Should college athletes be paid? No, there scholarship should be enough.

13. Will LeBron stay in Cleveland? No

Got this from my latest ESPN mag. Try to keep the answers relatively short. I am just really curious how NT feels about these controversies - some of the biggest ones in sports.

1. Are pro sports today better than ever? NFL;NBA Yes........MLB No

2. Does the Madden curse exist? Yes

3. How do you feel about the BCS? Playoffs Please

4. Would you care if your favorite athlete was gay? Yes

5. What is the toughest coaching job in sports? College Football Coach

6. Is there at least one pro team that you hate? Dallas Cowboys....with a passion

7. How many hours a week do you spend on sports video games? 0 been a minutes since I had a system

8. How many athletes/coaches/media figures do you follow on Twitter? 0 not even on there

9. How do you feel about the deep pockets of the Yankees? They got money to blow

10. Would you give up a year of your life in exchange for your favorite team to win a championship? Yes

11. Should betting on sports be legalized? Yes

12. Should college athletes be paid? Yes

13. Will LeBron stay in Cleveland? Yes
1. Are pro sports today better than ever? No Nba Team in Seatle 

2. Does the Madden curse exist?  Ask Those who have gone down 2 the cover

3. How do you feel about the BCS? Bull Crap System

4. Would you care if your favorite athlete was gay? Aslong as he doesnt touch me 

5. What is the toughest coaching job in sports? Oakland Raiders

6. Is there at least one pro team that you hate? Love when the Lakers lose

7. How many hours a week do you spend on sports video games? 0-1

8. How many athletes/coaches/media figures do you follow on Twitter? 0

9. How do you feel about the deep pockets of the Yankees? Send some my way

10. Would you give up a year of your life in exchange for your favorite team to win a championship? Ive lost years watchin seattle lose, so they owe me

11. Should betting on sports be legalized? legalize the sticky icky first

12. Should college athletes be paid? meal money baby!!!

13. Will LeBron stay in Cleveland? Come on King James, Start a new franchise in Seattle!!!!
1. Are pro sports today better than ever? yes.players dont dominate as much due to the competition being better.the average pro is better now then prior.

2. Does the Madden curse exist? No

3. How do you feel about the BCS? playoffs

4. Would you care if your favorite athlete was gay? yes

5. What is the toughest coaching job in sports? small market mlb

6. Is there at least one pro team that you hate? pats,yanks,redsox,celtics,lakers,

7. How many hours a week do you spend on sports video games? none until a new madden comes out.

8. How many athletes/coaches/media figures do you follow on Twitter? O

9. How do you feel about the deep pockets of the Yankees? larger market teams have an advantage.salary cap

10. Would you give up a year of your life in exchange for your favorite team to win a championship? No

11. Should betting on sports be legalized? For athletes? yes.people should be able to do whatever they want with they're money.drugs,hookers,betting ect..

12. Should college athletes be paid? yes,colleges make too much money these days for the players not to get a %

13. Will LeBron stay in Cleveland? no idea.
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