Any Golfers on NT?

Originally Posted by cleansneaksonly21

Any of yall tried the GOlfshot app for the iphone? its 30$ no annual or subscription fees

It's what I use. 

It's mostly for just keeping my score, but the GPS definitely helps. If it actually has an overview map of the course, it's extra helpful when determining distances on layups and stuff like that.  There's also features that will help you determine how far you hit a particular ball, etc.

My buddy has a cheaper app that he uses, and mine is typically more accurate.  I'm  sure there are better apps out there, but I'm not good enough (nor patient enough) to use all the features anyway.
I recorded my swing at the range the other day... then broke it down frame by frame..
goodness... I thought I was doing ok...but after breaking it down.....I need to majorly work on my swing like crazy still.

def recommend recording yourselves.
Took the past week and half off.. will be getting back into starting monday. playing golf (work permitting) and going to the range everyday. End of July I am going to Texas to work with one of the best instructors most ppl have never heard of. Will be going out there and spending the day working on a bunch of stuff, and will head down there once a month after that.. Trying to really improve, getting down to a long way to go, but getting better each day, and my confidence is way up there now... Also currently looking for a new driver...

Looking at the Nike VR Tour 420cc head, with a light shaft (currently play a 55g)
Might even try a Adams Speedline with my current Driver shaft. I love the lighter shaft, can get more clubhead speed, and still keep it pretty straight.
vr tour and adams speedline are 2 VERY DIFFERENT heads.... you can't really be looking at both heads... its one or the other.

speedline is more of a high trajectory / high spin forgiving head
vr tour 420cc is more of a mid/low trajectory / low spin not as forgiving head....
Originally Posted by k0betw0

vr tour and adams speedline are 2 VERY DIFFERENT heads.... you can't really be looking at both heads... its one or the other.

speedline is more of a high trajectory / high spin forgiving head
vr tour 420cc is more of a mid/low trajectory / low spin not as forgiving head....

The Speedline is similar to what I have now, but newer technology,(but not a fan of 460 cc heads), the VR tour is something that I want to try.  I want to get the ball on a lower traj without adding weight to the shaft. that is the reason I am look at both.. going to try to find both and get on the trackman with them. I would not be opposed to get both. Sometimes its crazy windy here, and a lower ball flight its Ideal, and when its not windy I like hitting a higher ball flight like I do now..  seems I can control the ball a lot better.
Originally Posted by Jwill JR

Originally Posted by k0betw0

vr tour and adams speedline are 2 VERY DIFFERENT heads.... you can't really be looking at both heads... its one or the other.

speedline is more of a high trajectory / high spin forgiving head
vr tour 420cc is more of a mid/low trajectory / low spin not as forgiving head....

The Speedline is similar to what I have now, but newer technology,(but not a fan of 460 cc heads), the VR tour is something that I want to try.  I want to get the ball on a lower traj without adding weight to the shaft. that is the reason I am look at both.. going to try to find both and get on the trackman with them. I would not be opposed to get both. Sometimes its crazy windy here, and a lower ball flight its Ideal, and when its not windy I like hitting a higher ball flight like I do now..  seems I can control the ball a lot better.

got it. you might also want to look into mid to low 60g shafts. i have not yet seen a sub 60g shaft that is considered to be low trajectory.... every single one ive hit (probably about 20 of them) has been sky high trajectory... spin reduction yes, but no trajectory reduction...
Originally Posted by k0betw0

Originally Posted by Jwill JR

Originally Posted by k0betw0

vr tour and adams speedline are 2 VERY DIFFERENT heads.... you can't really be looking at both heads... its one or the other.

speedline is more of a high trajectory / high spin forgiving head
vr tour 420cc is more of a mid/low trajectory / low spin not as forgiving head....

The Speedline is similar to what I have now, but newer technology,(but not a fan of 460 cc heads), the VR tour is something that I want to try.  I want to get the ball on a lower traj without adding weight to the shaft. that is the reason I am look at both.. going to try to find both and get on the trackman with them. I would not be opposed to get both. Sometimes its crazy windy here, and a lower ball flight its Ideal, and when its not windy I like hitting a higher ball flight like I do now..  seems I can control the ball a lot better.

got it. you might also want to look into mid to low 60g shafts. i have not yet seen a sub 60g shaft that is considered to be low trajectory.... every single one ive hit (probably about 20 of them) has been sky high trajectory... spin reduction yes, but no trajectory reduction...

very true. Just really tring to mess with what combos in a new driver set up that could help me out.  I could stick with what I am playing now, but I am not getting the most bang for my buck with this older driver head.  Might as well take advantage of the newer technology. I am going to check with Nike, and see how I can go get fitted at the "Oven" in Texas, since ill be around there. Dont know if you can set up an appointment and just go get fitted or not.
gonna roll out to prado out in the inland empire, so cal area tomorrow. 10 dollar rounds anyone? holla...
For my bay area heads.....just shot an 89 at Crystal Springs today. Very pleased with my performance.
Shot an 86 at Franklin Canyon on Thursday, and then shot a 96 on Saturday. My iron game is weak, and the only thing keeping me under 100 is my chipping and putting.
Shot an 86 at Franklin Canyon on Thursday, and then shot a 96 on Saturday. My iron game is weak, and the only thing keeping me under 100 is my chipping and putting.
Almost forgot about this thread...

Dinan, Ive been struggling major with my irons, ive been "chunking" a lot of swings.

I shot 94 last Sunday, 96 last Monday and then i was an idiot and went out at 4pm when it was nearly 100* degrees and like 90% humidity and shot 61 on the FRONT on my favorite course

I swear ive never sweat so much without running or doing some sort of cardio in my life... All my clothes were soaked after walking 9 holes.
Yeah I've been chunking the hell out of my irons. All of a sudden I started hitting my short iron shots seriously that bad. Apparently I developed an out-to-in swing that caused such a horrible slice, and trying to correct it has made things worse. I can hit my 7 and 8 fine, but I kept slicing the hell out of my long irons, and hitting my short irons fat and to the right. I got pretty pissed off on Saturday because we were stuck behind some slow *$* players, and the people behind us saw me suck so bad. On the last par 3 hit my ball about 13.5 yards...barely past the women's tees. On the second shot I hit my ball 80 yards long and 45 yards to the right. I bought a new driver to cheer myself up, though.
Originally Posted by DinanBMW

Yeah I've been chunking the hell out of my irons. All of a sudden I started hitting my short iron shots seriously that bad. Apparently I developed an out-to-in swing that caused such a horrible slice, and trying to correct it has made things worse. I can hit my 7 and 8 fine, but I kept slicing the hell out of my long irons, and hitting my short irons fat and to the right. I got pretty pissed off on Saturday because we were stuck behind some slow *$* players, and the people behind us saw me suck so bad. On the last par 3 hit my ball about 13.5 yards...barely past the women's tees. On the second shot I hit my ball 80 yards long and 45 yards to the right. I bought a new driver to cheer myself up, though.
Man I would almost welcome a slice back.  I know it's definitely not a hook, but I'm really really drawing the ball on some of my shots.  The ball flight starts out straight and then comes back left.  I shot a 98 the other day....45 on the front and 53 on the back.
Got my driver in today (Nike VR Tour 9.5* with a Project X 6.0 Shaft) and it took an entire large bucket to get used to it, but this thing is sweet. It keeps my ball flight low and I managed to turn my mile high slice to a slight/playable fade.
Originally Posted by k0betw0

gonna roll out to prado out in the inland empire, so cal area tomorrow. 10 dollar rounds anyone? holla...
how do you get it so cheap?
Anyone on here golf in North Carolina? I'm moving out there in exactly a week, and it looks like there is a strong likelihood that we will buy a home on a golf course, and have me become a member there. I never really envisioned that happening but I will know nothing and no one there so golf can keep me occupied for a while.
I have a 1:48 tee time at Rancho Solano today.

I've made so many changes to my swing that I'm not showing a lot of improvement on my scores, but I'm starting to feel better that I know I'm moving in the right direction.

My first change was going from a 10 finger grip (baseball) to the 9-finger overlap (as opposed to the "linked"). Then the week after that, I moved to aligning the "v's" on my hands, which I talked about in this thread already.

I'm fighting through what that's doing to my hands. For the first time, I'm now getting all kinds of callouses. Also, the joints around knuckles and the next joint up on my finger are constantly sore. That change was made a month ago, and so I'm getting more and more comfortable with that.

I've almost made a change to my swing plane, which initially was super steep. With a steep plane, I am experiencing a lot of the issues Dinan is describing (chunking and fade/slicing). That's been part of my game since I started playing 10 months ago. But now with the shallower swing plane, I'm starting to hook and top the ball, which is more indicative of a the "inside-out" swing that's more desirable. I'm only about 1 week into that change. I hit the range yesterday and it was starting to get a little more consistent.

I'm on a quest to be a consistent sub 100 scorer by the end of next month. I shot a 94 from the blues at Davis, but that's a really easy course (and is only a par 66). I've found myself anywhere between 100 on the dot and 105 on regular sized courses. But these days, when I shoot 105, it definitely feels like I had a bad day, which I guess is good.
one week til Vacation, and I am going to play everyday of vacation, except one day, and that day I am heading out to Texas for a 4 hour golf session with a really good insturctor.  And I am actually very, very excited to see what he says about my current swing, and what I can do to take the next step. Its been insainly hot here, and yesterday, I managed to get out and play 9 even though it was 105 with the heat index. And shot a personal best 37.  With 2 birdies, 1 bogey, 1 double, and 5 pars.  I had 2 birdie putts on 8 and 9 to get me back to even for 9, but both came up a tad short.   Very excited to keep playing out there and getting better and better.

And for those of you who are struggling with your Irons, I can totally relate, coming into this season, my irons were my worst part of my game.  One guy who I was paired up with one round, said "off the tee and around the green you look like you could be a scratch golfer, but your iron play sucks." LOL.. it was one of the better back handed compliments ive recieved.  But I worked very hard on my irons, and I am quickly becoming very happy with how I am striking the ball...   One thing I would recommend is the Tour Striker.  If you're having issues flipping at impact, and not hitting down on the ball the tour stiker will let you know it.
I did a lot of work at the range today, and I'm pretty happy about the results. I was hitting my irons so crisp and on target that I almost walked a few holes after the course closed. It's just too bad my bag weighs like 200lbs and the last time I teed off with street shoes I almost fell on my face. I'm probably going to play Hiddenbrooke (sp?) in Vallejo on Saturday, but I may just play Franklin Canyon after work a few times during the week. i want to consistently break 90 by the end of the year gd it.
So, it looks like I'm going to take a few lessons with the Hiddenbrooke pro.

I have a guy at work that keeps pushing me to take lessons and insists that I'm wasting my time trying to figure it all out.

This is a guy that has played every course you can think of wanting to play ever, so I'm going to take his advice and take these damn lessons.
Played yesterday for the last time at my tiny little executive course and shot a 32 (+2). Started with a Fosters Oil Can on holes 1-3, and then finished off with 2 Coors Lights and 3 PBRs. Aside from one wedge shot that I hit short, my short game was really on point. On a 260 yard par 4 I drove about 15 yards short and left of the green with my 19 deg hybrid. Pulled out the 56 and put the ball 2 inches from the cup. On a 322 yard dog leg right par 4 I cleared the trees for a straight line shot of the green, and came short and left again by about 15 yards. Same club, same shot, same result, 2 inches from the cup.  Had 2 birdies, 2 bogeys, 1 double, and 4 pars.  15 putts, no 3 putts.

I'm sad that it was the last time I will probably ever play the course, but excited because it looks like I'm going to join a semi-private club out in NC. Apparently the club is pretty desperate for members out there right now, and they are waiving initiation fees.
been away for a while( 2 wk suspension) been playing a ton of golf 3 rounds in 6 days in 95+ heat.... I made some changes to my swing and my ball striking has been great, even with my short game and putting not being as good as it should be.

I have recorded my swings for the past several times... and stopped dipping my head on my backswing thus working the downswing in to out, started my hips earlier coming down and working on looser grip and wrists and seen major improvements aka actually hitting my target areas

Guys record yourself. Even a couple swings... make sure you get a recording of a "bad" swing and a "good" swing and SLOW IT DOWN
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