Any Golfers on NT?

NT...I had the shot of my life today!!! (atleast so far

I was playing at a local course thats not to difficult. we played from the golds (back tees) and played pretty well.

So this is the 3rd hole...a 350 yard par 4.
I hit a crappy drive that took an even worse bounce into the channel leaving me about 110 away with a blind shot. took out my 52 degree wedge and let it fly...

so my friend told me he thinks it went in but he is the kid who is always playing jokes and tricks so i didnt believe him. As we got closer to the green i noticed that those marks ont eh green were leaves and my ball was no where in sight....


Spoiler [+]
LMAO son went in though. I feel you though, I had my first eagle on a par 4 pitch shot over 100yrds as well. I saved the ball and dated it
lets just say i have missed some very easy eagle putts in the past (within 5 feet multiple times) and this was my first eagle
Sweet, on the eagle...

Ive had 3, almost had my 4th this past saturday.. 550 yard par 5, killed my drive (slight wind at my back) I wont tell you the distance, but had 7 iron in. Its a nice size green, bunker protecting the right side.. Pin in the middle right of the green. my ball lands on a higer part of the green, then stops, but then starts rolling down the slope closer to the hole, had about a 15 foot eagle putt, missed by no more than an inch..tap in birdie putt.. one of the better rounds I had this season, until 18.. *par 5, had a take a unplayable, and ended up plugged near the green.. took a 9.. ended up with an 84, when it easliy could of been 80/or 79... This friday we have a 3 club tournament for our Men's League.. playing 9 holes, and you can only have 3 clubs in ur bag..going to take my driver, 8 iron, and 52*...will putt with my driver..
I played Diablo Creek on Saturday and did horrible. My driving and putting is average, my chipping/pitching is awesome, but my short irons are killing me. I played Vintner's in Yountville on Monday and did a little better. Today I played Eagle Vines and did awesome on the front 9. I ended up losing like 6 balls on the back 9, so I just stopped caring. I did have one of my best drives ever, though. On hole #7 I tried to bomb it and ended up grounding the club a little bit. I saw sparks fly, so I got pissed and didn't even see where the ball went. I thought I went into the vineyards, but my friend said I was by a bunker. He said "that's one of the best shots I've ever seen" but I thought he was being sarcastic. I was about to hit another shot, but he told me that he was sure my ball was playable. So I start driving, and about half way down I see my ball next to the green. The people in front of us (slow *+* players) were still putting, so I apologized because I never thought I'd hit it that far. The score card and the map say that it's a 370yd hole, but it plays something like 322 because it's elevated. Anyway, I ended up chipping with my 60* and it rolled about 2 inches left of the hole. At least I came away with a birdie, though.

Originally Posted by solesavage

I feel you though, I had my first eagle on a par 4 pitch shot over 100yrds as well. I saved the ball and dated it

 can't wait
Had my first "real" birdie on Tuesday on a par 3. I was so hyped, its been such a long time coming Ive missed easy putt after easy putt...

but i did the same.... ball is saved and dated
Originally Posted by Bastitch

This intrigues me.  Can you post an example of what "knuckles" you're talking about.
take your regular stance and everything ... get ready to hit the ball ... STOP! look at your left hand and identify your pointer and middle finger's knuckles ... you should be able to see them and if not, turn your left hand to the right about an inch so they are visible at address ... swing away ... you may notice your clube head slightly close ...
Originally Posted by JPioneer

About to go golfing at midnight

Got to look out for them security guys

Only played 5 holes. It was raining pretty much too so we were soaking wet

It was so dark we couldn't find all the balls even if we had a good guess where they were.
Went and played 18 this morning.. started off Great.. Par, Eagle Birdie.. Eagled the short par 4..its 319 yards to the front of the green, and the pin was playing in the front. wind at my back, and connected great. 10 foot Eagle putt drops.. next hole 157 yard par 3, this one into the wind. put my 8 iron within 7 feet.. made the birdie putt.. had a double and a bogey the next two holes. was even after 7.. last two holes bogey, then double..ended up with a 39 on the front.. should of been better..It was about 98 out today by 1pm, and we still had 9 to play.. I was wore out.. shot 44 on the ended up with an 83.. not bad but need to really get back in the gym, not working out has effect my condition even on the golf course...
Man closest I had come to an eagle was on my approach from like 60 yards out on a par 5 from my 3rd shot over a little knoll onto the green... Took a bounces off the knoll and another bounce and hit right off the base of the pin and headed about 5 feet to the left for the birdie putt

Eagles man
for me personally ive come to the conclusion i dont need to practice

i played twice in the past month...smh at me...but my last 2 rounds ive shot 74 and today 75...

i mean its ridiculous. i lifted yesterday for the first time in a im sore as hell on the first tee...bam first drive 350. and no im not lying

so im even par going to #5...hit my ball o.b. make a QUAD... shoot 42 on the im thinking to myself i just wanna go dad...who never beats me shot a he was bragging

blah blah blah "im on you like glue"
so im like ok dad..ill flick the switch...i go par birdie birdie par birdie...and finish out with pars to shoot a 33 on the back...missed a 5 foot birdie putt on the last but i couldnt be aggresive with it cause i could 2 putt to win all the money

so yea...had alot of fun today...and i shot this with a prostaff golf ball btw
Originally Posted by Bastitch

Originally Posted by moneyisthemotive

holy mother @%#!%%% !%@#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have never been so happy in my entire life playing a sport ... golf is the greatest game on earth ... i love steal shafts and balls and cups and rough and grass and sand ... FINALLY, after almost two years i have got my drive dead @%#!%%% straight and long as hell ...

i was a banana driver all my life ... at about 175-200 yards my ball would turn right ... i didnt even look at my driver for the past 6 months and hit my 3 wood off the tee ... but after watching the Golf Channel last night I finally fixed my drive ... it's such a simple fix i cant believe i didnt find it sooner ...

Fuzzy Zoeller was on the GC giving tips and one of his tips for slicing was looking down at your grip and identifying your left hand's knuckles (for rightys) ... he said most likely a slicer will not be able to see his knuckles at all at address, and sure enough i couldnt see !%@# ... he said rotate your hand so you can see two knuckles and swing away ... that was it ... i hit the ball so far and so straight today i couldnt believe it was me swinging ... i hit a 520 yard par 5 in 2 going driver 4 iron! the people i was playing with couldnt believe how far i could hit the ball being my size (5'11, 150) ... i am HYPED to play again soon so i can just crush the ball ... i broke 90 for the first time ever without any mulligans or drops ...
This intrigues me.  Can you post an example of what "knuckles" you're talking about.
I've seen something similar in Golf Magazine....if anything I could imagine turning your left hand in would help make sure your hands are not fighting each other and are working in unison to help keep the club face square.

Anyway, I can't remember the last time I've had a regular slice on my shots.  I really worked on having an in-out swing path on my drives and it's obviously transferred into my other swings as well.  Once I got a heavier shaft with lower torque in my driver, I am hitting slight fades.  I bombed the green on a dogleg par 4, and 3 putted for par today....
Originally Posted by youngmoney

for me personally ive come to the conclusion i dont need to practice

i played twice in the past month...smh at me...but my last 2 rounds ive shot 74 and today 75...

i mean its ridiculous. i lifted yesterday for the first time in a im sore as hell on the first tee...bam first drive 350. and no im not lying

so im even par going to #5...hit my ball o.b. make a QUAD... shoot 42 on the im thinking to myself i just wanna go dad...who never beats me shot a he was bragging

blah blah blah "im on you like glue"
so im like ok dad..ill flick the switch...i go par birdie birdie par birdie...and finish out with pars to shoot a 33 on the back...missed a 5 foot birdie putt on the last but i couldnt be aggresive with it cause i could 2 putt to win all the money

so yea...had alot of fun today...and i shot this with a prostaff golf ball btw
 I [emoji]9829[/emoji] NT ...but next time give us a quotable like "fluid hips"

Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Man closest I had come to an eagle was on my approach from like 60 yards out on a par 5 from my 3rd shot over a little knoll onto the green... Took a bounces off the knoll and another bounce and hit right off the base of the pin and headed about 5 feet to the left for the birdie putt

Eagles man

Ive been playing golf seriously for about 2 years, played here and there for about 6 months before 2 1/2 years total, maybe a lil more..and Ive only had 3 eagles. Yesterday's being the 3rd.  I kinda feel like I wasted the Eagle because I still shot about the same as what ive been. I just wish it wasnt so hot here, I want to play 36 holes on sat and sun, but no way I can do it in this heat.  Going to start tring to get 18 in real early in the morning, then maybe another 18 twlight. I am tring to get down to a 4.4 or better, so I can try to qualify in the Local USGA pub link championship within the next 2 years..
Originally Posted by Jwill JR

Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Man closest I had come to an eagle was on my approach from like 60 yards out on a par 5 from my 3rd shot over a little knoll onto the green... Took a bounces off the knoll and another bounce and hit right off the base of the pin and headed about 5 feet to the left for the birdie putt

Eagles man

Ive been playing golf seriously for about 2 years, played here and there for about 6 months before 2 1/2 years total, maybe a lil more..and Ive only had 3 eagles. Yesterday's being the 3rd.  I kinda feel like I wasted the Eagle because I still shot about the same as what ive been. I just wish it wasnt so hot here, I want to play 36 holes on sat and sun, but no way I can do it in this heat.  Going to start tring to get 18 in real early in the morning, then maybe another 18 twlight. I am tring to get down to a 4.4 or better, so I can try to qualify in the Local USGA pub link championship within the next 2 years..
I've been playing for about 13 years and have only had one legitimate eagle, and one with a mulligan.  I had a legitimate chance at an eagle on a par 4 but choked on the putt.  Was about an inch from the fringe and I grounded my putter on my stroke and barely got the ball to move 5 feet.  Missed my birdie putt too.  
The first real eagle you get is a great feeling though.  Mine was on a 522 yard dogleg left par 5.  3 wood off the tee, 19 degree hybrid to about 15 feet from the green, then I just lined up and putted from off the green and it took the perfect line, perfect speed, hit the pin and dropped in the cup.  I probably couldn't have duplicated the shot if you asked me to do it another 50 times in a row, so I'll definitely call it a lucky one.  A guy I used to league with always said, "It's better to be lucky than good."  
Originally Posted by youngmoney

for me personally ive come to the conclusion i dont need to practice

i played twice in the past month...smh at me...but my last 2 rounds ive shot 74 and today 75...

i mean its ridiculous. i lifted yesterday for the first time in a im sore as hell on the first tee...bam first drive 350. and no im not lying

so im even par going to #5...hit my ball o.b. make a QUAD... shoot 42 on the im thinking to myself i just wanna go dad...who never beats me shot a he was bragging

blah blah blah "im on you like glue"
so im like ok dad..ill flick the switch...i go par birdie birdie par birdie...and finish out with pars to shoot a 33 on the back...missed a 5 foot birdie putt on the last but i couldnt be aggresive with it cause i could 2 putt to win all the money

so yea...had alot of fun today...and i shot this with a prostaff golf ball btw
I'm not going to say I drove the ball 350, but I showed up at my local 9 hole, asked if they could fit in a walk on for twilight, and he sent me straight to the tee box.  I took 3 practice swings with 2 clubs to loosen up a little bit, and then started playing.  No practice time at all.  Par/Birdie to start off, then I topped my shot on the third into the water, bombed my third shot just off the green, up and down to save bogey, drove pin high to the fringe on the 4th (260 yards), birdied that hole, got one more bogey and the rest pars to finish even par.  First time I've ever shot scratch golf in my life.  

Didn't play a v1.  But I'm still happy.
Originally Posted by eaalto

Originally Posted by Bastitch

Originally Posted by moneyisthemotive

holy mother @%#!%%% !%@#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have never been so happy in my entire life playing a sport ... golf is the greatest game on earth ... i love steal shafts and balls and cups and rough and grass and sand ... FINALLY, after almost two years i have got my drive dead @%#!%%% straight and long as hell ...

i was a banana driver all my life ... at about 175-200 yards my ball would turn right ... i didnt even look at my driver for the past 6 months and hit my 3 wood off the tee ... but after watching the Golf Channel last night I finally fixed my drive ... it's such a simple fix i cant believe i didnt find it sooner ...

Fuzzy Zoeller was on the GC giving tips and one of his tips for slicing was looking down at your grip and identifying your left hand's knuckles (for rightys) ... he said most likely a slicer will not be able to see his knuckles at all at address, and sure enough i couldnt see !%@# ... he said rotate your hand so you can see two knuckles and swing away ... that was it ... i hit the ball so far and so straight today i couldnt believe it was me swinging ... i hit a 520 yard par 5 in 2 going driver 4 iron! the people i was playing with couldnt believe how far i could hit the ball being my size (5'11, 150) ... i am HYPED to play again soon so i can just crush the ball ... i broke 90 for the first time ever without any mulligans or drops ...
This intrigues me.  Can you post an example of what "knuckles" you're talking about.
I've seen something similar in Golf Magazine....if anything I could imagine turning your left hand in would help make sure your hands are not fighting each other and are working in unison to help keep the club face square.

Anyway, I can't remember the last time I've had a regular slice on my shots.  I really worked on having an in-out swing path on my drives and it's obviously transferred into my other swings as well.  Once I got a heavier shaft with lower torque in my driver, I am hitting slight fades.  I bombed the green on a dogleg par 4, and 3 putted for par today....
So I played 18 today at Delta View in Pittsburg, and we had about 30 minutes to hit some balls at the range before our round.  I changed up my left hand to have the "v" of my hand like it is in the first picture and it worked pretty damn well.

I hit 4 fairways on the front 9, which is what I usually do in 18 on a good day.  It would have been five, but I went LONG on a fairway on a hole I shot my first birdie on a par 4. 

It didn't reflect in my score today, but progress is progress.

Thanks for the tip.
Bastitch wrote:

I hit 4 fairways on the front 9, which is what I usually do in 18 on a good day.  It would have been five, but I went LONG on a fairway on a hole I shot my first birdie on a par 4. 

It didn't reflect in my score today, but progress is progress.

Thanks for the tip.

Did you ever get your new irons?  If so, how are they working out for you?
Originally Posted by eaalto

Bastitch wrote:

I hit 4 fairways on the front 9, which is what I usually do in 18 on a good day.  It would have been five, but I went LONG on a fairway on a hole I shot my first birdie on a par 4. 

It didn't reflect in my score today, but progress is progress.

Thanks for the tip.

Did you ever get your new irons?  If so, how are they working out for you?

They're good.  I'm still in an adjustment period, but I'm getting more and more comfortable with them. 

For those that don't know, I used to play with an old Tour Edge set from like 2002 that was +1 2up that I bought off a co-worker when I first started playing golf last September.  I now play with a set of steel TM Burner Plus 09's that are standard length and lie angle.

I'm getting about 15-20 additional yards on each club, so I'm making that adjustment in my game.  One of the hardest adjustments I didn't expect to have to  make was getting used to the weight distribution on the clubs themselves.  But I like them a lot.  I'm pleased with the distance and the feel.  I know if I went with graphite, I'd add another 10 yards, but I'm strong enough to get to most long par 3's without breaking out a hybrid.

Quick WITB these days:

Nike SUMO 2  5900 Tour Driver
Tour Edge Geomax 3 Wood
Adams iWood 2 Hybrid
Adams iWood 3 Hybrid
TaylorMade Burner Plus 09 4-AW
Callaway Big Bertha 04 SW
Adams Puggelli 60 degree LW
Tour Edge Backdraft Mallet Putter

I have an Odyssey White Hot XG SRT 2Ball putter in the mail right now that I got of RockBottom for 65 shipped last week. After that, I think I'll be okay with my bag for a while.

If someone told me a year ago that I'd be obsessed with golf the way I am, I would have laughed in their face. I don't even want to calculate how much money I've poured into this stuff. 
Did you text me today?

And hey, who called you first thing yesterday morning to see if you wanted to play golf?

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