Any NT'ers afraid of getting older?

Jan 5, 2013
I've been on NT since the 2005 release of the Flint 13s. That was the first time I put in any diligent effort to buy a pair of shoes. That was 10 years ago. I've seen this place change, seen many NT'ers come and go.

So that made me think about life and how ultimately finite it all is. One can only imagine what'll happen in the course of the next 10 years, or how fast the time will seem to have passed once it does. You guys afraid of getting older? At times I am, and at others k welcome the unknown. But that's life, right?
Nah kinfoe.

Getting older is the ****

The allure of exploring new things, transitioning into different parts of my life, and one day raising a seed

Im afraid but at da same time im excited for da future

I think you are only afraid if u feel like u finna fail

If u are confident in your future plans bes believe u aint gunna be scared
how do you define afraid?
i think it's human nature to wonder about getting older and wondering what will happen in the future
i dont think afraid is the right word, definately curious to what it holds for me
I am.

I'm still pretty young, but time is already flying by and it doesn't help that I have a lot of things to compare time to. I just got done coaching winter basketball and it seems like just yesterday when I first started coaching for my high school senior year service project. One of my brother's friends was on that team and was on the team I just coached, but now he's the same age I was when I first coached him. He, my brother, and the rest of his friends are set to graduate high school in a few months and it's a crazy thought that they'll be college students after the summer.

I've also been exposed to people deteriorating with age. I've seen two family members suffer from Alzheimer's, my great grandma when I was younger and my grandpa who showed signs of it before he passed away two weeks ago. It's expected that people lose their physical abilities as they get older, but it's the loss of their mental abilities that's even more startling. I'm not looking forward to ever getting to that point or having my parents get to that point.

I can't even imagine life after graduation, but at least I've got another year before that happens. It seems like everyone always wanted to be older as they were growing up, but I was never that way. The important thing is to live in the moment because before you know it, "now" will just be another point in your life that you're looking back on.
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Not afraid because I will be in a better position that I was than I am now and when I was younger

Gotta have some good memories to reminense (spell check ) in since they're weren't so many when I was a kid.

And besides I want a kick *** beard so I'm not worried bring it :pimp:
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Only when it comes to taking care of my parents. Seeing my dad take care of his mom makes me realize that it's going to be my turn just 10-15 years from now. Luckily my mom already said to put her in a home if her mind completely goes :lol:
as long as your finances, education, and overall situation keep progressing... aging is wonderful...

it's only when you're getting older while staying in the same position in life that you start stressing
wish I was a freshman in high school again. currently a junior in college.
I can't wait to get older so I can just do crazy **** all day and get away with it.

But I'm not to keen on my member not functioning properly. But hey I'll get a little blue pill prescription.
I'm 43 and I'm afraid of getting older. I mostly miss being able to hoop like I did when I was younger (I'm 6'7" and played a little bit of college ball).  Now I'm usually the oldest one on the court.  I can see plays develop but I'm too slow to take advantage.  I wish I would have known that the last time I dunked was going to be the last time I dunked.  I would have taken the time to really enjoy it. 
Let me tell you what happens when you get older. Things hurt for no reason. You will wake up and your hip will hurt and you didn't actually do anything to hurt it....that or you don't remember :lol:
Hell yeah Im afraid. The past 15 years passed by so quick for me. As I got older the faster my time flies.
Before you know it, life's over
Let me tell you what happens when you get older. Things hurt for no reason. You will wake up and your hip will hurt and you didn't actually do anything to hurt it....that or you don't remember :lol:

walking down the stairs in the morning and all of a sudden i get tightness in my back :x

even playing pickup ball, my mind thinks i can still go hard and all out like i was in my early 20s, but the body isnt responding :lol:
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Don't even think about it. Every day is a new life. To think about something like this, something you can't really understand why it's happening to you will make you miss more precious moments in your life.

Continue to experience new things, never stay stagnant or bitter, or resentful.

Have faith in knowing you never peaked and your aging like a fine wine.
it kinda hit me that it's time i man up and act more of my age and get my **** together. seeing friends get married and **** is weird though but hey thats life.
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