Any NTers ever been shot/shot at before?

I was in the spot when this happened
as soon as we all stood in line and saw the type of people there, we knew it was about to go down
So you was out there like "Oh them ****** get it in... let's go in anyways".
I guess that means he aint a shook one/is used to dealing with grimey ones in the bay 
My uncle once told me a story about his friend. He has a friend who rolled solo from state to state. One summer he went back home to Barbados. When he was down there he needed a whip to get from point A to point B. So he drove his brothers Suzuki around. Now this SUV was very distinct. Not to mention it had a window decal of his brothers nickname. So son is riding around like it's all good, all of a sudden, mad shots lick off and a couple hit the car. Luckily no one was hurt. Turned out his brother had some problems with some people who was out to get him
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Been shot at 1x and involved in 3 more shootouts just being around the area.

seen my first body in the barbershop at 9yrs old

involved in one shootout, where my boy caught a slug in the leg and my other friend in the back.

(kinda crazy they can predict the weather when its gonna rain, after they got hit)

never been hit, but caught a slug in my Jeff Hamilton NBA Jacket dodging but I can honestly tell you the best way to avoid getting hit, is to zig zag between parked cars on the block. hasn't failed me yet.
Got robbed for some pharmaceuticals back when I was in college. Dude caught me slippin from behind and had the burner to my head. I couldn't look him in his eyes and potentially pull his card so I had to give up the goods.

My boys and I caught up with his brother a few months down the road for that payback tho. :smokin
Had a shotty pulled on my by a teenager who had it in a garmet bag. At first I seen him and some older dude talking **** to this middle aged white dude(I should have ******* walked away that time) and then they go up to me asking where I was from. I told them I'm not from anywhere. Than the train came so they walked away while I got on and sat next to the door(smh). The outta nowhere, the older dude went for my iPod tryna pry it of my hands so I look at him pissed and pulled the **** out of him. He gave up and snatched my backpack with my laptop(books) and jumped out of the train door. Before it closed I pushed it back open and hopped out too after him. So I then run into him with young dude pointing that shorty right at my chest from like 10 feet out. Than the older dude yelled out "gimme that pod *****". So then he walked towards me with the backpack and me towards him with the iPod and we exchanged. After we swapped they backed out up and the stairs and yell out "don't follow us or we'll shoot". Than the last few steps they turn and took off. I wish I would've snuck up behind them and followed but, I was hella pissed at the time I probably would have done something stupid. Regret to the day not following my instincts and awareness at letting the music distract me from what's going on around me, they probably robbed the white dude too.
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Never had a gun pulled on me luckily, only got slashed in the face with a box cutter. Thank god the scar isn't too bad
had some friends murdered while they sat in their car. murderers thought they were in a gang for some reason. months later, some guys got arrested for a murder and they traced the bullets/gun back to that.
Been shot at 1x and involved in 3 more shootouts just being around the area.
seen my first body in the barbershop at 9yrs old
involved in one shootout, where my boy caught a slug in the leg and my other friend in the back.
(kinda crazy they can predict the weather when its gonna rain, after they got hit)

never been hit, but caught a slug in my Jeff Hamilton NBA Jacket dodging but I can honestly tell you the best way to avoid getting hit, is to zig zag between parked cars on the block. hasn't failed me yet.

Damn :wow:

Where you from?
And that weather prediction thing is actually real? :wow:
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Been shot at 1x and involved in 3 more shootouts just being around the area.
seen my first body in the barbershop at 9yrs old
involved in one shootout, where my boy caught a slug in the leg and my other friend in the back.
(kinda crazy they can predict the weather when its gonna rain, after they got hit)

never been hit, but caught a slug in my Jeff Hamilton NBA Jacket dodging but I can honestly tell you the best way to avoid getting hit, is to zig zag between parked cars on the block. hasn't failed me yet.

Damn :wow:

Where you from?
And that weather prediction thing is actually real? :wow:
Some older people has it too .. It's mostly change in the atmosphere pressure .. ?

Where you from?
And that weather prediction thing is actually real?
Bed-Stuy Brooklyn.

but those shootouts was during the 90's, would hear gunshots atleast every other night.

and yeah its true, its due to change in the atmosphere,  they can walk outside and their bones will start hurting where they got hit at.  I don't even listen to the weather channel, I just call them lol
Bed-Stuy Brooklyn.
but those shootouts was during the 90's, would hear gunshots atleast every other night.

and yeah its true, its due to change in the atmosphere,  they can walk outside and their bones will start hurting where they got hit at.  I don't even listen to the weather channel, I just call them lol

Had a feeling you were gonna say Brooklyn
Why are these dudes even coming to the club for a fight? That's my point this ain't fight club. Everyone trying to grope on women inappropriately in the dark and these dudes trying to fight.

They need to wash their face. Preferably in a cell.

Where you from dog, bc this sound a like foreign language to you.

There are people out in the world like this. Deal with it or don't go out.
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