Any NTers with carpal tunnel?

ive been experiencing pain on my right wrist about a month ago, there were times that it kind of felt numb too,

googled facts about carpal tunnel, and i definetly wouldn't want to have it!

good thing it went away after not thinking about it anymore. im giving my wrists extra care now, even icing them after playing basketball.
Originally Posted by Smookie

Lol so fap means masturbate?? LOLL i thought it mean actualy gettin some &*^# LOL damn lay off the masterbating bro

Naw it's the sound.
Originally Posted by Smookie

Lol so fap means masturbate?? LOLL i thought it mean actualy gettin some &*^# LOL damn lay off the masterbating bro

Naw it's the sound.
get some braces for your wrist and hands to sleep in.

Washing dishes by hand kills 2 birds with one stone.

Read up on ergonomics and see where you habits fall in line

look into user friendly mouses and keyboard.

Look up some finger/ hand warm ups for musicians like pianist and guitarist

Sometimes take a break. like a day from computers and stuff. People don't realize how many millions of mouse clicks and button taps they make in their lifetime and repetitive motions like that cause wear and tear.
get some braces for your wrist and hands to sleep in.

Washing dishes by hand kills 2 birds with one stone.

Read up on ergonomics and see where you habits fall in line

look into user friendly mouses and keyboard.

Look up some finger/ hand warm ups for musicians like pianist and guitarist

Sometimes take a break. like a day from computers and stuff. People don't realize how many millions of mouse clicks and button taps they make in their lifetime and repetitive motions like that cause wear and tear.
a few quick ways to see if you do have carpal tunnel:

1) tap your index finger in the middle part of your wrist (palm facing up) and see if you get tingling or any other sensation with the tapping.

2) touch the back of your hands together and hold, so that your hands are 90 degrees to your forearm. hold for a minute or so, and see if the symptoms recur.
a few quick ways to see if you do have carpal tunnel:

1) tap your index finger in the middle part of your wrist (palm facing up) and see if you get tingling or any other sensation with the tapping.

2) touch the back of your hands together and hold, so that your hands are 90 degrees to your forearm. hold for a minute or so, and see if the symptoms recur.
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