Any of yall ever been SKYDIVING?

Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

Originally Posted by ChaosTheory

Yep, but I prefer bungee jumping.. it's actually more of a rush imo.. even though skydiving you are jumping out of a plane.
How much was bungee jumping? I was thinking abuot doing that before I got married.

Did it in Whistler, BC.. I think it was around $120ish CAD. But it was definitely more exciting than skydiving I think.. To be able to actually put the height in perspective makes all the difference. 

Also for the dude who asked if you can jump out solo on your first attempt skydiving. Answer: Yes.. but you'd have to take like an 6+ hour video lesson first. And even after that.. you essentially jump by yourself, but with 2 other guys around you to help you out and pull your chute.
my cousin in mexico does this for a living

he travels all around mexico as one of the guides
Man my ears pop normally so I hate riding in airplanes, so i already know this is gonna suck lol
Originally Posted by Faint Dj3

Man my ears pop normally so I hate riding in airplanes, so i already know this is gonna suck lol


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