Any of you guys Start Your own Company?

I'm in the process of starting my own company. I too am in the tech field. I think we have the same major (CIS) My original major was just CS I really decided to major in CIS just so I could gain basic business knowledge since I've always wanted to start my own company. I see some untapped potential also, probably not as much as you though because I'm still an undergrad.
I wanted to star my own business. I'm taking a Business class this semester, lets just say I'm not going to be majoring in that anymore.
At university, when you major in business you don't learn how to start your own business. you learn on how to work for larger corporations. At least that is the case in undergrad.
Originally Posted by EMJAY YONNY

From my own personal experience, I'd strongly recommend to NOT start a business w/ your friends unless the roles are clearly defined/accepted and the %'s are clearly understood before you make any money.

I learned my lesson as a 20 year old w/ 4 of my good friends.  It got weird for a while w/ a couple of them (it's since been mended, but it's not really the same).

Someone already said it, but money seriously changes things (even w/ your closest friends of many years).

It's better to network to the point that you meet people who share your passion/knowledge/skill-set desired, etc. (the KEY is that it's a business relationship from the beginning).

Hopefully it eventually develops into a great friendship as well, but it works better if it's business FIRST and then the relationship builds off of that.

Also, PASSION is everything.  I wouldn't start a company unless you're extremely passionate about it.  It's not gonna be easy (that's a gross understatement).

And last but not least, take your time and do it right.  I think too many people rush the process from concept to sale off of sheer excitement/in order to make some quick bucks when 9/10 times it's better to slow bake it and make sure everything's absolutely PERFECT before launch (you only get 1 first impression).

EXCELLENT first post.
Here's the most solid advice I ever heard, fambs...

If you're gonna start a business, invest, or do anything costly...

Try to use someone else's money.

Originally Posted by Mitchellicious

I wouldn't go in to business with family or friends, unless you know 110% that you can trust them.

Money changes people.

Just don't get into it with friends or family at all. It will not go well. I've thought about it for a long time. I'm a small solo musician right now and when I'm a little bigger I plan to start my own clothing line and I also want to tart a blog that can accept donations to help teens who are dealing with suicidal thoughts. I want to help the kids who feel like everything is against them. I felt that way for a long time and I felt so lost. It took me a lot to get through it.

I am planning on going to school just in case this doesn't work. It will though. This is what I want to do. I don't want to become filthy rich and all of that but I want to at least be able to throw something in the face of those people who doubted me.
Originally Posted by mizzoe33

At university, when you major in business you don't learn how to start your own business. you learn on how to work for larger corporations. At least that is the case in undergrad.
I'm going to graduate with a business degree this summer and possibly a finance degree in Jan, and my classes have focused both on starting your own business and working for larger corporations. I'm taking a venture creation class right now, that makes students start their own business, which I like because it gets your feet wet. We're also learning about the new "lean" model in business, which is what Stanford starting teaching last year...interesting stuff. 
If you don't want to major in it, see if you have a class like that available to you. 
Originally Posted by MyJaysGetRocked

Originally Posted by mizzoe33

At university, when you major in business you don't learn how to start your own business. you learn on how to work for larger corporations. At least that is the case in undergrad.
I'm going to graduate with a business degree this summer and possibly a finance degree in Jan, and my classes have focused both on starting your own business and working for larger corporations. I'm taking a venture creation class right now, that makes students start their own business, which I like because it gets your feet wet. We're also learning about the new "lean" model in business, which is what Stanford starting teaching last year...interesting stuff. 
If you don't want to major in it, see if you have a class like that available to you. 

I know a lot of dudes thought this too but how about instead of using that money for college, use it to towards starting a small business. This way you gain real life experience and there might even be a chance that you won't lose of all of that cash. This of course requires tremendous dedication and effort and is not for the avg person. 
Originally Posted by mizzoe33

It sounds like you want to have a tech startup. It is a lot easier to bootstrap your business if you are online based, that's what I did and we are doing fine so far.
If you are looking for investors, the idea itself is important, but what is more important is the team you have around you. They look at the passion and the ability to do what ever it takes for you to succeed.

I have heard more than one VC say that they expect you to fail at your first startup, but they like your drive and so they will invest with you for your second company.

If it is a tech company, I strongly suggest you have a team of three or four people. a perfect team of founders would have the 3Ds

Develop: the developer who can basically create anything.
Design: the guy who works on user interface and make sure the product is polished.
Deliver: the business development guy who can close the deals, the leader of the team and the visionary.

VCs would love to see a passionate team like that.
I Like the 3D concept, but I don't really know anyone as tech savvy as I am that I could go into business with. I would more so be the Deliver, but I can be the Design and Develop due to my work experience /degree but I`m not the best programmer so thats one of the things Im about to start working on.
My friend Baldwin and I have been working on our graphic design business for the last few years.
Started out really small, doing graphics (logos, mixtape covers, flyers) for free and slowly but surely
built are clientele. In no way, shape or form are we successful yet but we have been getting very
consistent business (in Pittsburgh) for the past 2+ years.

Even though we arent where we want to be, yet, my advice for anyone is to really love what you do
because the passion will make your work that much better... but get paid too lol. Good luck to anyone
trying to break the 9-5 cycle, but for me I still have a regular 9-5 as well, just using graphics as a side

If anyone on NT needs logos, flyers, etc etc feel free to hit me up, you know I'll look out for the free.
Check out our portfolio in my sig.

Sean Devine
DoubleD Productions
[email protected]
Man since I was 21 i've been trying to come up with a good idea that I could make into a business...nothing yet.

I respect you guys that started your own day for me.
I'm loosely affiliated with this company called Ler Enterprises, the guy who started it had 10k and a dream.
He still has the dream but is -25K   
I suggest if you're going into business with partners, make sure they are like minded and yall share the same common goals. Getting pulled in different direction is never fun and there are tons of people out there who can do what ever it is you need done without ya'll "going into business" with one another. Also, listen to the little voice in head because at the end of it all you will have to live with results. We live in a day and age where everything you possible need is googleable. Whatever you're looking for, big or small can be found on the web and is in reach of those willing to search. Your customer will keep you going, even when the money slows up.  Make sure you love what ever it is you plan on doing and have fun. 
Originally Posted by jorrdanfan23

im thinking of opening a store.. any tips how to??
What kind of store? Also alot has to do with what you have to offer, the cost and location, location, location!
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