Anybody ever cleanse their colon?

May 25, 2001
Not going to post pics of the animals people claim to have releaved themselves of in their testimonials, but they claim you have 5-20 lbs of waste and clumpedup toxins inside of you. I keep seeing the infomercial, I'm thinking about it. I'll probably buy a much cheaper no name brand "equivalent"but that's beside the point.
I was thinking about making a colon cleansing post the other day lol. I need to get around to doing that, I prolly got turds from 89 up in there
there's a product you can buy to do this to yourself?

I'd get it done at a doctors office i think... but i've never had it done, i'm not real comfortable with people down there in my business..
^he wants to get the extra poop in him sucked out. I'd look into it, but don't want no tube up my butt. Not sure how well the laxatives work though. Those pics are nasty as hell too, them dudes pose next to them like they just killed a lion safari hunting or something
UUGGHHHH N___ DatZNasty! It wasn't that funny nasty either, eewww. **delete memory** I need one of those M.I.B. mind erasers.
Well wish me luck, I'm going for it. I'm going to buy the cheapest name brand pills that are out there so I might %$+@ out a heart or lung or somethingso if I'm not posting a few weeks from now, it's not because I finally got some friends and went outside or anything like that; I died.
All you need to do is drink enough water and eat fibrous foods daily. (i.e. veggies, fruits, greens)
Most people here eat a diet high in meat and dairy, which have NO fiber. That stuff just rots you out son. A healthy colon is the key to good health. Somedoctors say 90% of disease starts in the colon. I'd be weary of colon cleansing products, they're not natural and they're bulk producing which iswhy you will poop out weird colors and long matter. You could get a colonic, but really what we should be doing is including veggies at every meal and drinkingenough water. Your body works in amazing ways, you just have to feed it properly.

What I like to do is start and end my day with flax meal. That keeps me regular in itself. But I also eat 2 handfuls of leafy greens everyday. I'm a veganso I don't have to worry about meat rotting in my colon or dairy slowing down digestion. Everything I eat has fiber and I **** good - REAL GOOD.
Raisin Bran gets it crackin'. I forgot that drink that cleans you out. My parents used to buy it. It had a catchy name too.
Post Shredded Wheat does too. I usually kind of laugh at my own farts when I just be laying in bed farting, but that had me on some evacuate the upstairs $#*!,word to carbon monoxide.
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