Anybody ever feel bored with life?

^ seriously though, philosophy is the oxygen to my flickering flame of hope.

i sound mad emo.
I want to travel, but I have responsibilities(kids) that I can't leave for too long. When I get to travel it is never for long enough. So what I do is Idaydream. I try to be as specific and detailed as possible with my thoughts. Like I play the dream over and over in my head. After a while it makes me feellike I am there, and it makes me feel better.

I want to move in to one of those shacks deep in the mountains of Puerto Rico. I don't want a tv, internet, or cell phone. I want to wake up to the soundsof coqui frogs singing and birds chirping. I want to maintain a garden with all kinds fruits and beatutiful flowers. I want to get a 10 speed bicycle and justride it around the non-touristy parts of the island. i want to do pull ups on trees, sprints on the beach. I want to take a swim in the ocean and just lay onmy back while looking at the sun and blue sky. I want to play dominoes with the old heads in front of the only store in the mountains. I want to ride my bikeback to my shack as the sun sets, and just chill by my garden while drinking some bacardi.

I just play that over and over and over in my head. One day I am going to make it happen.

Real talk, eternity is what we eternally seek. In the end our souls are meant for another world (permanence ?). Hence why nothing is ever enough in this world.
Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

I want to travel, but I have responsibilities(kids) that I can't leave for too long. When I get to travel it is never for long enough. So what I do is I daydream. I try to be as specific and detailed as possible with my thoughts. Like I play the dream over and over in my head. After a while it makes me feel like I am there, and it makes me feel better.

I want to move in to one of those shacks deep in the mountains of Puerto Rico. I don't want a tv, internet, or cell phone. I want to wake up to the sounds of coqui frogs singing and birds chirping. I want to maintain a garden with all kinds fruits and beatutiful flowers. I want to get a 10 speed bicycle and just ride it around the non-touristy parts of the island. i want to do pull ups on trees, sprints on the beach. I want to take a swim in the ocean and just lay on my back while looking at the sun and blue sky. I want to play dominoes with the old heads in front of the only store in the mountains. I want to ride my bike back to my shack as the sun sets, and just chill by my garden while drinking some bacardi.

I just play that over and over and over in my head. One day I am going to make it happen.

Sounds down
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

^ seriously though, philosophy is the oxygen to my flickering flame of hope.

i sound mad emo.

I like that. You must be tons of fun to talk to when it comes to philosophies/theories. It's good to be emotional sometimes. Lets us know we're stillalive.
Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

I want to travel, but I have responsibilities(kids) that I can't leave for too long. When I get to travel it is never for long enough. So what I do is I daydream. I try to be as specific and detailed as possible with my thoughts. Like I play the dream over and over in my head. After a while it makes me feel like I am there, and it makes me feel better.

I want to move in to one of those shacks deep in the mountains of Puerto Rico. I don't want a tv, internet, or cell phone. I want to wake up to the sounds of coqui frogs singing and birds chirping. I want to maintain a garden with all kinds fruits and beatutiful flowers. I want to get a 10 speed bicycle and just ride it around the non-touristy parts of the island. i want to do pull ups on trees, sprints on the beach. I want to take a swim in the ocean and just lay on my back while looking at the sun and blue sky. I want to play dominoes with the old heads in front of the only store in the mountains. I want to ride my bike back to my shack as the sun sets, and just chill by my garden while drinking some bacardi.

I just play that over and over and over in my head. One day I am going to make it happen.


Yes sir.
I am restless. No matter what I do, I always get bored.

I want to climb Pico Basile, the mountain in my city.
I wanna visit villages around my city.
I want to circle this island.
This done turned into "I'm a little fish in the big ole sea going deeper and deeper to the dark bottom to be one with the creatures of the sea"Deep Def Poetry Jam.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

This done turned into "I'm a little fish in the big ole sea going deeper and deeper to the dark bottom to be one with the creatures of the sea" Deep Def Poetry Jam.

certainly mines is:Work(TWITTER,NT,FB,News), gym, come home nap, eat, 360, go to bed.....rinse and repeat
Never that. Once one problem passes, there's always some other **** coming up. Thankfully, the same goes for the wins in life. Everything balances out. Inthat sense, I guess it could be monotonous if you chose to look at it that way. But, I say I'm not bored since there's always something going on.
Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

I want to travel, but I have responsibilities(kids) that I can't leave for too long. When I get to travel it is never for long enough. So what I do is I daydream. I try to be as specific and detailed as possible with my thoughts. Like I play the dream over and over in my head. After a while it makes me feel like I am there, and it makes me feel better.

I want to move in to one of those shacks deep in the mountains of Puerto Rico. I don't want a tv, internet, or cell phone. I want to wake up to the sounds of coqui frogs singing and birds chirping. I want to maintain a garden with all kinds fruits and beatutiful flowers. I want to get a 10 speed bicycle and just ride it around the non-touristy parts of the island. i want to do pull ups on trees, sprints on the beach. I want to take a swim in the ocean and just lay on my back while looking at the sun and blue sky. I want to play dominoes with the old heads in front of the only store in the mountains. I want to ride my bike back to my shack as the sun sets, and just chill by my garden while drinking some bacardi.

I just play that over and over and over in my head. One day I am going to make it happen.

Sounds perfect.

I have this dream to have a home built deep in the mountains of Japan. It would be near a hot spring. In the winter, I'd spend my day painting thesurrounding scenery. I'd photograph the wildlife and the people in the nearby village. I'd grow my own mountain vegetables in my garden. I couldpicture myself spending hours just drinking tea and watching the world go by. I'd write really bad haiku's and not give a damn. I'd end everydaychilling in the hot spring as the snow fell everywhere around me.
Maybe you just need new surrondings. How long you been living in CT?

I'm glad my parents moved alot. I know some people back in New England who's parents where born there, they where born they, and will probably neverleave. Just thinking about living my life like that depresses the hell outta me.

Thats why I can't wait to move. Cali and maybe NY are the only places I want to live in before I leave the US. The world is too big to be in one spot foryour entire life.
I just feel I need to get out of this city.
I love this place, but damn, I need a change.

I know this aint all that life has to offer.
yeah i know how you feel.

when you fall into a etc. i think it starts to get you down. i know being in school gets really lame which is why i'm actuallytaking a little time off.

i have more to say but ill write it later i dont feel like typing a lot right no
Originally Posted by Diego

I just feel I need to get out of this city.
I love this place, but damn, I need a change.

I know this aint all that life has to offer.

Lets go to cali or florida.
I feel what you guys are saying. I've a similar attitude right now ie: just the same ol' grind everyday, going through the motions
I've been skateboarding on and off for the past couple of years and sincesummer I've been skating more and more everyday to reach my goals. I live in a city that is'nt too great for my hobby, full of hills, no good spots andis just downright not safe to be out and about in. Recently been going for a drive out to the city (San Francisco
) and just exploring on my own. I don't have that many friends who skate so Iusually just head out on my own. So far all of my trips have been very rewarding in many different ways. So I urge everyone to think outside the box, maybe getout your comfort zone once in a while and you may be treated to some great experiences...

...Just my little story, thanks for reading
This has prolly been the worst semester of my life. I transferred school's expecting a change I wanted only to find out that change that I though wouldmake me happy really didn't. I see all of my friends, who I still love to death and would die for, but still question there movements and motivations inlife as I feel they are stagnant. Honestly, if I could have one thing to do that would make me happy, it would be just traveling the world. Once you realizehow insignificant your existence is, the thing that keeps you going is feeling part of that greater whole which a few years traveling.
Damn this thread is inspiring me to go out and explore. I feel the same as others here; same old routine. Im thinking after i graduate this summer on justgoing off and exploring the world. Even thinking of doing the World Cup in South Africa hmmmmm, makes me want to work hard to get there next summer

at this thread, il come in later to chime in some more
Originally Posted by Al Audi

kids, wife, pay bills work 40+ hrs a week doesnt even seem appealing at all. who here under 25 wants to get married and have kids?
Honestly, this NEVER seemed appealing to me at all. I dont think ill ever get to the point where it does either.
This is how i feel right now. I feel like im wasting my life with school. I've worked all my life to get to that "good" school, and now that imhere i hate it. Im not even doing that good. So much of my life has been about school that i just want to get out. The best times of my life weer spenttraveling. Wish it was cheaper to travel because i love it. But for now im stuck at a great school that i hate. There really is more to life then trying toachieve success, because success definitely doesnt fill that void.
One of the best decisions I've ever made was to go to a rave the summer after I graduated from high school. Electronic music, ecstasy, and care-freefriends helped create one of the best temporary escapes I've had. Since then, I've gone to several more and have always had an amazing time. Just oneof my examples of stepping out of your comfort zone and doing something you never thought you'd do. Not saying you have to do drugs or whatever butdon't knock something before trying it. It's temporary escapes like these coupled with the minor victories we achieve day to day that keep me goinguntil I can get to where I want to be.
Life is made to be boring

that's another reason why aliens love to watch us

we live a non-boring life compared to them

the universe its going to be a bigger play ground once we can travel around it

think bout that one
Couldn't agree with you more on materialistic possessions - they are a temporary void. The thing to that counts the most in today's world isexperiences. Memories, good moments and flashbacks are whats important to me.
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