Anybody ever feel bored with life?

for all of you who say you are bored with your life you should volunteer at some place that you find meaningful

there is nothing better than helping others who are less fortunate than yourselves
Al Audi wrote:
kids, wife, pay bills work 40+ hrs a week doesnt even seem appealing at all. who here under 25 wants to get married and have kids?

Me. It's takes alot of patience and devotion to endure. I had my kid at the age of 21(25 now) and it's not something I would want for anyone that age.It's no joke, managing a part-time and full-time work along with school as a family guy. I've been out of the loop with alot just because of it butthat's what comes with the territory I guess. And yeah, it surely can get boring having a particular lifestyle that's repetitive.
Originally Posted by Diego

I just feel I need to get out of this city.
I love this place, but damn, I need a change.

I know this aint all that life has to offer.

same here. This is the reason i want to hurry and transfer out to another school/city to experience.
I feel like i do the same thing every week school, study and chill. i just get bored of doing this
I feel too busy most of the time to be "bored with life".

and when I have free time, I spend it living it up and kicking it with my friends and family.

I always stay humble and remember tomorrow isn't promised.
Originally Posted by eight2one

certainly mines is:Work(TWITTER,NT,FB,News), gym, come home nap, eat, 360, go to bed.....rinse and repeat
Yikes, sound exactly like my life. I can't really complain because my job never gets boring. But this 9-5 grind starting to get to me. Maybe Ishould have join the air force and travel around the world. Right now I'm just thankful to have a job in this economy.
Originally Posted by scribble253

Originally Posted by eight2one

certainly mines is:Work(TWITTER,NT,FB,News), gym, come home nap, eat, 360, go to bed.....rinse and repeat
Yikes, sound exactly like my life. I can't really complain because my job never gets boring. But this 9-5 grind starting to get to me. Maybe I should have join the air force and travel around the world. Right now I'm just thankful to have a job in this economy.

man i been toying with the air force since whatta i wanna do is aviation related(air traffic control)....I have a job thats cool too, but the routine is justgetitng to me
When you work 14 hrs a day/ 6 days a week, there isn't time to ask whether life is boring.

I think some of you just have too much time on your hands.
Originally Posted by eight2one

Originally Posted by scribble253

Originally Posted by eight2one

certainly mines is:Work(TWITTER,NT,FB,News), gym, come home nap, eat, 360, go to bed.....rinse and repeat
Yikes, sound exactly like my life. I can't really complain because my job never gets boring. But this 9-5 grind starting to get to me. Maybe I should have join the air force and travel around the world. Right now I'm just thankful to have a job in this economy.

man i been toying with the air force since whatta i wanna do is aviation related(air traffic control)....I have a job thats cool too, but the routine is just getitng to me
my friend is an air traffic controller and he has a lot of stress from that job, but he loves being around airplanes.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

When you work 14 hrs a day/ 6 days a week, there isn't time to ask whether life is boring.

I think some of you just have too much time on your hands.


that wold make me depressed, even if your job is fun or easy.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

When you work 14 hrs a day/ 6 days a week, there isn't time to ask whether life is boring.

I think some of you just have too much time on your hands.


that wold make me depressed, even if your job is fun or easy.
Fun, not easy (PE firm). Personally I like working long hours. I can go home early on Friday's and I sometimes do but I always feel likeI'm wasting time.
working on cars keeps me busy

just have to find something youre good at and have fun
right now i do feel bored with life, but its not without good reason.

im just trying to clear all my debt & when that comes in the near future, that's when i'll finally be able to do everything i've been wantingto. . .
Audi where you been at fam? I havent seen ya s/n as often..

but yea my life is dumb boring right work bball gym..I like taking long roadtrips just to think about life where I'm headed, my future and justclear my mind in general
I've thought about this before. Life is short and long at the same time, our instinct is survival, but in our current society we don't worry aboutsurvival too often. We humans are put in to this society of today and find ourselves bored. As humans we should ask questions, interact with others, be active,etc. so I find that being bored is a problem that people choose to not fix.

Me personally, I find the whole work thing boring, it's stupid to me, but I like certain aspects of it. That's why i own my own business. I remembergrowing up and seeing people go to work and be miserable and conform to the life that is the "norm". School, college, work, marriage, kids, etc. andbetween all that the weekend exists to keep some people from losing their minds. I'm trying to help my fam and have the resources to help myself live lifein a way I won't regret. I wouldn't mind having kids, things like that would excite me. If you're bored with life, rethink things, because I'vebeen there before. At the end of the day I always remember how great things are and how many things one can do to unbore themselves.
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